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  • (bright music)

  • - [Shaun] So what is partial application?

  • Well, in simple terms,

  • partial application is when we take a function

  • that has some number of arguments,

  • and we fix some of those arguments to a set value.

  • This function with fixed arguments

  • can then be called from anywhere else in the code,

  • and it'll be as if we had called the original function

  • with all of its arguments.

  • Another way to think about it as like this:

  • Normally when we call a function,

  • we have to pass all the arguments into it

  • at the same exact time in place.

  • What partial application allows us to do,

  • is pass arguments to a function,

  • at different places in the code,

  • and then get the result,

  • once the function gets all of the arguments it needs.

  • Now, partial application is also a very useful way

  • to configure more general functions

  • into more specific ones.

  • In general,

  • if there's a function that we use often in our code,

  • where one or more of the arguments that we call it with

  • is almost always the same,

  • this is usually a good candidate

  • for using partial application.

  • So now that we know what partial application is,

  • what exactly does it look like in code?

  • Well, let's imagine that we have a simple add function,

  • that takes three integers as arguments,

  • and adds them together.

  • That would look something like this:

  • We're going to say, try function,

  • using this try function interface

  • that we defined earlier in the course.

  • And it's going to take three integers as arguments.

  • So integer, integer, integer,

  • and it's going to return an integer as well.

  • We'll just call this function add.

  • And what it's going to do is,

  • it's going to take its three arguments,

  • and add them all together, okay?

  • So now that we have this function,

  • what if we wanted to fix one of these arguments

  • to a certain number,

  • so that we only had to pass in the other two arguments

  • later on?

  • Well, what that would look like is this:

  • We would create another function

  • using the function interface,

  • and this function will take a single integer as an argument,

  • and it'll return a BiFunction

  • that takes two integers as arguments,

  • and returns an integer.

  • And we have to import both the BiFunction

  • and function interfaces up at the top.

  • And for the name of this function,

  • we're going to call it addPartial.

  • And what this function is going to do,

  • is it's going to take a single argument,

  • and it's going to return another function

  • that takes the other two arguments.

  • And finally, once it has all of those three arguments,

  • it's going to call add dot apply, with x, y, and z.

  • So now that we have this addPartial function,

  • calling it is going to look like this:

  • We're going to say BiFunction, integer, integer, integer,

  • and we'll say something like

  • add five equals addPartial dot apply five.

  • So now the first argument x has been fixed to five,

  • by calling add partial dot apply five.

  • And what we can do now is we can call this add five function

  • with the other two remaining arguments.

  • And I'm going to print this out,

  • so you can see what it looks like.

  • So we can say add five dot apply,

  • and we can call it with the remaining two arguments,

  • which are going to be y, and z here.

  • And if we run this code,

  • we'll see that it prints out the correct result.

  • So this is five plus six plus seven,

  • except we passed in the five and the six and seven

  • in different places in our code.

  • And that's what partial application is.

  • So in this example that we just went through,

  • we fixed the first argument x,

  • and left the other two for later.

  • But in reality,

  • we can divide up our arguments however we want.

  • For example,

  • we could pass in the first two arguments,

  • and leave the last one for later.

  • And that would look something like this:

  • We'd say function,

  • and it would take two arguments and return a function,

  • that takes an integer as an argument,

  • and returns an integer.

  • And what this would look like now,

  • is it would take the first two arguments, x and y,

  • and return a function that takes the last argument.

  • And then it would call add dot apply,

  • with those three arguments we'd accumulated.

  • Oh, and this would actually be a BiFunction,

  • instead of just a regular function.

  • So now calling this is going to look a little bit different.

  • We're going to say, function,

  • since that's what this returns here,

  • function, integer, integer,

  • and we'll call this add five and six,

  • equals addPartial dot apply,

  • with y and z equal to five and six, okay?

  • So what we're doing here is,

  • we're setting x to five and y to six,

  • so that we only have to pass in z later on, okay?

  • So what we can do now,

  • again, I'm going to print this out to the console,

  • is we can call add five and six dot apply,

  • with the final argument z,

  • which we're going to say seven.

  • And if we run this program again,

  • we see that it prints out the same answer,

  • except we're just passing our arguments

  • in a different order now.

  • And we also don't even have to pass in our arguments

  • in the same order as we have here, right?

  • We could pass in z and x here,

  • and we could pass in the middle argument y later on,

  • or we could say y and x and pass z later on,

  • we could do it in pretty much whatever order we want.

  • And obviously, in this case,

  • that wouldn't make much of a difference,

  • since the order doesn't matter of our arguments,

  • but there are some cases where that would make a difference.

  • So I'm just going to change these back

  • to the way they were before.

  • And one last thing that I want to talk about,

  • is that we could even go a level deeper with our functions,

  • and do something like this,

  • where we have a function that takes the first argument,

  • and returns a function that takes a second argument,

  • and returns a function that takes the third argument,

  • and finally, that returns the answer.

  • Now, obviously, talking about these things

  • can sound a little confusing sometimes.

  • So what this is going to look like is,

  • it's going to be a function,

  • that takes an integer as an argument,

  • and returns a function

  • that takes an integer as an argument,

  • that returns a function, and takes an integers and argument,

  • and finally returns an integer, okay?

  • Now that might look really confusing, and it kind of is,

  • but this is just a fun example to go through.

  • So bear with me.

  • So what this would look like now,

  • is we would define a function

  • that takes an integer as an argument,

  • and returns a function that takes an integers and argument,

  • and returns an integer.

  • And we could call this add five.

  • And we'd say that that's equal to addPartial dot apply,

  • and pass in the first argument five.

  • And then we could say function, integer, integer,

  • add five and six is equal to add five dot apply,

  • and pass it in the second argument.

  • And finally, we could say integer

  • sum equals add five and six dot apply,

  • and pass in the last remaining argument, which is seven.

  • And if we print out the sum here,

  • we see that that gives us the exact same answer,

  • except obviously this is much more confusing.

  • Now this specific case,