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  • Now this is 2002, 2003, six, seven, and so on.

  • And only because you can compare it to an earlier one, do you start seeing, well, look, there might be a little bit more space there.

  • Yeah, probably that's the latest one where we thought potentially it could just be something else but we were raising concerns in the hope that it wasn't.

  • And now if we just move on, 2010, all the way through to 2016 can you see these spaces opening up?

  • The black areas.

  • These black areas, is that just space?

  • Is that just fluid?

  • That's fluid, yes.

  • Cerebrospinal fluid.

  • That's replaced where there was brain tissue.

  • And that's 2016.

  • That's 2016.

  • Between maybe this scan and this scan, we started raising concerns about the way that she was behaving, not remembering things, not wanting to engage so much, not initiating conversations, and that sort of thing.

  • And this kind of explains it a bit, doesn't it?

  • You see the change.

  • This is the year that I got married.

  • Ah.

  • But now if we show you that whole series so you can see the change.

  • And that's what the disease does.

  • It's devastating all the cognitive functions, calculation, language, visuospatial, planning skills that make us what we are as a thinking human, all being affected.

Now this is 2002, 2003, six, seven, and so on.

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