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  • This is Belle, and my name is Kelly, and I cloned my cat.

  • A lot of people think that I wanted to bring my cat back from the dead, but that really was not the case at all.

  • I just wanted to carry on a piece of my cat.

  • Their temperament is the exact same, so they're both bold, sassy, bossy, cats with attitude.

  • I am not rich by any means.

  • I'm a broke dog trainer, so I took out a loan to clone Belle.

  • The first step of cloning is enucleation, so what you would do is you would take eggs from some females, and you would denucleate the eggs, turn them into a blank egg.

  • The second step in cloning is reconstruction.

  • You would take one cell from the animal you want to clone and insert it right into that blank egg.

  • The third step is fusion inactivation.

  • That kind of mimics what a egg and sperm would do, that day zero embryo.

  • Once that's done, the eggs get transferred into our surrogates, and the surrogate will have the babies naturally.

  • Clones are very similar to the original animal, but there are some epigenetic factors, for example, environment, what they eat, what experiences this new clone is going to have that could make it a little different than the original.

  • I was lucky enough to be able to adopt two puppies from a litter of three, because our client only wanted one of the puppies.

  • Overall, they're very similar.

  • I can't tell them apart, but definitely there's one that's become kind of the alpha, and the other one's kind of the baby.

  • If you've preserved these genetics, and you can clone some of these species back, you can actually help a species that could be on the brink of extinction, and hopefully stop that particular species from disappearing.

This is Belle, and my name is Kelly, and I cloned my cat.

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