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  • When you're learning a language, you want to learn how to pronounce each word correctly.

  • In this English lesson, I'll show you seven things that you can do to improve your English pronunciation.

  • Tip number one, you should do some warm-up activities.

  • I'm not sure if any of you are singers, but singers will often warm up their voice before they sing in front of people.

  • These same techniques can be very good to help you develop the right muscles and motion of your mouth to make English sounds.

  • I actually do warm-ups before I do my livestream on Fridays.

  • I don't sing during my livestream, but I want my voice to be ready.

  • You can do something like this.

  • You can go e-e-e, e-e-e; oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh; ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah.

  • Sorry; it sounds a little silly.

  • You might wanna do this where someone can't see you.

  • And you might wanna practice your consonants as well.

  • T-T-T, P-P-P, Th-Th-Th.

  • If you do this regularly, it will help you develop the right muscles in order to make the right English sounds.

  • Tip number two, make a video of yourself speaking English.

  • The best way to do this would be to find a video of someone else speaking English and then record yourself saying the same things as the person in the video.

  • Then you can compare the two videos.

  • You can look at how the person in the original video makes the sounds; you can look at how they form the sounds with their mouth.

  • And then you can watch your video and see if you're making the same shapes with your mouth when you try to say the same things.

  • So, tip number two, make a video of yourself speaking English.

  • And it's best to find someone else in a video speaking English and copy them and then compare the two.

  • And then try to correct how you're forming each sound with your mouth.

  • Again, this might look a little silly, but it's a very good tip.

  • Tip number three, record yourself.

  • This might sound a little bit like tip number two, but I want you to only record the audio this time.

  • Again, find a recording of someone speaking English and try to record yourself saying the same thing.

  • Then listen to it and compare it to the original.

  • And in this situation, don't do it right away.

  • Record yourself and listen to it the next day or listen to it a few days later.

  • Have you ever noticed that when you hear yourself on a recording, you don't always sound like yourself?

  • This can really help.

  • This can help you to identify the things that you've said wrong and it can help you correct them.

  • Tip number four, act out an English scene with a friend.

  • So, this one, of course, requires a friend, and it requires that you have a script or that you've written down what you've heard in a TV show.

  • So, find a scene in one of your favorite TV shows and write down what the two people are saying to each other.

  • Then find a friend who's also learning English and reenact what you saw.

  • So, you have the original recording that you can listen to later.

  • You have a friend that you can practice with and, hopefully, this makes the practice more fun.

  • And then you can correct each other.

  • It will help you to mimic an actual English conversation.

  • So, tip number four,

  • find a friend, find a script, or write down the words that two people say in a TV show, and then practice it with a friend.

  • Tip number five, read out loud.

  • I cannot stress this enough.

  • It is very important when you are learning English to take the time to read out loud every once in a while.

  • When you read out loud, you don't have to think about what you're going to say.

  • You already have it on the page in front of you.

  • And if you're reading anyways because you enjoy reading in English, why not take the time every once in a while to read out loud?

  • When you read out loud, you practice using all of the muscles that you would use to speak English in a normal conversation.

  • So, whenever you're reading a book, whenever you're reading the news on a computer or on your phone, take some time to read out loud.

  • Tip number six, sing along.

  • Out loud, like, not quietly.

  • Whenever you listen to an English song, sing out loud and sing loudly.

  • You'll probably wanna do this when there are no other people around, but sing out loud.

  • When you sing, you use a lot more force than when you just talk.

  • When you sing, you tend to over pronounce and overemphasize words, and this can be a really good thing.

  • So, find a song.

  • Learn the lyrics to the song, learn the words to the song.

  • And take some time to sing it out loud every once in a while.

  • Maybe choose a song for the week and plan to sing that song out loud four or five times as the week goes by.

  • So, tip number six, find a good song, sing that song out loud, sing it with gusto.

  • That's an English word, but I wonder what language it originally came from.

  • It means to sing with a lot of joy and a lot of energy.

  • Tip number seven, the last tip, practice shadowing.

  • I'm going to explain this technique again⏤I've explained it in other videos as well.

  • Shadowing is when you find an English recordingyou find a recording of someone speaking English, or a video

  • you play part of it, and you hit pause, and then you say what the person has just said in the video or in the recording.

  • You can do this with my videos; some people do this with my videos on my second channel.

  • They'll write out what I've said and then they will shadow what I've said in each video.

  • But you don't have to use my videos.

  • Find any video on YouTube where someone is speaking English clearly.

  • Hit play, listen, hit pause, say what they've said, and then hit play again.

  • And keep doing that until you get to the end of the video.

  • Shadowing is a great technique for improving your English pronunciation.

  • Well, hey, thanks so much for watching this English lesson where I gave you seven tips, seven things that you can do to improve your English pronunciation.

  • I hope they work for you.

  • Try at least one of themif not all of themand see if your pronunciation does improve.

  • Remember, if this is your first time here, don't forget to click that red subscribe button.

  • Gimme a thumbs up, leave a comment, and, again, if you have some extra time, why don't you stick around and watch another English lesson?

When you're learning a language, you want to learn how to pronounce each word correctly.

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