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  • But like I said, I am married.

  • And my wife is so much smarter than I am.

  • Like my wife is a financial advisor with two master's degrees.

  • I, on the other hand, once took a screenshot of my phone to show my friend the crack on it.

  • But after being married for a while, I'm still amazed at how husbands and wives can even live together.

  • You know, because men and women are so different, aren't they?

  • Like one of the ways that men and women are so different is that women always complement each other.

  • You know, women will just go up to each other and say, "Becky, I love that blouse! Is it new?"

  • You will never see two men have this conversation.

  • You're not going to see this--

  • "Hey Bruce, your hair is absolutely stunning us."

  • "And those shorts are adorable!"

  • "The color of that shirt really makes your eyes pop."

  • "Now, why don't you tell Mountain Rice Paddy where you bought it?"

  • You're not going to see that.

  • Also, men and women have such different perspectives of what romance is.

  • Because like, I took my wife out for dinner, to date night, not too long ago.

  • And we sat down, and she looked right at me, and she goes, "Kyle, you really need to work on your romance."

  • And I'm over there going like, "Honey, what are you talking about?"

  • Because when she said that, it irritated me a little bit because I really do think that I'm romantic.

  • And so it started this argument between us that got so loud that the manager at Taco Bell asked us to leave.

  • And my wife is all into the five love languages.

  • Are you guys familiar with the love languages?

  • So she comes up to me and she goes,

  • "Kyle, you know sometimes, you could just hold my hand because one of my love languages is physical touch."

  • So I did.

  • I go, "OK."

  • So I reached out to grab her hand, and she's like, "Not now!"

  • I'm like, "Not now? What, does your love language have a calendar I should know about?"

  • "Do I need to make an appointment with your love language?"

  • Because she's always reminding me about what her love languages are.

  • You know, she's like, "Kyle, now remember, my love languages are physical touch and words of affirmation."

  • So I gave her a high five and told her good game!

  • Another big way that men and women are so different is that women are so observant, and we aren't at all.

  • For example, one real stressful thing that women, that you do with your husbands, is come out and say, "So do you notice anything different?"

  • Because we don't.

  • We don't. We don't notice anything different.

  • In fact, you could come out wearing nothing but cowboy boots and a stormtrooper helmet, and we'd be just like, "So what's for dinner?"

  • Because my wife is so observant, the other day I was getting dressed, and I came out of the bedroom.

  • And she looked at me and she goes, "Kyle, you wore that shirt two Fridays ago."

  • I was like, "Really?"

  • Because I didn't even know I had this shirt two Fridays ago.

  • And then she said, "And are you wearing those underwear again?"

  • I was like, "No.

  • "I'm wearing them still."

  • "What's the problem?"

But like I said, I am married.

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