Subtitles section Play video Print subtitles why had English become a global langauage - is it the language itself, is that it? and it's a tricky question to answer because popular belief is that it is something to do with the language - I used to spend a lot of time once in the 1980s doing a radio 4 series for the BBC called "English now" and each week we would have a different topic and I would go out onto the street with my roving microphone and get some vox pops as they call them on the BBC vox populi the voice of the public and one day we were doing global English so I'm out on the street now and I'm asking people - do you know that English is a global language universal answer yes - Can you tell me why - why do you think sir / madame English has become a global language in here are the commonest answers and you will perhaps be surprised - i don't know - the commonest answer is because - it's obvious! - English is the most beautiful language in the world and so people want to learn it isn't that obvious? I knew it was wrong because I know that Welsh is the most beautiful language in the world did I tell you I came from Wales? I did, didn't I- you know it's Slovak the point is it's a pointless question but people do believe it - the second answer second commonest answer - you'll love this one large gentleman florid face big moustache came towards me Sir, do you know why English is a global language? yes yes young man young man - love him love him already I'll tell you why English is a global language because it hasn't got any grammar! I told you you'd like that one- I nearly fell off my microphone I I I said you know what what you what you mean? and he says I'll tell you I'll tell you because when I was at school I had to learn these foreign languages I learnt French with all that stupid masculine and feminine stuff and then German with that stupid neuter stuff and all these endings, this nominative and accusative and oh, ridiculous! English hasn't got any of that - so it hasn't got any grammar! you see the logic - what he's doing of course is he's identifying grammar with morphology word endings - which English hasn't got many of - I mean there are a few you know - a dozen or so as you know but English is not big on word endings but of course what it hasn't got on word endings it makes up for in word order - so syntax is the big problem for any language learner for English how much syntax is there English? well go to the big comprehensive grammar of the English language by Randolph Quirk and his colleagues which is that thick, isn't it - eighteen hundred pages 2.4 kilograms - that's how much syntax there is in English 2.4 kilos of it!
B1 UK language global syntax grammar hasn answer 2014 ELTForum sk David Crystal plenary - Why English is a global language? 294 27 邱潔茹 posted on 2015/04/05 More Share Save Report Video vocabulary