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  • So on the count of three, you're gonna open your boxes ready?

  • Hi everybody, I am kelly's mom, we are getting ready for kelly and refugees gender reveal, which is going to be at christmas time.

  • Our whole family is going to be coming here.

  • We're gonna have christmas dinner after christmas dinner kelly and Ryuji will Skype us and we have it set on our really big screen tv throughout the day.

  • I will be interviewing all of the family members to see what they think the gender is going to be.

  • Our theme is gingerbread girl and gingerbread man.

  • Um and then I've had some little tiny touches throughout the house that I'll show you in a few minutes.

  • Yeah, we're really getting excited because we can't wait to tell everybody what they are having come along with us because we're going to show you a little bit of everything from the party and our decorations.

  • Okay, so the first thing we have, it's probably a little bit of a glare right now, but because it's in a frame, it's in a glass frame and the reason I put it in a glass frame, we could use these dry erase markers.

  • I've got a red and a blue one.

  • And when people come in on christmas day, they'll be writing their name under whether they think it's a girl or a boy.

  • So we have that set up right there and then we have some other little touches.

  • I bought these little pillow covers and going with the theme, I've got the gingerbread man theme going on and I have them on the couches and on the chairs and then I'll take you into the kitchen.

  • This is what I'll be giving everybody when we're ready for the gender reveal.

  • So I made these little boxes and these boxes of each person's name on them.

  • I printed these up on card stock, created the box.

  • Inside are the Hershey kisses with the stickers on the bottom that say it's a girl or it's a boy and then once we find out what the gender is, whoever voted correctly will get one of these, each person who chose the correct answer, you will get a lottery ticket.

  • These are scratch off stickers, those are stickers that you can buy on amazon.

  • I created the card and I printed those up on card stock and then the winner is actually going to be the one who gets the gingerbread house underneath.

  • So if you get one of those and you're the winner and then the winners will get, I bought some to like target gift cards, um like $20 each or whatever.

  • So, you know, throughout the house, I have little gingerbread, like little tight little gingerbread little ornaments.

  • This is a little tree that I have in my kitchen, My tiered tray I have is all gingerbread houses and gingerbread men and gingerbread mugs, the candy, you know, all the candy and everything like that.

  • And then over here I have a little hot cocoa bar and the hot cocoa bar, we've got ginger, you know, men containers and gingerbread cookies for the cocoa bar.

  • You know, we've got the candy's going on and everything and the marshmallows and all the fun things that you would maybe find enough gingerbread house and then that's our television over there that we will have kelly and Ryuji Skype into.

  • So we'll see who's correct.

  • Can't wait.

  • Hi everybody, it's that time we're gonna be doing our gender reveal this evening at seven o'clock kelly and Ryuji are going to join us, we're going to have them on facebook messenger and we're gonna video them and they're gonna come in in the morning time, japan time and then here it'll be seven o'clock at night here in Michigan.

  • Just wanted to show you around and let you see what kind of table decorations that we did for the party.

  • Finally, we can reveal to everybody what our little grand baby is going to be.

  • I bought all of these things on amazon and I also created any of the paper products that you see on my computer.

  • I do a lot of graphic design because I have an Etsy shop and everything.

  • And so I did all of those things for kelly and Ryuji.

  • We've got a little plate covers and then I've got the utensil wrap with the gingerbread houses and then I made everybody an ornament to take home and then they want to, they can flip it over and they can write down the date and the baby's name and then they can hang it on their tree as a remembrance of today.

  • I bought all of the little ornaments on amazon and even the little gingerbread lights.

  • These are on timers and you can just turn them on when you're ready.

  • And then I created these little paper gingerbread girl and gingerbread boys and I put them on sticks and then stuck them into the center piece that we have here.

  • So all the tables look like this and then and we have a welcome sign it snowed here in michigan.

  • So it's got a pretty backdrop for today, everything's gingerbread man and gingerbread girl, we have the kids table, I got the little gingerbread tablecloth at walmart, but all of the kids will be sitting here and they've got their setup and I've even got some little christmas crackers for that open and you might want to look at this too.

  • This is kelly when she was a little girl.

  • These are all the times that she went to santa claus here in michigan with her twin brother adam.

  • So I have that all in here too.

  • So you can see what she looked like when she was a little girl but we are all set, this is my den area, so that's for the kids and any adults who want to sit in here too and then we're set up for a big meal for christmas oh and I also have this for the party.

  • This is for the dessert?

  • I actually had these made, I created that design and then I had a company make these paper plates for me.

  • So we've got everything to match.

  • We can't wait to reveal to you everything.

  • It's, it's coming tonight and we're really excited.

  • Hi kelly, Ug this is Maya's papa.

  • We're very excited to be grandparents and I know you'll be great parents yourself, can't wait to see your granddaughter, love you guys.

  • So this is Jeannie, Jeannie, Jeannie is Adam's girlfriend and they came here to celebrate christmas with us, Jeannie.

  • What did you pick for?

  • Um Okay girl, all right, and do you have anything you would like to say to the new new parents to be okay?

  • Okay, nice, that's good, that's good.

  • Okay and Adam this is the uncle, the uncle to be and this is Adam and this is kelly's twin brother.

  • And what did you pick a boy.

  • And do you have anything you'd like to say to kelly?

  • And the Ug congratulations and I got to come to Japan now.

  • Yeah, there you go.

  • Okay.

  • She said she wants to come to Jamie and Adam want to come to Japan.

  • So okay, thank you guys, this is kelly's aunt and uncle, this is uncle matt and this is aunt jenny.

  • Um Okay, so what did you jenny?

  • What did you decide on that the baby is gonna be the gender.

  • I had a really hard time yesterday I said give me a girl.

  • But today I put my name on the board.

  • I changed my mind also matt.

  • What did you decide on?

  • Okay.

  • Okay then.

  • And then, uh, and then what I would like you both to do is give the parents to be like a little message maybe or whatever for them.

  • You can, you can give them question having a child.

  • You will never know another love like that.

  • Okay.

  • I love that.

  • Okay, so Joey.

  • What did you pick for the gender for kelly and Ryuji girl girl.

  • Okay.

  • And do you have any messages?

  • You're gonna, this is kelly's cousin.

  • So you will be having a second cousin.

  • Yeah.

  • So, um, do you have any messages for the impending parents?

  • Okay.

  • Um, mason.

  • Um, what did you choose for a boy?

  • Okay, give any messages?

  • Hi.

  • Okay.

  • All right.

  • How about you?

  • Emma.

  • And how about you, Jessica?

  • You chose girl.

  • Okay.

  • And do you have any messages for the parents to be?

  • That's nice.

  • Okay.

  • This is Pat.

  • This is Kelly's aunt.

  • And, and um, we want to know what you voted for for kelly and Rudy.

  • What do you think they're going to have any special message?

  • You want to?

  • Okay.

  • Okay.

  • Sounds good.

  • Alright.

  • And then we have also the other ant here.

  • This is Sandy.

  • What did you vote having a boy.

  • Okay.

  • And do you have any messages for the parents to be?

  • okay?

  • And then this is kelly's uncle Andy and Andy.

  • What did you decide to vote on?

  • I decided it was gonna be a boy.

  • A boy.

  • And do you have any messages you would like just wish them all well, as long as them and healthy and look forward to seeing.

  • Okay.

  • Great.

  • Thank you very much.

  • All right.

  • And this is kelly's grandmother and she's going to be a great grandmother when this baby is born.

  • So what did you, what did you get?

  • Okay, picked a boy.

  • And do you have any messages for the parents to be Well, I can't wait till you get home.

  • So I can squeeze that little baby.

  • Okay.

  • Alright, great.

  • What time is it there?

  • It was like 9 15, 9 15 boy boy boy.

  • I knew it wasn't her.

  • Okay, kelly kelly.

  • Tell everybody what the name of the baby is gonna be.

  • Tell everybody the name of the baby.

  • So the baby's name is Maya Rose marissa kelly.

  • We want to see the baby kelly and they want you to stand up so they can see your belly kelly.

  • They want you to stand up so we can see your belly.

  • You can.

  • So they got they got target gift cards.

  • There's $20 on.

  • Yeah, so they're happy.

So on the count of three, you're gonna open your boxes ready?

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