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  • - I've had phone calls about your driving.

  • Complaints about you passing people.

  • You've done it not very safely.

  • I don't feel safe with you driving.

  • - Southern District's Constable Dwight Grieve

  • has been tailing a rental car

  • that's spurred other motorists

  • to report on its alarmingly bad driving.

  • There's a possibility the occupants are from overseas.

  • So Dwight tries the siren again,

  • in several different languages.

  • - We'll try some more noise, see if that works.

  • We're trying all sorts,

  • this really gives us an indication

  • of their clues about driving, I think.

  • They can't work out to pull over.

  • We're following them a long time here.

  • Camper van worked it out.

  • Car didn't.

  • - After nearly 10 kilometers

  • of lights and sirens,

  • the driver has finally worked out

  • that he needs to get off the road,

  • but still has absolutely no idea.

  • - Unbelievable.

  • Pull over where it's safe, where people can see us.

  • Not on a corner.

  • - Oh, so I can't stop here?

  • - Follow me. - Okay.

  • - Follow me, okay?

  • - Things couldn't get much worse

  • for the hapless driver.

  • - Oh dear.

  • He just pulled out right in front of a car.

  • - But Dwight doesn't want to push anyone's luck.

  • - I have a series of questions for you.

  • - Okay. - Okay.

  • How long have you had the car,

  • and how long have you been driving in New Zealand?

  • - 13 minutes.

  • - First day.

  • - Ah. - First day to New Zealand.

  • - Yeah.

  • - Less than a day into their honeymoon,

  • this couple is already doing well

  • to stir up the locals.

  • - I've had phone calls about your driving, okay?

  • You've been driving very slow, not letting people past you.

  • In New Zealand, if you have people stuck behind you,

  • you must pull over, let them pass.

  • We've also had complaints about you passing people.

  • So when you've passed people,

  • right, you know how you've gone past people?

  • You've done it not very safely.

  • In New Zealand, okay,

  • you must have 100 meters of clear road in front of you

  • the whole time you pass.

  • - It's a basic rule of safety

  • that some local drivers would also do well to remember.

  • But Dwight usually has less trouble pulling them over.

  • - In Taiwan, how do the police stop cars?

  • - We, uh, do this.

  • - They do that. - Yeah.

  • - I've got lots of flashing lights.

  • - Yeah, I got confused,

  • and because I'm not sure what I'm doing is wrong.

  • - But a lot of people are very sure

  • what he's been doing wrong,

  • and Dwight gets the full confirmation

  • on the extent of the holidaymakers'

  • litany of lucky escapes.

  • - As they've pulled out of the airport,

  • they've gone into the roundabouts at Queenstown Airport.

  • They have stopped in the middle of the roundabout.

  • They have cut across the roundabout.

  • They've then stopped in the next roundabout,

  • and cut across the corner

  • and stopped in the middle of the roundabout.

  • Even on the roundabouts,

  • you know, we've got the roundabouts on the road.

  • We have these. Yes.

  • You've been stopping in them.

  • They've then carried on to another roundabout,

  • stopped just short of a roundabout.

  • A truck came around the corner and almost hit them.

  • Big tractor, big farm piece of machinery.

  • This is just nuts, so

  • I'm going to see if I can get a hold

  • of the rental car company,

  • see if I can take the vehicle off these people,

  • and return them to Queenstown.

  • I don't feel safe with you driving.

  • So what I think is,

  • you're going to be a lot safer

  • and enjoy your holiday a lot more,

  • if you were to do your holiday in a bus.

  • For the driving that people have rung us about,

  • you could have been arrested and gone to court.

  • Okay?

  • Do you understand that?

  • For not stopping for me,

  • you could have been arrested and gone to court.

  • I've contacted the rental car company,

  • and we're taking the rental car off you.

  • - On balance,

  • this is hardly the worst thing that could have happened

  • to these newlyweds today.

  • As well as leaving the driving to the experts,

  • they'll also get a ride straight to the bus station,

  • courtesy of a local senior constable.

  • In the central North Island, west of Whanganui,

  • a wheel has come off an old caravan,

  • and Senior Constable John Ahern has stopped to help.

  • - Now, I've just retired as chaplain

  • of Titoki Healing Centre,

  • to say to people,

  • we're retired, so we're not necessarily in a hurry.

  • - In this case, that's a good thing.

  • The wheel studs have completely disintegrated,

  • and the domestic jack

  • is too weak to lift the caravan anyway.

  • - Yeah, not much I can do, unfortunately.

  • - But salvation could be at hand

  • in the form of a mechanical engineer from Hunterville.

  • He's arrived on the scene

  • with a fully equipped breakdown vehicle

  • and an intelligently designed jack perfect for the task.

  • But even the professionals are stumped by this one.

  • The caravan is nearly as old as Methuselah,

  • and uses specifications

  • at odds with its modern replacements.

  • - Oh, he's just trying to get some studs,

  • and they're not pulling in that well,

  • but it's going to be sufficient

  • for getting the wheel back on,

  • and just a nice slow drive.

  • - Replacement parts will need to be

  • conjured up from scratch, back in Hunterville.

  • Luckily they can patch up the wheel to make it that far.

  • - So it's just going to be a temporary fix-up,

  • as best as the mechanic can.

  • And then 2km, very slow run back to Hunterville.

  • - The couple may have been tested

  • on their journey so far,

  • but they've been blessed

  • by the mechanical know-how of Hunterville's finest.

  • - Praise God. Good stuff. - See you later.

  • - Amen. - Have a great, safe trip.

  • - Yes. - Hope it gets better.

  • - All right, go now.

  • Go! Go, go, go.

  • - Is the wheel still on?

  • - Yeah, just keep on going around, around.

  • You'll be right. - Okay. Thank you so much.

  • - Take care. Hope to see you again.

  • Thank you.

  • Yeah, they're going back to Hunterville,

  • across the road to the campsite over there.

  • They'll spend the night there,

  • and in the morning, the guys will fix it for them.

- I've had phone calls about your driving.

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