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  • I'm sorry, Roger. But this script just isn't funny!

  • But Trevor, how many times do I have to tell you?

  • It's a Swiss Tourism Ad.

  • It's not supposed to be funny.

  • Gentlemen! We are going to start to shoot on the train in four minutes.

  • Alright, cool, thank you. We'll see you in five.

  • Four. Yes, four minutes.

  • Look, Trevor, we don't need comedy.

  • Let's just stick to the Grand Train Tour of Switzerland,

  • tell everybody how beautiful it is.

  • Let's not do comedy?!

  • I'm a comedian, Roger! You're killin' me here!

  • Just on time.

  • Oh, look who's not on time: Mr. Four Minutes!

  • What happened? Huh?

  • I thought you were Swiss!

  • But the crew is over here?

  • Oh, I think the crew is on the wrong train.

  • -No, we are on the wrong train. -Roger, relax! We are not on the wrong...

  • Oh, oh, we're moving. We're on the wrong train.

  • I told you we are on the wrong train!

  • Now is not the time for blame, Roger. Just stop the train.

  • I can't stop the train...

  • Conductor, stop the train!

  • (In Swiss German) Stop, please!

  • 911! Stop.

  • -It's too late! -Four minutes, stop the train!

  • Get the phone. He's saying he's calling you.

  • Call my mum!

  • -Get your phone, Roger! -I don't have my phone.

  • What do you mean you don't have a phone?!

  • I don't know, I gave it to Tony before I came on the train.

  • You have your phone?

  • No, I don't have my phone.

  • Why would you bring your phone on a shoot, come on!

  • (In German) Next stop, Interlaken

  • We're on our way to Interlaken. I don't even know what that is ...

  • That's two hours away from here.

  • Ok, This is not that's not that bad... It's not that bad, right?

  • We're in deep trouble.

  • We're on a beautiful train... we're just late.

  • Don't use that word. Sorry.

  • Sorry.

  • Wow, my friend, you weren't lying. This place is stunning.

  • Are you seeing this right now?

  • Every time I see it again, I think it's amazing.

  • Can I have a photo?

  • Of course, young man. We just grab a...ahhh... yeah...

  • -Thank you, bye! -Bye bye!

  • Usually, they also want a picture with me, but kids and...

  • Tickets, please!

  • They always come...

  • (In Swiss German) Please show your tickets.

  • You gotta help me out here.

  • -(In Swiss German) Herr Federer, hello. - Grüezi, hello.

  • (In Swiss German) Your ticket?

  • So, we got on the wrong train.

  • We also don't have a wallet...

  • maybe ask him?

  • (In Swiss German) Sorry, hello? Tickets please.

  • Ahh, hello.

  • -Hi. -Hi.

  • Do you have a ticket?

  • I'm a professional, very professional comedian... worldwide.

  • -Yes. -My name is Trevor Noah.

  • Yeah.

  • I understand, but you cannot pay me in jokes.

  • That was pretty good... sorry.

  • Okay, okay.

  • Actually... what if I followed you on TikTok?

  • No.

  • (In Swiss German) Excuse me,

  • I'll take care of this.

  • I'm a big fan of yours.

  • Thank you.

  • You hear that?

  • One fan at a time, Trevor.

  • I'm half Swiss, half South African.

  • He's half Swiss, half South African.

  • Half Swiss here, half Swiss there.

  • Yeah, we are brothers from a different mother.

  • From now on, hopefully he'll listen when I tell him that we're on the wrong train.

  • You're not on the wrong train. You're definitely on the right train.

  • You hear that? We're never on the wrong train.

  • We are on the right train.

  • This has been amazing, man.

  • Can I just say... this has been phenomenal.

  • I'm happy we're on the wrong train.

  • It was your fault, but I don't hold that against you.

  • This was one of the best trips I've ever taken.

  • I wish we could do it again.

  • The train to Lucerne is leaving in 45 seconds.

  • Hey, hey!

  • I hope there's another old lady.

  • -Hey, wait, wait! -Let's go!

  • [When you need the ride of a lifetime]

  • [You need Switzerland.]

I'm sorry, Roger. But this script just isn't funny!

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