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  • Now let's talk about open A I.

  • We haven't heard the end of it yet.

  • Yes, Sam Altman is back as the undisputed leader, his detractors in the board have been removed.

  • But the drama is not quite over.

  • The story has shifted to something called Q star.

  • It's a project that open A I was working on qar some latest reports have hinted at this.

  • They speak about a leap, a breakthrough of sorts, but this breakthrough was said to be alarming and concerns were raised internally.

  • Some people working on QTAR reached out to the company's board.

  • They spoke about the dangers of artificial intelligence and what they were making.

  • They thought it was dangerous.

  • And soon after that, Sam Altman was fired.

  • So was this a coincidence or the final straw?

  • And what really is this Q Star project?

  • Is it dangerous?

  • Is it something that the world should know about?

  • Here's what we've been able to gather reports say Q star could be a breakthrough.

  • It may lead to the development of artificial general intelligence, A G artificial General intelligence.

  • So how is A G different from A I?

  • It's about what these models can do?

  • Let's first look at normal A IA I chat bots like chat GPT.

  • They work on language.

  • They'll type something out for you.

  • They'll translate a text and they do this by using statistical predictions in simpler terms.

  • These are educated guesses.

  • A I chat bots make these guesses.

  • After going through billions of pieces of text, they generate what they think is the right answer.

  • But because they're constantly getting trained, that answer can also change, which is why these chat bots can give different responses to the same prompt.

  • You must have seen this.

  • It's all basically very good guess work.

  • And that's A I for you artificial intelligence.

  • But that won't be the case with A G I artificial General intelligence because A G I focuses on facts and not guess work even initial A G I projects like QTAR, they work on mathematical problems, things that can have only one answer.

  • Now A G is still work in progress.

  • If and when it is perfected, we may have something close to real intelligence and reports say this is already happening.

  • The qar project is allegedly solving basic math problems, junior school level sums.

  • And that's just the first step.

  • These programs will only become smarter with time and if unchecked more dangerous with time, apparently, Sam Altman was pushing this project.

  • It may have something to do with his ouster reports, say it was adding to existing existing grievances, but we cannot confirm any of this right now, these are just whispers from unnamed sources.

  • What we know for sure is this the open A I board thought that Sam Altman was not always honest when they sacked him, they released a statement, we told you about it when he was sacked that this is what the statement said.

  • Let me read it out for you.

  • Mr Altman's departure follows a deliberative review process by the board which concluded that he was not consistently candid in his communications with the board hindering its ability to exercise its responsibilities.

  • This is what the board statement said.

  • It's a vague justification.

  • No specifics.

  • The board said he was not consistently candid in his communications, meaning he may have been hiding things, but they're talking about the dangers of Q star.

  • We don't know.

  • The board also said that Sam Altman was hindering their work.

  • But what exactly are the responsibilities of this board?

  • Here's what the company says.

  • The goal is and I'm quoting building safe and beneficial artificial general intelligence for the benefit of humanity, not profits, not innovation, safety and benefiting humanity.

  • Open A I claims to be a different type of company, which is why the board had someone like Helen Toner as a member, the one who became the arch nemesis of Sam Altman, she's now being removed as he returns.

  • Toner is the Director of Strategy at Georgetown Center for Security and Emerging Technology.

  • This is an institute that analyzes the security implications of emerging technologies.

  • The director of Strategy was on the OPEN A I board and she was reportedly a thorn in Sam Altman's side.

  • She was among the members who wanted him gone.

  • But as things stand, she is the one who's out the entire saga seems murky.

  • Hopefully we'll get some clarification soon.

Now let's talk about open A I.

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