Subtitles section Play video Print subtitles Nice. Okay, Karen, activate Enhanced Reconnaissance Mode. Sure thing. He's up front, main deck. I hate this guy. It's the guy from the bridge, right? - Who's that other guy? - Just keep me posted. There's no record of him in my criminal database. Incoming call from May Parker. Should I reroute to your heads-up display? I can't talk right now. I'll call her back. Hey, dronie, keep an eye on that guy. We can't let anybody get away this time. - Who's the guy on the left? - Mac Gargan. Extensive criminal record, including homicide. Would you like me to activate Instant Kill? No, Karen, stop it with the Instant Kill already. White pickup truck. Dronie, scan the ship for a white pickup truck. Oh, this is too perfect. I got the weapons, buyers and sellers in one place. - Incoming call from Tony Stark. - No, no, no. - Don't answer. - Mr. Parker. Got a sec? - I'm actually at school. - No, you're not. - Nice work in D.C. - Okay. My dad never really gave me a lot of support... ...and I'm trying to break the cycle of shame. I'm in the middle of something. Don't cut me off when I'm complimenting you. Anyway, great things are about to-- What is that? I'm at band practice. That's odd. Happy told me you quit band six weeks ago. What's up? - I gotta go. End call. - Hey. I'll take those! Hey, guys. The illegal weapons-deal ferry was at 10:30. You missed it. Spider guy's here. Not so fast. Are you guys okay? My bad. That was a little hard. I got to say, the other guy was way better with that thing. I'm honestly-- I'm-- I'm shocked. - Freeze! FBI. - Don't move. - Get on the ground. - FBI. Wait, what do you mean, FBI? - The Federal Bureau of Investigation. - I know, but what are they doing here? Get out of the way. Get out of the way! No. Look out, look out, look out. Move, move, move! - Move. - Get to the top deck. We're getting out of here. Activate Taser web! You're messing with things you don't understand. Oh, my God. What do I do? Karen... ...give me an x-ray of the boat and target all the strongest points. Web grenade. Web grenade. Splitter web, go. Great job, Peter. You are 98 percent successful. - Ninety-eight? - Yeah, Spider-Man! No, no, no. What the hell? What the hell? Hi, Spider-Man. Band practice, was it? Yeah, Iron Man! Mr. Stark. Hey, Mr. Stark, could I do anything? What do you want me to do? I think you've done enough.
B1 US move move spider web karen spider man stark Spider-Man Homecoming: Ferry Fight Scene (TOM HOLLAND, MICHAEL KEATON SCENE) | With Captions 41 1 たらこ posted on 2023/05/07 More Share Save Report Video vocabulary