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  • No one else in the world can speak this language.

  • Katrina Irso is the only known person fluent in Ngu.

  • It's one of a group of indigenous South African languages all but stamped out by decades of colonialism and apartheid.

  • But at 90 years old, Irso doesn't relish being its sole protector.

  • Ngu was spoken by one of many hunter-gatherer groups that populated southern Africa before the arrival of European colonisers.

  • These indigenous people spoke dozens of languages in the San family, many of which have gone extinct.

  • As a child, Irso says, people mocked Ngu as an ugly language.

  • Instead, she spoke Afrikaans, the language promoted by South Africa's white minority rulers.

  • Later in life, she realised the importance of preserving her mother tongue.

  • She started teaching Ngu to local children and opened a school with her granddaughter and language activist Claudia Snyman.

  • But the school property was vandalised during the global health crisis and now lies abandoned.

  • Snyman says her grandmother's health has been poor recently and she fears that if Irso dies, her work to protect the language will have been in vain.

  • Irso has two living sisters, but they do not speak Ngu.

  • She does not know anyone else who does, save for the family members and children to whom she's taught a few words and phrases.

  • At a recent ceremony at the University of Cape Town, she was awarded an honorary doctorate for the work she is doing to preserve the language and culture.

  • I love my language, I love Ngu very much, that's why I don't want to die, I want to continue to live Ngu.

  • For more UN videos visit

No one else in the world can speak this language.

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