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  • Hey guys, welcome to DC circuit.

  • I'm going drifting today.

  • It's the second time I've ever gone drifting.

  • The last was probably like Eight years ago now and that was over at scuba in an R.

  • 30 for today.

  • We've got a Sylvia so that's super exciting.

  • But we're gonna be starting pretty soon.

  • Fear in your eyes, in your Nadine's with me, our new friend Beth is here and Sam is going to be my driver.

  • So I just lost the strong Sam just put a fresh pair of tires on for us and we're about to go.

  • Are you ready?

  • I'm totally ready faith, but we're not going to die.

  • All right, good, good.

  • Let's see.

  • I've got a helmet helmet.

  • You do not want me to drive.

  • Trust me pretty much jump in.

  • You gotta be nice and snug.

  • Very snug.

  • We don't want you sliding around.

  • All right.

  • I think I'm in All right.

  • You'll notice the harnesses pink.

  • Love it, Love it.

  • All right, awesome.

  • I'm slightly nervous, but I'm pretty excited because the S 15 is my favorite car and I've never sat in one let alone drifted in one.

  • Hell yeah, come on heads.

  • I'm gonna type this down so it's gonna get nice and make it really tight.

  • They didn't do it tight enough in the skyline.

  • I was all over the place.

  • Really?

  • How do you feel sliding side to side right now a little bit but I feel like these ones could be tighter.

  • Yeah, just touch the camera, like take a photo button.

  • It's great because her face was very concerned looking before when you're tightening stuff.

  • So it looks great for the charlotte scared out of her brain, but I'm just like focusing on doing all the things.

  • It's great.

  • It looks good for content.

  • Yeah, that's better.

  • Alright.

  • Ready, Ready, right?

  • Something, something ship.

  • That is right.

  • I'm so confused what happened?

  • I think it's right.

  • Change of plans.

  • We were doing a quick little test run and sam thinks something broke in the car.

  • No, I don't understand why did that happen?

  • You think what?

  • Right?

  • No, my axle just sheared completely off.

  • Has that ever happened?

  • Yeah, I broke two at the same time.

  • But you weren't even really know I did nothing.

  • Alright, well we're done with this car.

  • Damn it.

  • That's like a $2000 repair.

  • You lost a drone, You broke an axle, It's not your day man, it really isn't.

  • I forgot about the drone until now we lost, we were shooting b roll with the drone and then it kind of just flew away, literally didn't do anything I told it to Okay, well yeah, this is down for today.

  • Now we got one test lap in the soviet.

  • It was amazing drifting vlog to be continued.

  • But you're getting the real experience having scripted here.

  • Alright, so change of plans instead of drifting all day, we're going to go Pokemon manhole hunting because we're in Fukushima and Fukushima has the super cute chancy mantles.

  • So I did see two of them previously, if I remember correctly.

  • So we're going to go see two more today if we can make them before the sun goes down.

  • This is a recurring theme.

  • We're always racing places, but I think we can do it.

  • We've got about an hour and 15 minutes before the sun goes down.

  • I think the first population is about half an hour away from here.

  • So see you there.

  • This area is so pretty.

  • I'm glad we had a chance to come out here.

  • I don't think I've ever been here before.

  • It's called Kawamata, but lots of houses, rice fields, super chill.

  • Really gorgeous season to come here because the rice fields are just starting to change to yellow and the temperature is still quite hot, but it's not as bad as like the height of summer.

  • So we are starving because we kind of held off from eating much because we want to throw up in the car, turns out we really need to do that, luckily this video is sponsored by sacra co my favorite japanese snack subscription box.

  • So we've got a box of goodies that we are going to find a cool spot to pull over and chow down on.

  • I cannot wait.

  • So there's some benches there.

  • Yeah, okay, I need to turn around.

  • So yesterday when I was packing up the stuff for the road trip, I realized we're not going to be able to make the tea on the road because we won't have boiling water, but I remembered that my kettle actually has battery power if you wanted to like normally I plug it into my kitchen but it has a battery.

  • So if it works, how I think it might work, we should be able to re boil the water now.

  • So this month's box is Ibaraki themed.

  • Ibaraki is really nice Prefecture.

  • They're famous for lots of agricultural stuff.

  • So there's lots of like savory as well as fruity snacks in here, apparent the booklets that they put together are so pretty and there's lots of really cool information about the theme of the box.

  • Japanese cultural information as well as info about allergens for each of the snacks.

  • And this month we've got green tea.

  • Let's make our tea.

  • Let's see if the water works there.

  • It is smells so good.

  • Good.

  • Alright, come on kettle.

  • Yeah, it still works, luckily this month's box also features an octo snack.

  • I know everybody loves not.

  • Oh, I've avoided for eight years.

  • You've never tried it so tiny.

  • It's probably good because it's a snack.

  • It's probably gonna be.

  • It says not to snack mild salt.

  • What a wonderful time.

  • No, no, it's not.

  • This is what it looks like.

  • Little knocked o beans.

  • It looks really cute.

  • 1st.

  • It is okay.

  • It's not as bad as I thought.

  • I think my brain is like panicking, but I'm like, it's actually not bad.

  • Oh, it's getting bad.

  • There's the natto flavor.

  • Oh no, let's try the tea please.

  • Okay, the tea is wonderful.

  • Let me try it.

  • So refreshing actually is really good.

  • It's adorably sized.

  • Could see it through the rapper.

  • I was like that is going to be cute.

  • It's really good.

  • It looks good.

  • It's really good.

  • It's not too sweet, something salty.

  • We've been eating sweets, that's good taste, like subtle, subtle kombu flavor, delicious.

  • Yeah, really interesting selection of snacks this month.

  • I'm excited for this blueberry Manju.

  • Look at how like chewy and soft.

  • It is, it was amazing.

  • It has the texture of like a soft fluffy cheesecake, which is really nice and you get a table wear item every month.

  • Oh, pretty Bridget.

  • That's adorable.

  • Those are delicious except for the not.

  • So we are going to take a walk in the rice fields now because the sun is just setting as you can tell it.

  • It's the lighting is just perfect.

  • If you guys are interested in the sacral box, I'll have a code down below for $5 off your first box.

  • We didn't make it to the rice field in time.

  • The Sun's gone but we're going to go find the future now.

  • So it should be really close.

  • Is it this way in the back parking lot.

  • Being really weird today.

  • Either way.

  • It's on the other side of the restaurant.

  • So let's go through the middle.

  • That's cute.

  • I don't know which one we're on now.

  • I think 18 or something 18 now.

  • It's been so long since I did the last for the video.

  • I don't remember what number I'm on this area.

  • Must be famous for Sakura.

  • That's really cool.

  • I just learned their names.

  • Uh Silk Cocoon and cast.

  • It was silicone costume there too new for me.

  • That's really cute.

  • So this is like a little roadside stop.

  • Unfortunately it's closed so I can't show it to you guys but we're in a really beautiful location nestled in the mountains and the rice fields that you can't really see.

  • The really yellow and golden and pretty right now to the next poke.

  • How are we doing for time?

  • Okay.

  • It says we'll get there at 6:15.

  • So wow, look at that sunset like that in a while.

  • This smells amazing.

  • It smells like vanilla.

  • Just imagine like vanilla extract.

  • That's what this smells like.

  • Mm So good.

  • This might be better than the blueberry Manchu.

  • That's saying a lot.

  • We're almost there as you can see it's gotten very dark.

  • We're on some sketchy side roads but apparently we're coming up to it pretty soon now.

  • So somewhere maybe some civil, there might be it was the lights in the distance.

  • It is it's what we could see.

  • I think we got some lights on.

  • I don't think it'll be open but it's a little bit up.

  • That's a huge meeting.

  • Nike wow.

  • Hello.

  • My guess is it'll be out here.

  • It's like out there somewhere.

  • So we're going, it looks like it's up there.

  • So I guess it will be out front of that probably on the ground somewhere.

  • Okay, let's go up here.

  • This place must be new.

  • Oh, I see cute looking vending machines and ones, they are pink.

  • I don't think they're Pokemon.

  • It must be like some other Fukushima mascot cream soda.

  • These aren't options that we can get for our vending machine, unfortunately, it's not a coke one, it's too bad.

  • Oh yeah, this one's code so we can get any of these drinks anything good.

  • Oh, we should get an update and that's exciting.

  • Oh, I love that one.

  • It's grape juice, white grape juice with like pieces of a way jelly.

  • So good, so good.

  • It doesn't really have a flavor, it just kinda feels nice like mochi jelly right onto the poke through to this way.

  • This place is huge.

  • It's such a bummer, It's closed.

  • It looks like a really good one.

  • There's even a garden center.

  • Right?

  • I know, we'll have to come back another time.

  • Must be like right around here.

  • Oh, see ya.

  • Oh, that's adorable.

  • So peaches, that's what Fukushima is famous for and this is the Fukushima City Manhole.

  • So I guess that's why they used the famous Fukushima peach in this one.

  • That's so cute.

  • This is supposed to be the cutest one.

  • I love, right, so nice.

  • Alright guys, I think that is the end of our Fukushima adventure.

  • It didn't exactly turn out how we had planned it, but still, I think we all had a blast anyways and it was a really good warm up for the next time that I do actual drifting with SAm, which will happen eventually.

  • So stay tuned for that.

  • I hope you guys enjoyed the video anyways and we'll see you again.

Hey guys, welcome to DC circuit.

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