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  • - Hey Psych2Goers.

  • We all know nobody's perfect, right?

  • We all have secrets and dark sides

  • to ourselves we'd rather keep hidden.

  • We've all done things we aren't proud of

  • and we all have our own inner battles to fight.

  • But if you've ever had to fight the same battle over

  • and over again, or if you've been carrying

  • a burden you just don't how to shake,

  • then it's probably because you have

  • some inner demons you still need to confront.

  • Overcoming our personal demons takes a lot

  • of courage, awareness and inner strength.

  • You can start, by first figuring out

  • what your inner demon is.

  • Answer the statements below.

  • Remember your choices and count the number

  • of times you answer A, B, C, D, and E.

  • Let's begin.

  • Number one, what personal flaw has held you back the most?

  • A, my constant sense of fear,

  • which keeps me from enjoying life to the fullest.

  • B, my hyper fixation on the past,

  • which keeps me from being present in the moment.

  • C, my lack of confidence in myself and my abilities,

  • which has made me miss out on a lot of great opportunities.

  • D, my temper and the grudges I hold,

  • which have ruined a lot of my relationships.

  • Or E, my perfectionism and need to overachieve,

  • which keeps me from being happy and content.

  • Number two, I find it more difficult to move on when:

  • A, thoughts about my past trauma resurface.

  • B, I've done something wrong or made a mistake.

  • C, I don't get closure after something has ended.

  • D, someone I trusted hurts me, even unintentionally.

  • Or E, someone talks bad about me behind my back.

  • Number three, when I'm in a group project, I'm usually:

  • A, the one most eager to strategize and plan,

  • accounting for anything that could go wrong.

  • B, the one who just waits to be told what to do,

  • too afraid to volunteer, because they might do it wrong.

  • C, the one who asks my team members for feedback

  • and clarification to make sure I'm doing things right.

  • D, the one who does everything on my own,

  • because I don't trust my team members.

  • Or E, the one who takes the lead or is the first

  • to give their opinion on something.

  • Number four, when I'm in charge, I struggle to:

  • A, be flexible and think on my feet,

  • because I feel a lot better when I've planned

  • and prepared for everything.

  • B, assert myself and take command,

  • because I don't want people to think I'm too bossy

  • or question my abilities.

  • C, trust my own choices,

  • because I don't wanna make mistakes.

  • D, trust others because I feel frustrated

  • when other people make mistakes.

  • Or E, be okay with opinions that contradict mine,

  • because I don't like to feel like I'm wrong.

  • Number five, what are you most afraid of?

  • A, that something will go wrong

  • and I can't control or fix it.

  • B, that I will end up with a lot of regrets in my life.

  • C, that even when I put myself out there

  • and try my best, I'll still fail

  • and just end up humiliated.

  • D, being hurt by the people I care about the most,

  • finding out they never felt the same way.

  • Or E, that I will never amount to anything

  • and lose everyone's respect and admiration.

  • Number six, the most likely reason

  • why someone might get mad at me is because:

  • A, I dampen their moods by worrying too much

  • and being too stressed out.

  • B, I'm mistakenly think they're mad at me

  • and read too much into everything they say and do.

  • C, I put myself down a lot and say no

  • to a lot of things because I'm too afraid.

  • D , I can't just let things go

  • and move on because I'd rather hold a grudge.

  • Or E, I feel that I'm always putting myself first

  • and only looking out for my own self interest.

  • Number seven, what is most important to you?

  • A, having a strong sense of safety,

  • stability and control over my life.

  • B, pleasing everyone and meeting all of their expectations.

  • C, succeeding at everything I set my mind to

  • and achieving all my goals.

  • D, being treated with trust, sensitivity, and respect.

  • Or E, being recognized for my value

  • and earning the respect and admiration of others.

  • Number eight, what is your best quality?

  • A, I'm a deep thinker who's prepared for anything.

  • B, I'm very agreeable and always willing

  • to put others first.

  • C, I'm humble, hardworking and fiercely independent.

  • D, I'm passionate and strong-willed.

  • Or E, I'm ambitious, determined

  • and never afraid to speak my mind.

  • And number nine, I feel that my life would

  • be much better If I:

  • A, could stop worrying about everything

  • and just enjoy life to the fullest.

  • B, could stop living in the past

  • and second guessing everything I do.

  • C, I had more confidence to go after

  • what I really want in life.

  • D, if I could learn to trust and forgive people more easily.

  • Or E, if I could handle failure better

  • and stop being so hard on myself.

  • Okay, I'll tally it up.

  • Here is your inner demon,

  • according to the letter that appears the most.

  • If A appears the most, your inner demon is anxiety.

  • Your inner demon is like a constant weight

  • on your shoulders, dragging you down

  • and making you worry about things

  • that aren't in your control, or even likely to happen.

  • Restless and overwhelming.

  • Living with anxiety can feel

  • a lot like having a cluttered mind.

  • It becomes hard to focus, wind down and stay grounded.

  • Especially with that demon whispering terrible things

  • in your ear all the time.

  • If you answered mostly B's, your inner demon is guilt.

  • Having guilt as your inner demon can be crippling,

  • because it will trick you into constantly thinking

  • that you've done something wrong.

  • Every move you make will feel like the wrong one

  • and you'll be stuck second guessing yourself all the time.

  • People haunted by guilt are overly apologetic,

  • neurotic, self-conscious and easily embarrassed.

  • They struggle to move on from past mistakes

  • and are prone to beating themselves up

  • over every little thing that goes wrong.

  • If you answered mostly C's, your inner demon is self-doubt.

  • Perhaps the easiest inner demon to fall victim to

  • and certainly one we've all found ourselves grappling with

  • at some point in our lives.

  • Having a lot of self-doubt can be detrimental

  • to every aspect of our lives, socially, personally

  • and especially academically and professionally.

  • And the worst part is this kind

  • of inner demon will often try to convince you

  • that it's all for your own good,

  • that you need to be harsh on yourself

  • and overly critical in order to push you into being better.

  • Don't listen to those lies,

  • treating yourself with more compassion and self love,

  • can make you flourish far more than any high harsh comment

  • or criticism ever could.

  • If D appears the most, your inner demon is anger.

  • Anger is something we all feel from time to time,

  • and that's not a bad thing.

  • However, if anger becomes an inner demon,

  • then it will cause a lot of damage

  • in your life and in your relationships.

  • Left unchecked and out of control,

  • our anger has the power to blind us completely

  • and turn us against even our closest family and friends.

  • That's why it's so important that we learned

  • to control our anger instead of letting it control us.

  • And if you answered mostly E's, your inner demon is pride.

  • Last, but certainly not least is pride.

  • People with this kind of inner demon

  • are often perfectionists and overachievers,

  • always pushing themselves to do more

  • and be the very best that they can be.

  • They may be overly competitive

  • and sometimes envious of the success of others.

  • But it's only because their inner demon

  • is telling them that they always have

  • to prove their worth to everyone.

  • And although they might come across

  • as a bit abrasive and self important,

  • deep down inside, all they really want is to be valued.

  • Not for what they've done or what they've achieved,

  • but for who they are as a person.

  • So, do you agree with your results?

  • Did you learn something new

  • about yourself after taking the test?

  • Whichever result you got, it's important

  • that you acknowledge the terrible toll

  • our inner demons take on our lives when we listen

  • to them and give in to their demands.

  • Recognizing which inner demon you possess

  • is an important first step to take in conquering it

  • and living a better, happier and more authentic life.

  • Did this video provide some new insight?

  • Share your results in the comments below.

  • Until next time, Psych2Goers.

- Hey Psych2Goers.

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