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  • Hey guys, Happy New Year.

  • Today is very exciting.

  • It's the first day of lucky bag shopping.

  • Mark is with me because what are we getting today?

  • Yeah, So today, our only purpose is to get a cat lucky bag for Mark's Cats.

  • I'm excited that I have somebody to buy a cat lucky bag for because there are lots of fun and I've already gotten my own lucky bags.

  • I ordered them online this year because I didn't think it would be good to go shopping for them at the mall.

  • So we're going in, we're grabbing one bag and we're coming out figures because they still have it, we saw it earlier, but they wouldn't let us buy it until it was like lucky bag sale day.

  • So I hope it's still in stock to be honest.

  • The pet bags are usually the ones that last the longest people usually go for the clothing ones.

  • So I think we have a good chance of getting one.

  • They were quite cheap too.

  • There were like 3000 yen, 5000.

  • 1 of the other pet store was 3000.

  • Normally lucky bags are around 10,000 yen.

  • So this is on the cheaper side.

  • I see some that could be for dogs.

  • Hopefully, hopefully there for cats uh in nickel nickel.

  • I don't know.

  • These are all for dogs ship.

  • She got 1-1.

  • They're all one.

  • 11 chin.

  • Oh, thank God.

  • Okay, and it's great.

  • That's really cute.

  • So this is a 3000 yen one.

  • I wonder if it's any different than these ones.

  • Oh, awesome.

  • When I get that one too.

  • I don't know if they're different Because this one says specifically toys Boys bad.

  • It's like a pillow different.

  • How about we get like one for printing and then one I'll keep for when I get my cat.

  • So we successfully got two lucky bags.

  • Unfortunately, we couldn't get the type.

  • That was the toy lucky bag.

  • They said they're not starting that sail until tomorrow.

  • So we got two of this kind.

  • No clue what's inside the didn't really say on the sign.

  • I got one for Mark for his family of cats and I'll keep the contents of the other one for myself and hope so they get my cats back this year.

  • So let's go back to my place and open them up.

  • So we've got our two cat lucky legs.

  • Which one do you want?

  • I don't know if they're different or not.

  • Take a little peek.

  • Mine's not like this beige blanket thingy that I do not have that.

  • I can't see it like this is like super like see if you can open it a little bit.

  • I'm just curious if they're exactly the same.

  • No.

  • All right.

  • I'll take this one then I'm fine with the beige blanket thingy.

  • What should we do?

  • Should we just open one at a time.

  • Each pick out one item at a time.

  • So these were only about $30 us.

  • So.

  • I'm not expecting too many items inside cushion.

  • No, I think we're the same there though.

  • It's a japanese traditional fabric cat cushion.

  • I got the same one.

  • Okay, so maybe they are identical.

  • I hope not.

  • I hope not.

  • It would be more fun if they weren't.

  • But that's nice.

  • Can you see any of your cast using that?

  • This one definitely.

  • Yeah, I feel like a flat cushion.

  • They won't be weird about.

  • So that's a win.

  • That's great.

  • You have a blanket?

  • No, no, I've got a blanket.

  • I've got a loco moco.

  • It's a really long game basically.

  • It's just a super soft micro fiber blanket.

  • Super warm.

  • Look, it's got like a it's got buttons on it.

  • Oh, the cat, the cat can go in it like a little tunnel.

  • No, that's cute.

  • No blanket too.

  • Oh my God.

  • What?

  • Oh it's really cute.

  • I don't know.

  • I don't know what it is.

  • It's too small to be blanket.

  • I feel like I could also wear this.

  • It's like a tube, it's a blanket mat.

  • That's that's nice.

  • That's really soft.

  • Super soft place.

  • I can see them using that so far.

  • So good.

  • Honestly, these are like really high quality products, they don't look cheap or anything and we've got two really good things so far.

  • Alright, next, I've got, what is it?

  • It's a hot water bottle for cats to lie on.

  • Oh my God, that's so cute.

  • Mine's the cat, there could be a bear.

  • Oh, you got the same one.

  • So there's a gel pack in the center and you take it out and microwave it.

  • I can see them using that.

  • I like it so far.

  • Next.

  • I've got dickie puppet.

  • It's katsuo and dried honey.

  • You got the same one, big pack of dried fish.

  • And these are kind of like steamed fish.

  • I think it's soft.

  • The cats would really like that.

  • Oh, that's cute.

  • Oh, it's the money that a lucky cat holds.

  • Its the little coin that you always see A lucky cat holding, but it's a cabinet pouch.

  • Yeah, that's cool.

  • That's super cute.

  • I would say that this kind of thing would probably cost like three or $4.

  • Yeah, it's catty man, which is a good brand here.

  • Probably would have bought that anyway.

  • That's adorable.

  • You just need to get pretty imposing with Next we have some washi, I don't know what that is in english.

  • It's some kind of fish that's about this size.

  • Is it a sardine sardines.

  • Get that big.

  • Whoa!

  • If you have a cat and you've never given them these tube liquid food snacks before, try and find one of your pets because cats love them.

  • Don't really know.

  • That's crazy.

  • Oh, it's so cute.

  • It's a real fish.

  • It's got like a print of an actual fish photo on it and the tail is so fun like this.

  • They'll love that bikini photo, I guess this.

  • Yeah.

  • That sounds cute.

  • They have some fun cat toys in Japan.

  • They're pretty creative here.

  • Yeah.

  • I know.

  • Oh my God no.

  • Yeah, I can see them like that.

  • It's like a kicker.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • O'Meara loves doing that's cute.

  • Put some catnip on that.

  • I didn't get a penguin but I got this.

  • So I guess you spray their cat litter with, it says they can lick this, they can ingest it and it's safe.

  • It's called green tea extract and mug wart I think.

  • Yeah.

  • So you can spray.

  • They're interesting.

  • I want a penguin.

  • Yeah.

  • Sam I've got more tube snacks.

  • Oh a chicken grilled chicken fish.

  • I think chicken and another so many of these young chicken.

  • It.

  • I said that was a really good deal though.

  • I'm pretty impressed.

  • I wouldn't say that this is like 10K.

  • Worth of stuff though, would you?

  • I mean it's hard to say really because they do sell blankets and pillows and stuff for cats like that absurd amounts.

  • So I can see those costing a lot.

  • I think these cat toys would probably be four or five bucks each.

  • But yeah, those were our cat lucky bags this year.

  • So Mark's going to take everything back to his cats and let them try it out and I'm going to save all this for tomorrow and hopefully they will be here soon to eat it all because I think lots of it expires in like May, I might have to pass it on to you april april wait, what expired in october.

  • But overall, I think I will be opening a lot more lucky bags this month.

  • So keep an eye on on my channel.

  • I'll make a playlist of all of them if you want to binge them down below.

  • But thanks for watching guys.

  • See you again soon.

  • What?

Hey guys, Happy New Year.

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