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  • What is Affirming the consequent?

  • Affirming the consequent is a logical  fallacy involving an incorrect inference  

  • from a conditional statement. It occurs when one  reason that because the consequent (aka the "then"  

  • part of a conditional statement) is true, the  antecedent (aka the "if" part) must also be true

  • This reasoning is flawed because it ignores other  possible reasons for the consequent being true

  • Everyday example: Consider the statement:  

  • "If it is raining, the ground will be wet." An  instance of affirming the consequent would be:  

  • "The ground is wet, therefore it must be raining."  

  • This conclusion is fallacious because there  are other reasons the ground could be wet,  

  • such as a sprinkler system or a spilled bucket  of water. The wet ground doesn't necessarily  

  • mean it's raining; it's just consistent with  what would be the case if it were raining.

What is Affirming the consequent?

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