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  • With the grizzly needing to answer nature's call and the panda in search of a potential mate, the young polar bear is left to forage on his own.

  • The limited supplies at this fishing hole means competition will be great.

  • Our polar bear will have to wait his turn.

  • I gotta go, I gotta go, where are you bathroom?

  • Okay, so there's three eggs and...

  • Do you know where the bathroom is?

  • I'm sorry honey, can you tell me that again?

  • Can you help me?

  • (Speaking in foreign laguage)

  • Uh, gracias.

  • Yes!

  • Uh, am I supposed to be back here?

  • Having situated himself near his potential mate, the panda hopes to draw her attention.

  • Hmm, wheat bar's breakfast on the go.

  • Well, that's perfect for me since I'm always on the go to like the jam and stuff.

  • Oh, totally, that's an excellent choice.

  • You should also try the ones with chocolate chips.

  • Is that so?

  • Oh, do tell.

  • No, no, no, no, no!

  • Watch out for the...

  • Clean up on aisle five, right?

  • Back at the fishing hole, our polar bear finally gets his turn.

  • How can I help you?

  • Ice Bear would like to purchase some salmon.

  • I'm afraid we're out of salmon.

  • Tuna?

  • We're out of tuna too.

  • Catfish?

  • Goldfish?

  • Cod?

  • What do we still have?

  • Yeah, we're out of that too.

  • The hunt continues for our hungry bear.

  • Fortunately, he can settle for the next best thing.

  • Competition, however, is still at the forefront.

  • Ah, you can cut the passive aggressiveness with a knife.

  • The polar bear has been challenged by an aggressive female.

  • And now must assert his dominance in order to win his fish sticks or fight.

  • Hi!

  • Ah, fish sticks!

  • The polar bear will have to continue his tireless search elsewhere or settle for fried tofu.

With the grizzly needing to answer nature's call and the panda in search of a potential mate, the young polar bear is left to forage on his own.

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