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  • four pounds four pounds two  pounds wasn't bad enough  

  • we're talking two 300 boxes of sinus pills  there ain't that many Smurfs in the world  

  • we're not going to need pseudoephedrine we're  gonna make phenyl acetone in a tube furnace and  

  • we're going to use reductive amination to yield  methamphetamine four pounds so no pseudo no pseudo  

  • so you do have a plan yeah  Mr White yes science okay

  • what's this that is a shopping list getting  some of those items may be challenging  

  • One auto Transformer six liters and hydrous  methum methylamine 235 m m tube furnaces  

  • it's mm millimeter 170 millimeter would be fine  but they're hard to come by so 40 grams thorium  

  • nitrate yo Mr White I can't even pronounce half  this [ __ ] no you know what count me out all  

  • right I'm leaving town I'm moving to like Oregon  or something this is Jesse Jesse listen to me  

  • today is the first day of the rest of your  life what are you doing this is the first  

  • day of the rest of your life but what  kind of life will it be huh will it be  

  • a life of fear of oh no no no I can't do  this I've never once believing in yourself  

  • I don't know these things we need  them and only you can get them for us

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four pounds four pounds two  pounds wasn't bad enough  

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