Subtitles section Play video Print subtitles Unit 7, this book. But before that, unit 1 to 6 here. Are you ready for unit 7? Let's get started. Let's work on this part. Complete the sentences below with the words in the box. You may need to change the form of the words. Look at the box. virtual, sparse, pleasant, world, convenient, traffic, international, long. So these are the words. Number one. There are no cars allowed on the island. So the area is completely blah blah blah free. Okay. Something free. Traffic free. Great. Yeah. What is it? Is it a noun? Adjective? Adverb? Can you help me? Yes, it's an adjective. What kind of adjective? A compound adjective. Why? Because these are two words. One adjective. So they are hyphenated. There is a hyphen between traffic and free. So traffic free, a compound adjective. Let's take a look at the next one. Number two. Our hotel was blah blah blah located near the beach. Is it beach or a beach? The second one. Beach. Okay, pay attention to the pronunciation. And also hotel. Hotel. Okay. So what is the answer? Convenient. Convenient. But is it good to say convenient located? No, it doesn't make sense. Conveniently located. So I should change it to an adverb. Conveniently located. Conveniently located. As you see, as I'm reading the text or let's say sentences, I pay attention to the points. Like for example, number one. On the island. I remember. Okay. In the island? No. On the island. Hotel. Hotel or beach. I pay attention to the details. These are important. So let's listen to this one. Again. Thank you. Number three. The outside looked very basic. So we were blah blah blah surprised to find our room had a private bathroom. Which one? For example, virtual? No. Sparse. Sparse means small in numbers or amount. For example, my hair is getting sparse. So it doesn't make any sense. Pleasant. Yeah, that's it. I can say pleasantly surprised. Pleasantly means in an enjoyable way. In an enjoyable way. So pleasantly surprised. So that's it. Let's watch. She was pleasantly surprised. Again. She was pleasantly surprised. She was pleasantly surprised. Pleasantly surprised. Number four. The custom in this area is to dine late at night. So the restaurant was blah blah blah empty when we arrived. Which one? So custom is the way of behaving. The belief. Area. Areano. Area. Next one. Dine is a verb like eating dinner, eating lunch. To dine means to eat dinner, to eat lunch. And the next one. At night. At night. No. Okay. At night. I pay attention to the details. So what is the answer? Virtually. Virtually empty. It's nearly empty. Okay, this is the answer. And now it's your turn. Watch this video and complete the blank. Fill the blank. Now listen. We were surprised the freeway was virtually empty. Again. We were surprised the freeway was virtually empty. Again. Listen and write whatever you hear in the comments down below. We were surprised the freeway was virtually empty. Good. Number five. We finally departed for our blah blah blah awaited holiday. Long-awaited holiday. The pronunciation of holiday. It's not holiday. Okay. Holiday. Repeat after me. Holiday. Yes, that's great. So long-awaited. It's an adjective, right? Compound adjective and there is a hyphen here. Between actually two words. Long and awaited. Long-awaited. What does it mean? Something for which you waited for a long time. So let's watch this video actually together. That's it. Again. Again. Again. Thank you. Number six. We couldn't wait to try the blah blah blah famous desert or dessert. This is desert dessert. I guess this one is right. Okay, let's do it again. We couldn't wait to try the blah blah blah famous desserts. So that makes sense. So the answer is internationally. Internationally famous or internationally. No difference. Internationally. Internationally. International famous means something which is famous all around the world. Yes, this is the answer. Number seven. The hotel chain is blah blah blah renowned for its luxurious setting. Luxurious. This is the correct pronunciation. Luxurious. Luxurious. Renowned. Renowned. What does it mean? Famous. Yeah, renowned. So let's watch this video. Again. World-renowned. World-renowned. So the hotel chain is world-renowned for its luxurious setting. Number eight. Our budget room was very blah blah blah furnished, but adequate nevertheless. Nevertheless means despite what I just said. Adequate means enough. Adequate. The next one.