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  • We started off the with relatively mild temperatures at just below the freezing point here in Seoul,

  • but you may have noticed that it′s not warming up very much.

  • Despite being under sunny skies, strong gusty winds and a cold front from the north are

  • bringing a chill to the air. The daytime high will not rise much, remaining

  • at 1. But tomorrow morning well notice sharp drop in readings again, starting off

  • the morning at minus-6 here in Seoul... so be sure to dress warmer With that in mind,

  • here are the readings for today. The afternoon temperature in Seoul will hike

  • to 1 while Daegu and Gwangju peak at 8 and 6.

  • For other regions. Jeju Island will be getting up to 10 while

  • Daejeon and Dokdo see highs of 4 and 7. The cold snap returns tomorrow morning and

  • afternoon snow is in the forecast for Seoul tomorrow evening, which will bring down the

  • temperatures to the freezing side again and even colder conditions are in store next week.

  • That′s all for Korea, here′s the international weather for viewers around the world.

We started off the with relatively mild temperatures at just below the freezing point here in Seoul,

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