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  • [ Silence ]

  • >> Alright, well, good morning again.

  • So, today what I'd like to talk about is two

  • of three really important concepts in mass spect.

  • So, last time we introduced mass spect,

  • we talked about how the technique worked.

  • We introduced one big idea, and the big idea was

  • that you had to have an ion.

  • In the mass spect, we got that ion from kicking

  • out an electron, and then we talked about CI

  • and other soft ionization techniques like Mol D

  • and electrospray ionization,

  • and we said the big idea there is you get an ion

  • by adding a proton or adding a sodium to the molecule.

  • So, the three sort of big concepts

  • in mass spect really aren't very hard, and in fact,

  • nothing is hard about mass spect except we think differently

  • than we've sort of gotten used to thinking as organic chemists.

  • So, the first concept is exact mass.

  • Ever since you were, well, taking high school chemistry,

  • you got used to the molecular weights of compounds

  • and calculating them based on the average mass,

  • in other words, carbon S, carbon 12, and carbon 13,

  • so you have an average mass of carbon.

  • But here, each ion is being separated individually.

  • In other words, you're separating each ion

  • from each ion, which means you're going isotopomer

  • from isotopomer, and so we need to get used to the idea

  • of thinking about what the masses are

  • of the individual isotopes, and we'll explore some

  • of the implications of that.

  • So, the second big idea which ties

  • into that is isotopic abundances;

  • the fact different elements have different abundances

  • of different isotopes.

  • Carbon, for example, has 1.1% of its carbons as C13,

  • and the rest of them is carbon 12.

  • Sulfur has a little bit of S34, in addition to S34,

  • and we'll explore the implications of this,

  • and then in the last lecture, we'll talk about fragmentation.

  • So, this will be on Wednesday's lecture.

  • We'll discuss fragmentation as it pertains to EI mass spect,

  • which is really a subject or a special topic in its right.

  • We are already in the CI

  • in the electrospray ionization last time, so an example

  • of fragmentation of a quasi molecular ion

  • of a proteinated species.

  • Remember the type of molecular ion you get

  • from soft ionization chemistry,

  • and that's essentially just protic chemistry.

  • What we saw was a reaction that involving a leaving group

  • of proteinated group of nitrogen.

  • Leaving, that's chemistry that you've really been used

  • to since your sophomore year, but when we talk

  • about fragmentation and EI mass effect, we'll be talking

  • about fragmentation of radical cat ions, and given the fact

  • that in soft ionization techniques,

  • you don't generally get a lot of fragmentation.

  • Fragmentation isn't super important there,

  • but in EI mass effect, where you have tons of fragmentation,

  • you often can't even see your molecular ion.

  • It's very important.

  • So, I've given a couple of resources here,

  • which you'll using in your homework assignments.

  • These are also linked to the webpage for the course,

  • so you don't have to type in all of this stuff into the computer.

  • You can just click on the links that I've provided,

  • and as you'd go through the homework, you'll get familiar

  • with using these tools and choosing proper settings.

  • What I'd like to do now and today, is to really talk

  • about the concepts behind these first two issues over there,

  • isotopic matches and isotopic abundances.

  • And I thought maybe a place to explore this,

  • since we were talking about mass spect techniques last time,

  • and we talked about a variety of techniques, EI mass spect,

  • ESI mass spect, CI mass spect, is to introduce a variant of any

  • of those techniques,

  • any of those ionization techniques that's often referred

  • to HR mass spect or high resolution mass spect.

  • In general, when you get a mass spectrum,

  • the mass that you get is good to within a few tenths

  • or a few hundreds of a mass units.

  • In other words, if you get a number

  • like in one particular exercise, I'll show you later on,

  • the homework, you have number 1239.2.

  • You might say, okay, that number 1239.2 is probably good

  • to within a few 10ths of a mass unit.

  • However, with specialized instrumentation and calibration,

  • you can do far better.

  • So, with better instrumentation and calibration,

  • you can often get masses to very high precision with mass

  • to charge ratios to, I'll say high precision,

  • typically may 5 millimass units or 5 parts per million

  • or better, and I'll show you what I mean by that,

  • and in the case of a technique called ion cyclotron residence

  • mass spectrometry, sometimes even one magnitude better

  • than that.

  • So for example, by five parts per million,

  • I mean if I had a mass of 300.0000, then the mass

  • of a small molecule may be like a steroid or something

  • like that, we could get that within five parts in a million;

  • in other words, within .0015

  • or what a mass spectrometrist would refer

  • to 1.5 mmu or millimass units.

  • And, in this particular case, you can start

  • to distinguish among different species that have nominally,

  • in other words, to unit mass, the same mass.

  • So, the one thing, and I mentioned before is

  • that your molecular weight is going to be dictated

  • by your isotopes present.

  • [ Pause ]

  • So, let's take a moment to talk about isotopes and their masses.

  • So, if I go, and I look at our periodic table over there,

  • and I looked at carbon, and I look under atomic weight,

  • I'll see that the atomic weight is 12.001115 depending

  • on how many digits.

  • I'm sorry .01115, depending on how many digits they give you.

  • However, carbon is a mix of carbon 12 and carbon 13.

  • It's 98.9% carbon 12, and 1.1% carbon 13.

  • The mass of carbon 12 is set by definition as 12.00000,

  • as many 0's as you wish to write.

  • The mass of carbon 13, mass of carbon 13, is 13.00336.

  • So, when you go and say I want to weigh out a moll of carbon

  • or I want to weight out a moll of carbon-containing compound,

  • what you really doing is taking this number,

  • which is the weighted average of these two numbers.

  • In other words, 98.9% of this number and 1.1% of that number.

  • But, as I said you're separating molecules isotopomer

  • from isotopomer, and so you're going to get a peak

  • that corresponds to the isotopomer that's all C12.

  • Other elements also have isotopes.

  • Hydrogen, for example, if you look, your atomic weight

  • in the periodic table is 1.00794,

  • and yet hydrogen is a mix of hydrogen and deuterium,

  • sometimes called heavy hydrogen.

  • It's mostly, mostly, mostly hydrogen, 98.984% H1,

  • and only 0.16% H2, and so when you're thinking

  • about mass spectrometry, you want to use the mass of H1

  • and the mass of H1 is 1.00783.

  • [ Pause ]

  • Other common elements that you encounter in organic compounds;

  • nitrogen, the atomic weight is 14.067,0067.

  • This 00 there.

  • And yet, nitrogen N is a mixture of N14 and N15.

  • It's 99.62% N14 and 0.038% N15, and so the atomic mass of N14,

  • the mass that you would use in thinking

  • about mass spect is 14.00307.

  • Oxygen. I guess I'm not writing out the elements.

  • I'll just write 0.

  • Again, I'll give you the mass that you're used;

  • the atomic weight, it's 15.9994, and yet oxygen is a mixture

  • of oxygen 16, oxygen 17, and oxygen 18.

  • Oxygen 16 predominants at 99.76%.

  • There's just a tiny smidgen of oxygen 17,

  • .04% and just a little bit of O18, .20%.

  • And, so the mass when you're thinking

  • about mass spect is 15.99491 for oxygen.

  • Alright, so we've gone through some common elements here.

  • Let's take a moment to explore the implications of this.

  • You can see why this is really valuable, why the concept

  • of exact mass is really valuable.

  • So, let's take two simple molecules.

  • We'll take propane, CH3, CH2, CH3,

  • and we'll take acid aldehyde; CH3, CH0.

  • So, they're a nominal molecular weight of 42, of 44, pardon me.

  • But, with a high resolution mass spectrometer,

  • you can tell these molecules apart and more.

  • So, let's take a look.

  • If I have C12, H8; if I have C12, 3 and H1 8.

  • In other words, the predominant isotopomer of propane,

  • then we will see that it's exact mass is equal to 3 x 12.0000,

  • as many zeros as I choose to write plus 8 x 1.00783,

  • and when I tally that up, I get 44.0626.