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  • Mmm, so good.

  • I want a cheeseburger.

  • This is a special soup called pho.

  • You told me not to say that word.

  • It is delicious.

  • This is the food of your people.

  • Can I get you anything else?

  • Actually, we're just trying to teach our daughter about your country.

  • And as I'm saying that, I'm hoping you're from Vietnam.

  • I was born there.

  • So was Lily.

  • Oh, it's a beautiful country.

  • My family still lives there.

  • I hate Vietnam.

  • Lily, honey, we don't hate.

  • I hate Vietnam.

  • OK, um, we need just a second.

  • Lily, that was rude.

  • I want to go home.

  • No, it's important that you celebrate the culture of your ancestors.

  • You are Vietnamese.

  • No, I'm not.

  • I'm gay.

  • I'm gay.

  • Honey, no, you're not gay.

  • You are just confused.

  • Oh, my god, what is wrong with me?

  • It's like I'm, oh, please, we have tons of lesbian friends.

  • Odd that you would reference our friends and not us.

  • I know. I know. - Also gay.

  • We should just go.

  • No, nobody's going anywhere until she finishes the whole soup.

  • No, Gloria, it's fine.

  • No, no, no, it's not fine. - We don't wanna push her.

  • That's the problem with this country.

  • Nobody cares where they come from.

  • They just want cheeseburgers and prep school, and they have forgotten about Colombia.

  • OK, I can't help but feel that maybe you're bringing something to the table that's possibly not at all about Lily.

  • I think you're right.

  • It's just that I feel like I'm losing my children to America.

  • They're just going to grow up and become boring old white people.

  • Most of our friends are white, actually.

  • OK, can everybody just calm down and go back to their own conversations?

  • Just... thank you.

  • Hey, hey, what's going on with you?

  • Manny has forgotten most of his Spanish, and Joe, I'm sure he's not even going to learn it.

  • I know this is silly, but I just don't like feeling like I'm so different from the rest of my family.

  • Oh, honey.

  • It feels so lonely, yes.

  • Oh, wait, just a second.

  • Lily, is that why you want to be gay, to be more like your daddies?

  • Oh, honey, no, the three of us are a family, even though we come from different places.

  • You know, you were born in Vietnam, and I grew up in a city.

  • And even though he never talks about it, your daddy grew up on a farm.

  • The point is, is that we're a family because we love each other.

  • OK.

  • And you know what?

  • You just caused a scene in the restaurant, and you can't get any more like your daddies than that.

  • Maybe I'll just take Manny and Joe to Colombia this summer.

  • I think that's a great idea.

  • I really think that keeping in touch with their heritage only enriches our culture.

  • Absolutely.

  • I think we would all be better off if people would go back to where they came from.

  • I... - I'll pull the car around.

  • Yes.

Mmm, so good.

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