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  • A lot has changed, El Paso, a lot has changed.

  • One thing's for sure; I'm still the fluffy guy.

  • And I say "fluffy" 'cause that is the politically correct term.

  • For those of you that don't remember, I used to say that there were five levels of fatness.

  • Reason why I say used to say is because now there are six.

  • I met the new one in Las Cruces.

  • The original five levels are big, healthy, husky, fluffy and damn.

  • People ask, "What could be bigger than damn?"

  • The new level's called, "Oh, hell, no."

  • What's the difference?

  • You're still willing to work with level five.

  • Example: If you're on an elevator and you're with your friend, and this really big guy gets on, and you and your friend look at each other, and you're like, "Damn."

  • But you still let the big guy ride your elevator. That's the difference.

  • Level six, you see walking towards your elevator, "Oh, hell, no."

  • "No!"

  • "No! No!"

  • That's the difference.

  • The guy that I met was 6"8', 614 pounds.

  • Uh-huh, "Oh, hell, no."

  • And he was offended at my show, not by anything that I said, but because of the fact that now at the shows, I started selling T-shirts,

  • and, apparently, I didn't have his size.

  • Keep in mind, I go all the way up to 5X on the T-shirts, and he was like, "You don't have my size."

  • I was like, "Dude, I didn't know they made you.

  • I have up to five X, I don't have [grows] X."

  • With a picture of a dinsour on the back of the tag, you know?

A lot has changed, El Paso, a lot has changed.

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