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  • You're tooth looks bad, dude.

  • Smells like a garden shed in here.

  • Finn, I think you have to go dentist.

  • I can't go dentist, Jake.

  • You gotta take care of it.

  • Ugh, just go dentist, dude.

  • Okay.

  • Easy does it.

  • Aaaaaah!

  • This is so bad.

  • What did Princess Bubblegum say when you showed her?

  • Uh, hmm.

  • Finn, this is literally serious.

  • You have to go dentist.

  • No!

  • Dude, you got to go dentist.

  • No!

  • I'm too strong for the world!

  • I don't want to go dentist, Jake.

  • They put you in a hole filled with snakes and rotten butter and they leave you there.

  • Come on, man.

  • It's not that bad.

  • Ugh, okay.

  • Aaaaaah!

  • Right?

  • Aaaaaah!

  • This isn't so bad.

  • My sword.

  • Wonder where the...

  • Soft sand.

  • Ant.

  • Welcome to dentist, cadet.

  • I'm Lieutenant Gamergate.

  • Snakes and rotten butter.

  • A common mistake.

  • You were expected to arrive with snacks and a flashlight.

  • Either way, you're here.

  • So dentist is ants?

  • Dentist is dentist, cadet.

  • Drop and get me 20.

  • I don't have any money.

  • Funny man goes dentist, huh?

  • The Queen's office is in the Royal Hill.

  • Holes.

  • Hmm.

  • Listen, I wasn't here when you came in.

  • I'm a very busy woman.

  • Hello, my name is General Tarsil.

  • I am the current Queen of this regiment and please have a seat.

  • As a first time recruit, I'm confident that you have no idea what you're doing here.

  • My tooth hurts.

  • Let's take a look at your file.

  • Ah, you're a fighter.

  • We can use a fighter.

  • My tooth hurts.

  • What?

  • Of course it does.

  • Let me explain.

  • You have gone dentist.

  • That means that you will serve a brief tour of duty and in exchange we will provide full dental rehabilitation.

  • You will be on the front fighting monsters.

  • Monstrous monster.

  • Worms.

  • Worms.

  • The worms are employed by the flies.

  • Worms.

  • Work for the flies.

  • You fight them, we'll fix your teeth.

  • Me.

  • Yes, you.

  • Your mission is to secure this junction at all costs.

  • Upon completion of service, you will be sworn to absolute secrecy.

  • The flies have spies everywhere.

  • Fly spies.

  • These worms are no joke, so you'll be assigned a partner.

  • Let's see.

  • Cadet Tiffany Oiler.

  • Tiffany?

  • Tiffany!

  • Then I'm going to kill you.

  • That guy wants to kill me.

  • Tough nuts, that's dentist.

  • Cadets, dinner is being served in the mess hall, central hill, sub tunnel 8.

  • Do you have anything less sugary?

  • Yo, Finn.

  • I'm going to kill you.

  • Doing it from a tooth.

  • Rough.

  • Thought so.

  • Hey, uh, partner?

  • Um, so how are you doing, Tiffany?

  • Yeah, I lost my teeth eating the baker's shard.

  • Slash sugar, right?

  • Oh, did you already know what dentist is?

  • See, this is a good example of why I want to kill you.

  • You're ignorant.

  • Heed my words, Finn, as the miller's wheel forever outrages the seed, so the good apple boringly receives his neighbor's worm.

  • The hay?

  • And all the corn gets smushed to grease.

  • Tiffany, look, we gotta work together, right?

  • Why don't we let bygones be bygones?

  • Bygones?

  • Ha!

  • That's you!

  • By-gone!

  • Do you want my peach?

  • Bygone!

  • Hey!

  • Stand down, cadets!

  • Retire to your bunks!

  • Tonight, lights out.

  • Tomorrow, your eyes out!

  • Like, share and subscribe.

You're tooth looks bad, dude.

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