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  • "Working out tones your muscles."

  • [laughs]

  • I can't even say that with a straight face.

  • "The best way to burn fat is on an empty stomach."

  • Yeah, go ahead and crinkle that up

  • and throw that one away as well.

  • "Running will destroy your knees."

  • Even though I hate running personally,

  • it will not destroy your knees.

  • My name is Dr. Stacie Morris.

  • I am the owner of The Physio Fix,

  • which is in Phoenix, Arizona.

  • I have been practicing physical therapy for six years now,

  • and my specialty is working in sports, but specifically

  • working with strength athletes and gymnasts.

  • Hi, my name is Dr. Wesley Wang.

  • I am a physical therapist, and I have been practicing

  • for about five and a half years now.

  • I personally specialize in ACLs

  • and working with high-school- and college-level athletes,

  • and I work at Healthy Baller.

  • Today, we're debunking fitness myths.

  • "Your knees should never pass your toes when squatting."

  • This is something that I maybe pushed a little bit

  • early in my career, when I didn't understand everything.

  • Morris: You should allow your body to move naturally,

  • and if you limit that, you actually add more stress,

  • as we've known through literature,

  • to your hips and your low back.

  • So to limit that movement is just absurd to me,

  • and I feel like that myth needs to die now.

  • Wang: You think about the daily things that we do.

  • Let's take away strength training.

  • Beyond that, you go down the stairs,

  • your knees go past your toes.

  • When you play your sport, do you ever

  • think about your knees being past your toes?

  • And the answer is 100% no.

  • And, Stacie, for you, you were a gymnast.

  • When you did your jumps and flips and landings,

  • I can guarantee you were never like,

  • "Oh, no, my knees cannot go past my toes."

  • You're absolutely correct.

  • So now we see so many ankle limitations

  • because of this movement pattern

  • that people have been spreading a myth

  • or trying to teach for the wrong reasons,

  • without letting them just move like athletes.

  • Let your body move natural,

  • and usually it does what it needs to do

  • to be most efficient at whatever movement that is.

  • "Soreness is a sign of a good workout."

  • Soreness is basically when you have an accumulation

  • of lactate in your blood.

  • It turns yourself into more of an acidic state,

  • and that's when you kind of feel that burn effect

  • that people talk about.

  • Is soreness a factor of a workout?

  • Yes, potentially.

  • Our patients, our athletes, have had plenty

  • of great workouts and not felt sore the next day. Right?

  • It's just the way the body is, and sometimes

  • you just have a harder workout, a shorter workout.

  • So those 15-, 20-minute workouts,

  • those are the ones that typically

  • I don't personally feel too sore in,

  • but if I get, like, a nice hour-and-15 workout

  • where I'm just going hard at it,

  • then I'm going to feel a little bit more sore the next day.

  • But, again, that doesn't mean that my 20-minute workout

  • was ineffective or bad.

  • A lot of people, they're like, "I can barely walk,

  • I'm so sore."

  • And their trainer is like, "Good."

  • And I'm like, that's not so good!

  • You should be able to walk.

  • You should have been progressed in a way

  • that was so gradual that you are feeling stronger,

  • and maybe you are still getting a little bit sore,

  • but you don't feel like you can't walk the next day.

  • I think rest and recovery, nutrition,

  • sleep is super important.

  • "Bigger muscles are stronger."

  • From a physiology standpoint,

  • bigger muscles may have the ability to be stronger.

  • They could have bigger or more motor units

  • to be able to get stronger.

  • But that doesn't necessarily mean that they are stronger.

  • There are people that have genetic differences,

  • they have longer muscles,

  • and they're not going to be as short or as prominent.

  • So they maybe don't look as big,

  • but they may be really, really strong

  • because there's more of them

  • and there's a shorter tendon where they're attaching.

  • Or, there's people that have different limb lengths.

  • Your levers are going to play into how strong you are.

  • I do talk about size,

  • because obviously dealing with the rehab side of things

  • they have a post-op knee that looks like

  • half the size of the other side, but I'm never like,

  • "Oh, you're weak because you look like this."

  • It's just, "Hey, let's get in the weight room,

  • let's get a little bit stronger,

  • let's make sure you can

  • perform your sport safely, confidently,"

  • and all that kind of stuff.

  • And for me, that's all I really care about,

  • is more the performance side of things,

  • and getting stronger is going to help you

  • in your performance level, for the most part.

  • "You need to eat meat to build muscle."

  • [laughs] Your eyes got big there.

  • Definitely not.

  • Morris: You do need to eat protein to build muscle,

  • but you do not need to get your protein

  • from meat sources only.

  • They have vegan protein shakes.

  • You can do lentils.

  • Even quinoa has protein in it.

  • Wang: "Cardio before weights."

  • What are your thoughts?

  • So, it depends on your goals.

  • Are your goals cardiovascular-related,

  • or are your goals strength-related?

  • I think that that thing needs to be first.

  • So if you're a strength athlete,

  • you definitely need to make sure that

  • you're focusing on what's important,

  • which is your strength training.

  • Wang: And this is not a black and white thing,

  • just like a lot of things in the fitness world

  • and rehab world that we work with.

  • Morris: Cardio doesn't have to be what you think it is.

  • It doesn't have to be biking or running or swimming.

  • I do weightlifting as a form of cardio

  • because I get my heart rate up

  • and then I'm able to sustain that,

  • and that alone is cardiovascular work.

  • "Working out tones your muscles."

  • [laughs]

  • I can't even say that with a straight face,

  • because what is toning?

  • I think of toning as something a printer does.

  • I think when people think of tone,

  • they think of seeing their muscles and it being visible,

  • and it always comes down to calories in versus calories out.

  • And being able to see your muscles means that you probably

  • are in a caloric maintenance or deficit state,

  • so you've got to make sure you're really focusing

  • on what you're eating too,

  • not just focusing on what you're doing in the gym.

  • There are plenty of runners out there who dread lifting,

  • but they're still considered on the toner side.

  • And that's where the word tone is very, very subjective.

  • But there are other people who are on the more

  • strength-conditioning side who love to lift

  • and are also toned.

  • So, again, that's where the individuality

  • really needs to come into play here.

  • Absolutely. It's all going back to their goals.

  • What are your goals?

  • And for me, my goals are not as much aesthetic anymore

  • as they are just feeling strong, being strong,

  • and being the best version of myself.

  • "Exercise cancels out unhealthy eating habits."

  • Definitely not. [laughs]

  • 100% not.

  • My sister used to say this all the time.

  • She'd be like, "I'm going to work out today

  • so I can go to McDonald's."

  • And I was like, "What?

  • If you're eating lots of saturated fats

  • and processed food, it's not good for you."

  • And she was like,

  • "But I'm burning more than I'm consuming.

  • Isn't that what matters at the end of the day?"

  • And I was like, "Yes, that's important,

  • but it really comes down to

  • the things that you're putting inside your body

  • that's going to have a long-term effect."

  • It's not just calories in versus calories out.

  • Let's hit your macros in these different three areas,

  • like the big protein, carbs, and fats,

  • whatever that is for you.

  • Wang: Can you have your occasional

  • cheat burger and things like that?

  • Of course you can.

  • 'Cause if I were to go eat fast food, whatever one it is,

  • for 14 of my lunch and dinners,

  • and I could lift two hours a day,

  • that would not necessarily help me.

  • "You should bulk and cut to build muscle."

  • I have done a stint of bodybuilding,

  • and I know that this is something

  • that I used to also believe

  • before I became more knowledgeable on the subject.

  • Usually bodybuilders, they will bulk up,

  • just to put on some muscle,

  • and then they will cut down,

  • so then they can see that muscle

  • and see what that muscle looks like.

  • Now, if your goal is not to be a bodybuilder

  • and you want to bulk and cut simultaneously,

  • you can do that.

  • But you have to be in a

  • positive nitrogen state in your body,

  • and the way that you can achieve that

  • is by increasing your protein

  • in the form of amino acids

  • and also adding in creatine

  • and then making sure you're sleeping enough.

  • It's not easy putting on mass

  • and then taking off mass, because then you're like,

  • "Man I look so good when I'm cutting,

  • but then I feel terrible

  • when I look in the mirror when I'm bulking."

  • And it just throws you into this emotional state

  • of not feeling good about yourself.

  • I see that in some of my patients too.

  • They don't know how to return back to normal eating,

  • because they've been in either one or the other for so long.

  • I think that for people who are really trying

  • to be structured and rigid with this,

  • there is so much help out there.

  • I know Stacie takes on online clients and things like that

  • to do it in a safe, productive, structured way.

  • "You need to work out for at least an hour

  • for it to have an effect."

  • Please go ahead and rip that one up as well.

  • I'm a big believer in working smarter, not harder,

  • and shorter doesn't mean not effective.

  • The ACSM, they have those

  • minimum effective dosage numbers for adults, right?

  • Over the course of the week, you have to accumulate

  • that many minutes of moderate intensity

  • for it to be considered effective

  • for your cardiovascular health.

  • And then if it's vigorous activity,

  • I think it's 75 minutes to 150 minutes,

  • so it's even smaller.

  • Wang: Can you only survive on 20-, 30-minute workouts?

  • Yeah, you can, but I think that obviously

  • you can get significantly more done

  • in a little bit more time,

  • which is, I think, the hour time frame.

  • Morris: "Running will destroy your knees."

  • You can rip that one up too.

  • Even though I hate running personally,

  • it will not destroy your knees.

  • I don't know who made that up or when that became a thing,

  • but it's definitely not backed by any scientific research,

  • and I know I've read some recent studies actually show

  • that runners have thicker density

  • of their cartilage and their ligaments,

  • so actually running helps their knees.

  • It does not hurt your knees.

  • Wang: Yeah, we talk about how strength training

  • helps to build resiliency in your tissues,

  • and running, it actually does the same.

  • I was laughing when I read this just because

  • I grew up playing basketball.

  • Running is involved in basketball.

  • I work with a lot of soccer and lacrosse players.

  • They have to run, and I can promise you

  • that all their knees are not destroyed.

  • I think that the people who do have pain with running,

  • that probably means that their body

  • and their tissues just aren't used to

  • whatever the capacity they're doing.

  • Morris: It's more of, did you start progressing

  • your mileage too fast?

  • Bumping up your intensity of other things too fast

  • and your body wasn't ready for it?

  • Did you change your shoes recently

  • and now your foot has to move in a different way?

  • All of those little things kind of add up.

  • "The best way to burn fat is on an empty stomach."

  • Yeah, go ahead and crinkle that up

  • and throw that one away as well.

  • [laughs] Your eyes got big, Stacie.

  • So, this is one of those ones I used to believe too.

  • They've come out with a bunch of new studies to show that,

  • no, you do not have to do fasted cardio to burn fat.

  • Obviously if you're in a caloric deficit,

  • you're in a caloric deficit,

  • and then you're going to be burning fat.

  • It's more like,

  • what kind of workouts are you doing?

  • What heart rate zone are you in?

  • And then what does your nutrition look like?

  • Wang: The intensity probably matters as well.

  • We train a lot of these

  • high-school- and college-level athletes,

  • and they're coming in and they're sprinting,

  • they're cutting, they're lifting.

  • We typically recommend them eating something

  • before they come in, even if it's, like,

  • a granola bar or something like that.

  • Eating breakfast is fine.

  • Not eating breakfast, if you don't want to eat breakfast,

  • that's also fine, but just make sure you're eating

  • what you need to be eating and getting the nutrients

  • you need to get throughout your day.

  • "Lifting heavy weights at a young age

  • will stunt your growth."

  • I think that, Stacie, you and I would both agree

  • that this is something that maybe we grew up on.

  • Morris: There's no evidence to support that viewpoint,

  • that lifting weights is going to stunt your growth.

  • I've looked into it,

  • because I started lifting at a younger age.

  • I'm actually pretty tall for a gymnast.

  • Wang: I think strength training does play a big role

  • in youth sports and keeping them healthy

  • and keeping them strong.

  • And I also think people automatically assume

  • that strength training means that you're lifting

  • extreme heavy weights, when that's not the case.

  • Picking up a 3- to 5-pound weight

  • is considered weight training and strength training.

  • "Assisted exercises are not as effective."

  • My immediate thought is, not as effective as what?

  • Does assisted mean that you're just getting some help?

  • Does it mean that you're using bands?

  • Maybe a lot of people have a hard time doing pull-ups,

  • and they use a band.

  • But does that mean that they're not getting stronger,

  • because they're using a band?

  • No. It just means that at their current level

  • they need a band to be able to perform the movement.

  • Sometimes we do assisted mobility work,

  • so we use a band to assist in doing this specific position.

  • It's actually going to help us in the long run

  • by using some assistance right now.

  • It all comes down to, what's the goal of the exercise?

  • Are we trying to get more mobility or get stronger?

  • Because, yeah, sometimes using assistance

  • is what we need to use.

  • "You can't exercise with flat feet."

  • This is just plain silly.

  • This is so silly.

  • Oh, my gosh.

  • There's, like, half of the people in the world

  • that have flat feet.

  • They're not supposed to exercise?

  • I'm done. I'm done. I quit.

  • You definitely can exercise with flat feet.

  • I, along with hundreds of thousands of other people,

  • millions of other people, have been able to do it.

  • And I think it's also kind of funny that a lot of people

  • still believe that you can change

  • your foot shape and your arch of your foot.

  • If you have flat feet,

  • your foot structure kind of is how it is,

  • and, yes, we can get the arch of our foot stronger,

  • so then you can have better stability overall,

  • but you can't change the structure of your foot.

  • At the end of the day, all these myths

  • that we've talked about today are because of extremes.

  • Don't be afraid to question things if someone's telling you

  • that you definitely have to do it.

  • If you start believing that myth

  • and now telling someone else,

  • this is how myths circulate and travel.

  • If one person becomes more educated, then they can start

  • breaking that cycle right then and there.

"Working out tones your muscles."

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