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  • And I'mma tell you this, the hardest part about teaching, y'all, the kids' names.

  • Millennial's getting way too creative. I'm telling you.

  • First of all, I got a little boy in my room named Sapphire Moon.

  • Exactly.

  • And then he going to come up to me and say, "Oh, Ms. Gaines, I don't have my homework because mercury in retrograde."

  • Why do you know that? You know what I mean?

  • I was like, "Tell your mama you need to stop burning all this sage in my classroom."

  • I don't understand what all this means, OK?

  • And then-- check this out-- I have another one in my classroom named Sha-Dw@*il'ah.

  • Yes.

  • And this is what Millennials do because I can look at this audience tonight and tell you all your names are extinct, OK?

  • None of y'all are repeats. All right?

  • Sha-Dw@*il'ah.

  • What they do is they take three syllables, they push them together, and then they arbitrarily capitalize any letter they feel like capitalizing.

  • And now they started putting punctuation marks in the name. - What?

  • Let me tell you how Sha-Dw@*il'ah mama spell her name.

  • Y'all got to follow me, OK? You ready?

  • Capital S-h-a-- hyphen-- capital D-w- at sign-- asterisk-- i-l-- apostrophe-- a-h.

  • Exactly.

  • I looked at the roster.

  • I said, "Baby, is this your name or your mama computer password?

  • Because I'm going to tell you right now, I'm not going to memorize this by June. I'm just telling you."

  • It's not going to work out.

  • And then these are the parents who are always complaining that their kids don't win student of the month.

  • Really?

  • Ma'am, you think I got that kind of time that I'm going to sit here and try to type this out on a certificate?

  • I got a vision board.

  • I don't-- this is not a priority to me.

  • You see what I'm saying?

  • And listen, y'all, my student be just like this every ceremony:

  • "And thank you parents for coming and our student of the month in Ms. Gaines class for the seventh time. Give it up for, Tim.

  • Yes. Come on up here, little buddy. This is for you absolutely."

  • Then they going to complain about me, talking about, "Ms. Gaines, Tim won student of the month nine times. That's not fair."

  • I said, "Hey, you know, he's a good kid."

  • They were like, "Well, he was absent 19 times."

  • I was like, "Hey, that's called consistency and I honor that."

  • Exactly.

  • And then Sha-Dw@*il'ah is one of those students that's always-- oh, she's that kid that you think about when you wake up and you think about when you going to bed.

  • You know what I mean?

  • Teachers and educators can feel me.

  • She is that kid that's so difficult because I'm just doing a regular lesson.

  • I was trying to show the kids that large animals, just because they're large don't mean their body parts are large.

  • Like the esophagus of a whale is not large enough for a human being to fall laterally through.

  • She's going to interrupt me.

  • "Ms. Gaines, at my church, Jonah got swallowed by a whale. Boop boop."

  • I said, "Wait a minute." First of all, did she boop boop me?

  • Because everybody know in the African-American community, when sound effects start, that's when the fight break out.

  • "Did you just boop boop me?"

  • I was like, "Angel, calm down. Get it together. You're a credentialed teacher. She's eight. You got this."

  • I said, "OK, Sha-Dw@*il'ah, what I'm talking-- yes, you're talking Bible. I'm showing you science. If you just look."

  • She going to interrupt me again.

  • "Ms. Gaines, don't e'en worry about it. Don't e'en worry about it.

  • I'll just wait 'til I get to heaven. I'll ask Jonah what happened. Boop boop."

  • I was like, "Wait a minute, that's two boop boops.

  • Is that two?

  • Oh, little girl, oh, we boop booping today, huh.

  • OK, Sha-Dw@*il'ah, let me ask you this.

  • What if Jonah don't go to heaven and Jonah goes down there? Boop boop."

  • Then she gonna look at me and say, "Then good. You could ask him."

  • So that's all my attorney is allowing me to talk about tonight.

  • Thank you.

  • I hear you, you lone applause.

  • I heard you.

  • Thank you so much.

  • Yeah, they are applaud-- they're not applaud friendly yet.

  • I'm going to drop that punch line again and see if they join you.

  • And that's all my attorney is allowing me to talk about tonight.

  • There you go.

And I'mma tell you this, the hardest part about teaching, y'all, the kids' names.

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