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  • Squirrelly birthday Dear Sandy

  • Squirrelly birthday to you

  • Hooray!

  • [chuckles]

  • Whoaohohohoh!

  • Whoa!

  • Tex Ritter! You don't see that everyday.

  • Huh?

  • [gasping]

  • Green cheese! Green cheese! Green cheese!

  • SpongeBob? Patrick?

  • Everyone listen to me! The light is bad!

  • Run for the shade!

  • Eugene-ikins, give me some sugar.

  • I'm always a sucker for a good smooch.

  • Yeah, walk outside and check out this awesome moon.

  • [camera flashing]

  • Hello? Hello, Pearl?

  • [grunting]

  • No! Not me! [screaming]

  • Huh? I guess it only effects sea critters.

  • I'm going home to hide under the covers!

  • Squidward, you have to stay in the shade!

  • [screaming] Help!

  • O.M. Jehoshaphat! You don't see that everyday.

  • SpongeBob! Patrick! Mrs. Puff! Mr. Krabs!

  • Larry! Look out, Pearl! I'll save you!

  • Whoa!

  • Yee-ha! Like busting a bronco! Yee-ha!

  • Here's where we get off!

  • Thanks for the lift, Pearl!

  • Don't you worry.

  • Nobody's going to eat you guys on my watch.

  • Ow!

  • Dinner time! Come and get it!

  • [camera flashing]

  • SpongeBob is never gonna believe this.

  • Hmm.

  • [groaning]

  • Ah, the giant octopus.

  • One of the largest predators on the ocean floor.

  • Texas toast!

  • You don't see that everyday! Squidward, no!

  • [screaming]

  • [panting]

  • Using her versatile tail,

  • the Texas Land squirrel calls out

  • to the natural enemy of the octopus.

  • There she blows, y'all!

  • The whale.

  • Sick 'em, Pearl! Sorry, Squidward!

  • [Squidward groaning]

  • [Squidward] Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!

  • [groaning]

  • Oh! Two hours is up? Thank goodness.

  • And so we bid a fond adieu to Neptune's Moon

  • as it descends back into the Earth

  • from whence it came.

  • We will see it again in 100 years.

  • Goal!

  • [growling]

  • Oops.

  • [giggling]

  • Oh.

  • What is going on here? [gasping]

  • My clothes! [screaming]

  • [screaming]

  • Aah!

  • [laughing]

  • Um, Sandy, how come your treedome is broken

  • and everyone's naked?

  • Well, SpongeBob, let's just say

  • this has been the most interesting birthday

  • I ever had.

  • And, of course, Neptune's Moon is always followed

  • by Neptune's Sun.

  • [chittering]

  • [both] You don't see that everyday.

  • [both] Jinx! Buy me a patty!

  • [laughing]

  • [chittering]

Squirrelly birthday Dear Sandy

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