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  • How do you encourage children to eat more carrots?

  • According to a study published  in "Food Quality and Preference",  

  • there's a simple trick to get kids to eat more  carrots: just serve them whole instead of dice!

  • When 60 children were given whole carrots  to snack on while watching a movie, they ate  

  • significantly more than when they were given  the same amount of diced carrots. On average,  

  • kids munched on 39g of whole carrots in the  first 10 minutes compared to 26 g of diced ones.

  • Even after 90 minutes, they still  ate more whole carrots. So, in short,  

  • serving carrots whole instead of chopped up  can be a clever way to encourage children to  

  • eat more of them, making our little onessnack times not only fun but also healthy!

  • Just to make sure to prevent any choking  hazard by maybe keeping a watchful eye on  

  • them as they eat and teaching them to  take small bites and chew thoroughly.

  • Also, don't lie to them that  eating carrots gives them the  

  • ability to see in the dark, because it's not real.

How do you encourage children to eat more carrots?

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