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  • Hello Jennifer from Tarle speech with your  heteronym lesson. Heteronyms as many of you  

  • know are words that are spelled the same but have  different meanings and different pronunciations.  

  • We have a syllable difference today. Um  we have separate which is the adjective  

  • meaning not joined together and separate which  means to divide into groups and it is a verb.

  • Let's start with the adjective separatetwo beats here, two syllables, sep rit

  • To say these syllables we're gonna start with that  s. Move to that short e and then end with the t.  

  • Tip of the tongue is down for that s in the  middle of the mouth just peeking out between  

  • the top and the bottom teeth for that eh  and then mouth closes for the p. sep sep

  • Then we're going to move to RIT start  with that R ER. Square tense lips,  

  • tip of the tongue is down or flipped back, back  of the tongue is pulled high up. Move to the short  

  • e sound. Your tongue is a little bit higher than  it was for that e. You're gonna close your mouth  

  • a little bit and your tongue is just going to be  behind those top front teeth. That's not touching.  

  • And with the T touch the tip of the  tongue to the back of the top front  

  • teeth and let the air puff outsep rit separate separate separate

  • Now for the verb. We have three syllablesthat's most important. You have a couple of  

  • variations which sound the same to most people  but one might be easier than the other for  

  • pronunciation purposes. So we're going to start  with that sep. Again we know how to do that.  

  • Option number one is to say  ER next as a syllable. ER.  

  • And to do that square tense lips, tip of the  tongue is down, or flipped back. er er er

  • Then you end syllable number three with  

  • ate like I ate dinner. And to do that, open  your mouth wide a and then move to a closed  

  • mouth and then touch the tip of the tongue to  the back of the top front teeth for that t.  

  • Air Puffs out as your tongue pulls down a sep  er ate sep er ate separate separate separate

  • So you can all say also say sep uh with that  schwa then and the word with rate starting  

  • with that R and then adding the ate. So  sep uh rate separate separate separate

  • So we have the adjective two  syllables separate separate separate  

  • and then we have the verb separate separate  separate or sep uh rate separate separate

  • Now for syllable stress you're going to start  

  • by stressing syllable one in separate separate  separate. We're also going to draw syllable  

  • number one and separate separate separate. Which  you might be hearing a second stressed syllable  

  • that is less stressed than the sep it gets the  secondary stress which is that last syllable.

  • So let's put these all together again separate  separate separate separate separate separate

  • And now for a sentence: Please use  separate bins to separate the recycling.

  • Give it a try people are going to notice the  difference. If you found this helpful please  

  • give us a like, a share, subscribe, leave us  a comment, and check us out at tarle speech.

  • Thanks so much everyone have a great weekend!

Hello Jennifer from Tarle speech with your  heteronym lesson. Heteronyms as many of you  

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