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  • There's a lot of mumbo-jumbo on YouTube about how your mindset can change your life.

  • It can make your life a living hell, or it can do the opposite.

  • I'm going to share one with you that should do the opposite and hopefully can actually help you.

  • This is Bob.

  • Hello.

  • Bob's going to die in five days.

  • Huh?

  • Despite that, he actually ended up being happier than he's ever been.

  • But before he found that out, he was not doing so hot.

  • Bob was constantly feeling stuck, unproductive, and just overall depressed.

  • He always wanted to be more, but his anxieties and his doubts always got in the way of ever really committing to anything.

  • So as a result, he remained stuck for what felt like forever.

  • He felt like he was wasting his life away, but for some reason, he could just never find the courage to do something about it.

  • That is, until he found out that in five days, he would meet his demise.

  • How did he find out?

  • I told him.

  • Telepathically.

  • I beamed it into his head.

  • And then he started freaking out.

  • Day one.

  • Bob was terrified, as would we all be.

  • He spent most of the day petrified just thinking basic things like, how am I going to tell anyone this?

  • Am I going to tell anyone this?

  • I'm not ready to die yet.

  • You know, basic stuff anyone would likely go through in this situation.

  • Day two.

  • Bob wakes up and realizes there's so much he still wants to do.

  • He never talked to that girl, he never went on that trip, he never apologized to that one friend.

  • And then it hit him.

  • I wish I gave my mom more hugs, I wish I took more risks, I wish I did more things that scared me.

  • I wish I appreciated life.

  • And that's when he decided, a decision that changed everything.

  • Day three.

  • Bob sprung out of bed, ran downstairs, gave his mom a hug, and ran out the door.

  • He met up with his friend and apologized.

  • Then he went to go talk to that girl he always liked.

  • And at the end of it all, he finally stopped to take a breath.

  • And he realized something kind of crazy.

  • All the things he did today were things he had been scared to do for so long.

  • But when he did them today, he realized after the fact that he wasn't really that scared at all.

  • Day four.

  • Bob went for a walk around his home neighborhood, and something pretty interesting was happening along this walk.

  • He started to pay attention to the leaves, and the dogs, and the sky.

  • He was able to appreciate it all in a way he never really did before.

  • He would say hi to strangers as he passed by, something he never really did before because he was too scared.

  • What an interesting thing.

  • Day five.

  • Bob's final day.

  • He decided to go for a hike for his last day.

  • He wanted to reflect on everything while he appreciated the massive world around him.

  • Seeing the mountains made him realize how small he really is.

  • And although he will be gone tomorrow, these mountains and everything else will still be here.

  • And it was all so humbling.

  • It didn't make him feel bad or insignificant, because at this point Bob had little to no ego anymore.

  • And somehow, despite knowing he would meet his demise in a matter of hours, at this moment, he felt truly happy.

  • Day one.

  • It was all just a dream.

  • As it all rushes back to his head, he breaks down in his bed.

  • Probably an appropriate reaction.

  • Once he calms down, he tells himself that he's going to make a change.

  • He's going to stop letting his fears and his doubts get in his way.

  • He's going to hug his mom more.

  • He's going to plan that trip.

  • He's going to become more.

  • What a fun little story.

  • So here's what you, yes you, need to take away from this.

  • Stop living your life like you're going to live forever.

  • Imagine the things you would do if you just had five days to live.

  • I know one thing for sure, you'd put that damn phone down.

  • Okay, I'm kind of guilty of this, but I'm not as bad as everyone else, alright?

  • I still strongly believe that I'm nowhere near as chronically online as a lot of my other friends.

  • And you probably wouldn't be so scared to do all those small things anymore either.

  • At times, it's hard to live your life to the fullest.

  • It's hard to appreciate things.

  • But if you can just think to yourself, if today was my last day, would I really be afraid to do this thing right now?

There's a lot of mumbo-jumbo on YouTube about how your mindset can change your life.

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