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  • - Hello.

  • Hi there.

  • I'm Tamir and this is my show where we ask

  • important questions to learn about our neighborhood.

  • Welcome to "Tamir on the Street".

  • Ba ba bada ba ba Tamir

  • Bap bap a dap bap my show

  • - Today's show is all about answering the question,

  • oh, hi.

  • What are our friends family traditions?

  • Well, a tradition is when we pass down something special,

  • like a favorite food or custom or belief

  • from person to person in our family.

  • Oh, a plate.

  • Hmm.

  • What does a plate have to do with family traditions?

  • Let's find out.

  • Oh, hi.

  • Oh, let's go.

  • Oh, hi Cookie Monster.

  • Hi Charlie.

  • - [Both] Hi Tamir.

  • - Oh, something smells good.

  • - Yeah, I taught Cookie Monster how to make challah.

  • Challah is a special bread out I have every Friday night

  • with my family as part of our Jewish tradition.

  • - Oh, that just like cookie for me family.

  • Though, we have those every day, hour,

  • sometimes minute.

  • (kids laugh)

  • - Hey, Cookie Monster.

  • Can you share your family's cookie recipe with me?

  • Just like I shared my challah recipe.

  • (Cookie Monster gasps)

  • - Me like the sound of that.

  • - Those sound like great family traditions.

  • Food is an important part of family traditions.

  • Oh, it reminds me every Sunday we have

  • my Great Grandpa's Zizzi's triple cheesy macarini. (laughs)

  • (Cookie Monster gasps)

  • Yeah.

  • - Wanna know the best part about these traditions?

  • - They taste delicious.

  • - Yeah.

  • - And we look forward to making them

  • with our families every week.

  • Now let's dig in.

  • - Challah!

  • (Cookie Monster gobbles)

  • - Well, that was one yummy tradition.

  • Thanks for sharing, Charlie.

  • Music.

  • Oh, come on.

  • Let's see how music can be a family tradition.

  • Oh, bye Cookie, bye Charlie.

  • - [Both] Bye, Tamir.

  • - Oh, go ahead.

  • Oh nice, thank you.

  • Oh.

  • Onward.

  • Oh, that's why we had the musical notes.

  • Hey Wes.

  • - Oh, hi Tamir.

  • - Oh, that sounds great.

  • - Oh, thanks.

  • I've been practicing my steel drum a lot.

  • - Oh, can you tell us about your steel drum

  • and why you like to play it?

  • - Oh, my mom told me about the steel drum.

  • She even made my drum for me.

  • She made your drum?

  • - Yeah, my grandparents are from Trinidad

  • and when my mom would visit them

  • she'd listen to her neighbors play the steel drum.

  • And she loved it so much that she made a drum

  • so I can play my Trinidadian music for everyone

  • on Sesame Street.

  • - Wow, your mom passed down her love of music to you.

  • Music is another great family tradition.

  • - Every time I play my drum, I think of my family.

  • - Music reminds me of my family too.

  • I have a drumstick from my great grandfather.

  • Oh, there it is.

  • Yeah.

  • Check this out.

  • Yeah.

  • Every time I play it I feel like he's right there with me.

  • Thanks for sharing your family tradition with us, Wes.

  • All right.

  • Play me out. (laughs)

  • (Sesame theme song plays on steel drum)

  • What a great show.

  • We learned all about different family traditions.

  • We learned about this special bread called challah

  • that Charlie's family makes every week.

  • And we learned how Wes' mom passed down her love

  • of Trinidadian music to Wes.

  • Thanks for celebrating families with this today.

  • I know my family's watching so big shout out

  • to mom and dad and Grandma Nell and Gabrielle. (laugh)

  • All right, we'll see you next time on "Tamir on the Street".

- Hello.

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