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  • - Welcome, it's Chris

  • and today we're gonna find a date for Ahran.

  • Ahran, you're gonna try the kimchi fried rice

  • of three different guys,

  • and based just on their cooking

  • you're gonna decide who you're going on a date with.

  • Sound good? - Sounds great.

  • (both laughs)

  • (groovy music)

  • Hi, my name's Ahran.

  • I was on "MasterChef Season Five"

  • and made it to ninth place when I was 18 years old.

  • I've been cooking since I was about five years old.

  • I was born in South Korea

  • and I moved to the states when I was about six.

  • So I grew up eating a lot of Korean food

  • and I've had a lot of kimchi fried rice.

  • - What's up? My name's Eli.

  • - My name's Inspecta Jones.

  • - What's going on? I'm Zay.

  • - [Chris] Eli, what are you expecting?

  • - Honestly, I'm not really expecting much,

  • but I think that's the beauty of it.

  • Just going in like with blindfolds on

  • and see how things turn out.

  • - [Chris] Inspecta Jones, you were very confident

  • that you're gonna win this.

  • - Man, you got me transporting an over easy egg

  • from a different borough, man.

  • I feel like with that type of delicacy I gotta be winning.

  • - [Chris] How are you feeling, Zay?

  • - I feel good. I mean this is something

  • I've been eating my whole life, you know?

  • - [Chris] You put a lot love into it.

  • - My (speaks Korean) puts a lot of love into it,

  • so naturally like I got a like mother like son.

  • - For me my love language is cooking for people.

  • - [Chris] No surprise there.

  • - Yeah, so I'm like really interested

  • to see their authentic selves in their dish.

  • (groovy music)

  • - [Eli] I'll be very honest, I kind of just winged it.

  • Spam, rice, kimchi, put some gochujang in it, some butter.

  • Putting some mozz on the side,

  • hopefully it'll actually melt.

  • - [Inspecta Jones] Damn, my man got fresh mozz.

  • - [Chris] Everybody else is sweating right now.

  • - I don't know if the taste

  • is gonna be up to par to her standards,

  • but I'm always willing to learn

  • and I think that plays hand in hand with my personality.

  • - Well they did a good job cooking the egg.

  • It's like the yolk is runny

  • and I love spam in my kimchi fried rice.

  • - [Zay] She got the extra spoon. (laughs)

  • - Yo, she got the (beep) spoon.

  • That's how you know she eats well.

  • - I'm really good with spice, but it's really spicy,

  • but then it lowkey lacks some flavor,

  • so maybe they're just like.

  • Sorry, sorry, was that mean?

  • - [Chris] No, no, no, no.

  • They're aware this is their last day on earth.

  • Let 'em have it.

  • - Well I can tell that like he put a lot of thought

  • into plating it, so maybe he's kind of like

  • an artsy type of guy.

  • - [Chris] Would you go on a date with this guy?

  • Any red flags in terms of dating?

  • - I'm curious to know,

  • is he the type that just likes going

  • for like adventure and going for a risk

  • without actually thinking about the steps going into it?

  • 'Cause it's like very spicy,

  • but then like it lacks a lot of the basic flavors

  • that I'd want in kimchi fried rice.

  • - That doesn't mean he likes flavor as a man.

  • - [Chris] He asked ahead of time

  • if you were lactose intolerant.

  • - Oh, that's actually very considerate and I actually think

  • that cheese always belongs on kimchi fried rice, so.

  • Plus five for him.

  • - Plus five.

  • - [Chris] How attractive do you think this guy is?

  • - I would say he probably is an eight outta 10.

  • - Ooh that's high.

  • - 'Cause you know, normally like the good looking guys

  • are the ones with the more of the red flags, so.

  • - Oh, shi, yo.

  • - Red flags.

  • (upbeat music)

  • - For all you people

  • that wanna learn how to make kimchi fried rice,

  • you heat up a skillet, put some neutral oil on,

  • get some chopped scallions, throw in some protein,

  • kimchi or some fresh vegetables or what have you.

  • You get a day old rice

  • 'cause you don't want it too sticky for your fried rice.

  • You kind of want it loose like, you know,

  • after a couple shots of soju and all that.

  • You gotta understand you got some red pepper paste,

  • and soy sauce, and some sugar

  • just to cut the spiciness and the saltiness.

  • If you're real Korean and you grew up with your grandparents

  • you know they always had (speaks Korean)

  • in the fridge, you feel me?

  • And if you guys don't know what is that's barley tea.

  • And you get some cold (speaks Korean),

  • and some good Korean food,

  • and I think you kind of lit.

  • - [Chris] Okay, so before you start I will mention

  • that he opted out of reheating his dish.

  • - Oh. - [Chris] Yeah.

  • - So he wants me to eat my food cold?

  • Well first of all, the plating is great.

  • Maybe he's like an artsy guy,

  • maybe like low key into music or something.

  • I don't know. - [Chris] Wow.

  • He is actually a rapper.

  • - Oh, damn. Look at me.

  • I am so good at judging people.

  • I like the way that he like put it in the bowl

  • and then like flipped it over.

  • - You did the same thing.

  • - I did do the same thing.

  • - That is actually something

  • that I did once on "MasterChef",

  • so maybe we would get along

  • and we have like similar thought process and things.

  • - [Chris] Oh he did wanna serve this with a drink.

  • - Ooh.

  • - So nice of him.

  • What is the drink though?

  • - [Chris] Only one way to find out.

  • - Oh, wow. Did he bring this from home?

  • - Oh, yo, there it is. - Wow.

  • - There it is. - [Chris] Yeah, he did.

  • - I think we could get married.

  • - Whoa. - Whoa, shit.

  • - I am very, very impressed.

  • Considering that like he didn't reheat it,

  • the yolk is perfectly cooked.

  • - That's what I was thinking the whole time.

  • I might have to marry her myself.

  • - Lowkey tastes like the kimchi fried rice I would make.

  • I feel like his knife cuts tell me

  • that he has really good attention to detail.

  • - [Chris] He would plan everything very well.

  • - Yeah. He would, he's probably the one

  • that would like make the reservation

  • and then send me the resi link or something.

  • - I can't lie, I'll be doing that on the regular.

  • - [Chris] Do you think he keeps his room clean?

  • - Yeah. - Do you keep your room clean?

  • - No, I'm sorry. (Eli laughs)

  • - By this plating, I feel like he's definitely,

  • he like makes his bed every morning.

  • He probably does the dishes as soon as he cooks too.

  • - Do you do that? - No.

  • - [Chris] He was the most confident in winning this also.

  • - Oh, wow. Good for him.

  • We like a man with confidence.

  • (groovy music)

  • - [Zay] What do I got for us? What was the question?

  • - [Chris] What do you got for us?

  • - Oh I got a, I got kimchi fried rice.

  • - [Chris] No way. (laughs)

  • - No way. (laughs)

  • Lots of vegetable chopping, lots of meat grilling.

  • I like double meat on basically anything that I ever eat.

  • - [Chris] All of your three fried rices

  • look almost exactly the same.

  • - Exactly the same.

  • So like I gotta switch it up right now.

  • So this is like a lot of eggs.

  • There's two, I did another one for backup.

  • So we got a poached egg, we got a regular egg.

  • Some of these crushed sesame seeds.

  • Whoa, I almost poured the entire thing on there.

  • I'm gonna put some of this on the side right here.

  • What else can I make different right now?

  • Oh let's, let's just, let's just have some fun.

  • (everyone laughs)

  • - [Chris] Take his scallions?

  • - She, she needs to eat a lot. (everyone laughs)

  • - [Chris] Cooking aside, what does this say about you

  • as a potential partner in dating?

  • - You will always eat a lot. (everyone laughs)

  • - He wanted to serve it with this hot sauce and with this.

  • - Okay, presentation wise

  • this is probably the worst out of all three.

  • (contestants laugh)

  • I mean, also, is this even a full egg?

  • Oh, and this one is undercooked.

  • - [Chris] Yeah. One of them was poached.

  • One of them is not.

  • - One of them is poached? - [Chris] Yeah.

  • - Oh, oh, this is not a poached egg. (laughs)

  • And then this egg is like fine,

  • but I'm just confused because they're like different.

  • - [Chris] Don't you like a man with variety?

  • - Correct.

  • - I do like a man who can be versatile,

  • but I feel like there's a time and a place,

  • and this was not the time or the place.

  • - Oh. - I understand. I understand.

  • - That's a bar man. I can't, bro.

  • - That is, that's a bar.

  • - [Chris] He wanted to let you know

  • that he doesn't leave any space.

  • He wanted to fill the whole plate.

  • He was all about quantity right here.

  • - So he's a quantity over quality type of guy.

  • - [Chris] I assume he meant for both, but

  • (everyone laughs)

  • we at least got the quantity.

  • - Okay. The fact that he like gave me this on the side,

  • so does he expect me to like wrap it also?

  • I'm just a little bit confused

  • because there's like this wrapper seaweed

  • and then like this sprinkled.

  • - [Chris] Like I said, variety.

  • (Ahran laughs)

  • - Is this spam?

  • Oh, I think he put pork belly in here.

  • - I did.

  • - Wow, that's impressive.

  • I love pork belly in fried rice.

  • - Come on, MSG, do me some good.

  • - Okay, so just, (laughs)

  • Okay. By the plating of this, is he a gym rat?

  • - I'm no rat. (Eli and Inspecta Jones laugh)

  • - Because he put two eggs too,

  • so it's like an overload of protein.

  • Maybe this generous portion is because he grew up

  • getting a lot of love from his family.

  • - I did.

  • - But we love a family oriented man.

  • - [Chris] Ahran, who are you going on a date with?

  • - Okay, so the first guy's kimchi fried rice had potential.

  • He seems like a risk taker because it's very spicy,

  • but the small details aren't really there.

  • So I feel like he's someone who just goes at his own pace.

  • So this is a no for me.

  • The third kimchi fried rice is good in flavor

  • and I feel like this guy is like a family man,

  • like very generous.

  • Probably has a great relationship with his mother.

  • I don't know.

  • But he seems like someone who can't really make up his mind

  • because he gave me all these things on the side

  • as if he expects me to choose.

  • So this is a no for me.

  • The second kimchi fried rice,

  • I think this one was the best taste wise,

  • and also like all the small details

  • and how he like prepared a drink for me.

  • I think it shows that he's probably a very sweet person.

  • - [Chris] So who are you going on a date with?

  • - I'd say kimchi fried rice number two.

  • - Hey, there we go.

  • - [Chris] You ready to meet her?

  • - Yes, let's do it man. - All right.

  • - All right, Ahran, come on in.

  • Go right over here.

  • Ahran, you picked Inspecta Jones as your date today.

  • - Appreciate you.

  • - So as the episodes usually go,

  • I'm gonna send you two off on a little mini date.

  • You'll be able to talk for a bit,

  • and then we'll check back in afterwards

  • and see how you guys are doing after that.

  • Sound good? - Cool.

  • - [Chris] Cool.

  • (upbeat music)

  • Mr. Sir Inspecta Jones,

  • where are you taking her on a date?

  • - I think she had enough of Korean food,

  • so I might have to show her some good New York eats.

  • You get what I'm saying?

  • Maybe some nice rooftop bars type of (beep),

  • little cocktail joints.

  • - [Chris] Ahran. - What's up?

  • - [Chris] You politely assumed he had a clean room

  • and he would like to-

  • - Do you have a clean room?

  • - It depends who's coming over.

  • (Chris laughs)

  • If you're coming over, it'll be spotless.

  • What's up? (Ahran laughs)

  • (upbeat music)

- Welcome, it's Chris

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