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  • Hey guys, good evening from my really cool hotel room in Kyoto.

  • I'm in kyoto at the moment.

  • If you follow me on twitter or instagram, you've probably noticed I've been here for a few days now, staying in this really nice, I guess you would call it a hotel, technically, I think it's classified as a joke on a traditional japanese inn, but it's really neat because it's actually a very old japanese townhouse that's been recently renovated into this brand new hotel, but they've kept some of the traditional elements, so it's super pretty and I'm just really excited to be here in Kyoto because I've never really had the chance to properly explore it.

  • I've been to Kyoto a few times, but it's always kind of like a rushed trip and I've got so many things to do that.

  • I don't have a chance to just wander around and enjoy the city.

  • I booked some extra days here, I've got a few free days to kind of just wander around with my friends and explore it and I'm really looking forward to that.

  • Hopefully we get lucky with the weather, it is saying cloudy on and off, maybe a tiny little bit of rain, but in general it looks really good.

  • Do you want to look around my cool little Yukon how it's basically like a house, this place is pretty big, I wasn't expecting it to be this large actually.

  • I was really surprised when I came in, but let me flip the camera around and give you guys a tour.

  • So when you enter the hotel room, you come up a staircase.

  • We're actually on the second floor right now and it brings you to the bedroom here.

  • And interestingly enough, it's not futon, these are mattresses there on the ground, there's no bed frame so it kind of looks like futon was looking over the reviews of this place on google and there was a customer that had complained about the futon and they actually ordered in these mattresses specifically for that customer because they didn't like the futon.

  • So that's the reason they have mattresses here.

  • Apparently I like food myself, but I can see why it might be uncomfortable for people, especially if you have back pain or any kind of like, you know, joint problems might be a little hard to sleep on.

  • But yeah, so the beds are mattresses, it's a pretty small bed, I've been pushing them together and using them both together but I always fall down the space in the middle.

  • It's been kind of annoying but it's alright, it will do, its a really cozy little space and look at how pretty it is.

  • It's so nicely renovated, it's just beautiful.

  • So this is just a little seating area, it's pretty artwork on the wall.

  • This is a air purifier, they've left me some yukata to wear if I want to just chill in the house where you gotta probably won't be using it.

  • It's really cold right now actually and some extra blankets.

  • But yeah, that's the bedroom now, moving into the hallway, we've got the bathroom again, it's just so nicely decorated.

  • Look at this really modern towel hanging drying rock.

  • It's very pretty like they've kept some traditional elements of japanese design.

  • But in general, the place is very modern, huge bath, very nice, gorgeous wooden walls, a little wooden bucket you'd see at an ensign.

  • Isn't that cute?

  • All the doors in the hotel are these traditional sliding doors, which is a nice touch, so beautiful and a really cool feature is this, this is a floor heater under floor heating.

  • This is just unheard of in Japan, especially in these traditional type of rooms.

  • So this is such a cool feature.

  • I can just turn it on and off here and it warms up the floor immediately.

  • It's so nice.

  • Especially right now, it's quite chilly in kyoto.

  • So to come back to the hotel and turn this on and be able to have a really cozy warm floor on my feet is so nice.

  • This is a recycling sorting area, Japan is very specific about their garbage sorting rules.

  • So we've got cans, pet bottles, which is plastic bottles and glass bottles here.

  • So when I first came into the hotel, I, I checked out the bathroom in the bedroom first and I thought this was just like a closet or something.

  • But no, it's an entire other room.

  • I was so surprised.

  • Excuse the mess.

  • This has been my editing room for the past couple of days.

  • There's a little kitchenette here.

  • I haven't really been using it.

  • They were kind enough to supply this tea set.

  • There's some green tea in there.

  • I've been drinking lots of that while I edit this cute little teapot and they also supplied these snacks.

  • These are local kyoto vegetables that have been deep fried into chips.

  • They're really yummy.

  • And I got some Nikon and some tease.

  • This is the tea that I like at the moment.

  • It's really nice.

  • And isn't this traditional chest?

  • Really cool.

  • I opened up all the little drawers.

  • I just had to know if there was something inside.

  • There wasn't unfortunately.

  • But it was fun.

  • Nonetheless.

  • Isn't this place so cozy.

  • I'm really enjoying it.

  • And this room also has a floor heater.

  • So the tatami flooring is nice and toasty.

  • How cool is that?

  • Another cool feature is there's actually a washing machine that I can use and it dries clothes as well.

  • So I'm here for a whole week.

  • So that's super handy.

  • I will link the company name down below so you guys can check out their properties but they have several different broken traditional ins all around kyoto.

  • So, so if you guys are planning a trip to kyoto in the future, check them out really cozy and the prices are quite affordable.

  • So yeah, glad I found this place.

  • So for the past couple of days I've been so busy.

  • I haven't had time to open up my advent calendar.

  • I thought we could do that together because my friend Nikka was so cool and put together a handmade advent calendar for me this year.

  • I've saved up the past couple of days and we'll open them together now.

  • All right, so I'm a little further behind than I thought.

  • I've got 55 days to open up.

  • I haven't opened it since the 10th.

  • If you guys are curious what is in days 1 to 9, I've got it pinned in my instagram highlights.

  • So here is number 10.

  • We've got some cute little cat stickers.

  • So it is my business partner for an economical post.

  • So she loves stationary as much as I do.

  • So many of the advent items are stationary theme.

  • Right?

  • Day # 11.

  • Next, we got more stationery about these cute little message cards and I don't know if you can see what they're cut here so you can kind of hook them onto a gift bag like this and write your message here.

  • There's a few different designs.

  • That is such a cute idea.

  • Very pretty light blue.

  • She's so thoughtful.

  • Honestly, 12 is a big one.

  • Okay.

  • Um, every time I go to his house to pack up Nico Nico post packages, it's like our Niko Niko Post headquarters.

  • She buys me cereal to eat because at night time I like to snack on cereal.

  • I eat in the morning to I eat it like all day long.

  • So thank you Lucky # 13, What Do We Have?

  • Ooh washi tape.

  • This really cute town themed Washi tape.

  • That'll look really cute on my Christmas cards actually and a sparkly green pen and finally day 14 today.

  • What do we have here?

  • Oh, those are so cute cats, Hot spring themed cat bloops.

  • So if you guys want to see what's in the remainder of my advent calendar, go follow me on instagram um, and catch up with me daily.

  • There will be opening them daily for the rest of until christmas the next 10, 11 days, I guess.

  • How is there only 11 days left till christmas this month went by way too fast.

  • I've tried to get as many videos up as possible.

  • But as you can see, I've been traveling around a lot.

  • I was in Tokyo for a bit now I'm in Kyoto then I'm home for one day and then I'm off to an ensign with AKI.

  • I'm really looking forward to that And then I'm going to get my go to and then finally back home again.

  • So lots of traveling happening this month.

  • But I think I will be able to film a lot of, it might take me a little while to edit it because I don't think I'll have much time to just sit down and work.

  • But hopefully there'll be some fun videos coming out once I can sit down.

  • But I hope you guys enjoy the next couple of videos, which will all be in kyoto.

  • So that should be really fun.

  • It's kind of new for me, even though I've been here a few times, I've really only seen the main touristy spots, so it's gonna be a lot of fun to explore the side streets and the quieter stuff together.

  • Looking forward to it.

  • But I hope you guys are having a great day and I will see you again very soon.

Hey guys, good evening from my really cool hotel room in Kyoto.

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