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  • You're making a big mistake.

  • Welcome to watch Mojo and today we'll be counting down our picks for the top 10.

  • Star Wars Mistakes.

  • Disney wants you to forget everything is under control situation normal.

  • What happened?

  • His slight weapons malfunction.

  • But everything's perfectly all right now, we're fine.

  • We're all fine here now.

  • Thank you.

  • How are you for?

  • This list?

  • Will be going over the blunders, mistakes or controversies and Star Wars shows or films which parent company Disney would probably rather stay out of the spotlight.

  • There's a recent mishap in Star Wars.

  • We were mistaken.

  • To leave off our list.

  • Please help us rectify it in the comments.

  • Number 10.

  • Director problems various.

  • It's no secret that the Disney Era of Star Wars is at a major problem with directors, namely with keeping them around.

  • I hate you.

  • Directors have been let go from films like Solo, an unproduced boba fett film as well as Colin Trevorrow, who was famously dropped from episode nine chinese weapon deserves more respect.

  • The exact reasons likely vary on a case by case basis, but the most common factor reported seems to be that most aren't willing to go along with lucasfilm head, Kathleen Kennedy.

  • Some fans would probably characterize this as a lucasfilm or a Kennedy problem rather than a director problem and they have, but the fact remains that Disney would probably rather we ignore all the budding heads behind the scenes.

  • Why you stuck up?

  • Half witted, scruffy looking nerf herder.

  • Number nine, Finn and Rose's forgotten Romance.

  • Star Wars episode eight.

  • The last Jedi.

  • What are you doing here?

  • Hey hi, I was Finn and Rose spent a large chunk of the last Jedi together on an extended adventure.

  • More on that later.

  • But even so a lot of fans were left with whiplash when Rose kissed Finn after stopping him from sacrificing himself to protect everyone.

  • That's how we're gonna win, not fighting what we hate, saving what we love.

  • Of course it was even more jarring when Finn and Rose barely said two words to each other in the Rise of Skywalker and Finn's admittedly limited storyline was instead focused on connecting with another former stormtrooper.

  • Okay, wait, you were first order.

  • Not by choice.

  • While Rose is reportedly reduced role in the film likely had something to do with their suddenly ignored romance.

  • We can't help but feel like the backlash to the character also had something to do with it or Fin just didn't like her back.

  • Number eight digital.

  • Peter cushing Rogue One, a Star Wars story concerns hardly warranted if saying it would only make it so recreating deceased or older actors is nothing new in Hollywood.

  • Even so the re vilification of Peter cushing's appearance to use for grand moff Tarkin role in Rogue One raised objections as well as eyebrows, failure will find you explaining why to a far less patient audience.

  • Sure, something similar was achieved in the same film with Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia, but in her case it was only for a few seconds and fisher reportedly approved of the recreation before her untimely passing.

  • Tarkin meanwhile, plays a large part in several scenes.

  • The uncanny Valley effect is upsetting enough, but the whole business of using someone's likeness postmortem feels wrong.

  • Too many fans I believe I owe you an apology.

  • Director chronic your work exceeds all expectations.

  • Number seven, canceling Star Wars 13 13, It's a long way down.

  • It gets a lot dirtier where we're headed.

  • Star Wars video games have often delved into darker territory than the films or tv shows, but fans were especially looking forward to exploring Star Wars 13 13.

  • A gritty look at boba fett rise as a bounty hunter in the 13 13 section of core isn't as for your bike, you're in luck, you happened to crash onto one of the best repair shops on 13 13.

  • Unfortunately, after Disney acquired Star Wars in 2012, it shut down Lucasarts thus halting production on 1313.

  • Although the location of 1313 would be revisited in the clone wars and rumors have persisted for years that the game itself would be revisited.

  • Nothing concrete has emerged.

  • As of this writing, with the amount of detail that's gone into making this world, we really have only just scratched the surface and there is going to be a lot more to hear about it in the future.

  • Number six, the Casino side quest, Star Wars episode eight.

  • The last Jedi Canto Bight?

  • No, no, that's mas, is there any way that we can take care of this ourselves?

  • We said we'd be getting back to Finn and Rose, didn't we?

  • Midway through the last Jedi these to leave the ragtag remains of the rebel fleet in pursuit of a code breaker in the canton.

  • Incan city of Canto Bight.

  • I wish I could put my fist through this whole lousy beautiful town.

  • While there are a lot of criticisms of this sequence from its design elements to the mixed messaging on environmentalism and war profiteering.

  • It's the structural issues that stick out, particularly for most viewers.

  • The price is right, I can break you into old man Snooks boudoir, know where we got it covered, Finn and Rose's adventure here is much lower on stakes and investment than the other major plotlines.

  • Additionally, it doesn't amount to anything in the grand scheme of things since their code breaker ends up betraying them, it's just business, you're wrong.

  • Maybe despite how forgettable the sequences, Star Wars fans refused to let it go.

  • Number five, Captain phasma is lost potential.

  • Star Wars episode eight.

  • The last Jedi sir, the villagers kill them all.

  • In the force awakens were introduced to Captain phasma, a female stormtrooper played by Gwendoline Christie, imposing in her awesome chrome armor, phasma met an unceremonious defeat in her first appearance, getting thrown down a garbage chute.

  • What do we do with her?

  • Is there a garbage chute trash compactor.

  • Yeah, there is fans hopes that she would have a better outing in the sequel were basically dashed as well despite getting a fight with Finn phasma receives a final ending falling into flames aboard a half destroyed ship.

  • You always come rebels come granted Star Wars characters have come back from worse but many can't help comparing her to boba fett.

  • A character with a lot of potential that was ultimately squandered by a lame conclusion.

  • We'll have to see if Asthma can climb out of her own Saarland pit and redeem herself like fed hands.

  • Number four Gina Carano controversy.

  • The Mandalorian looking for some work.

  • Gina Carano first appeared in Star Wars on the hit show, The Mandalorian where she played Cara Dune, a former rebel that's eventually minted as a marshal for the New Republic.

  • She's a frequent ally of Hero Din jarring.

  • Unfortunately, Carano made several remarks on social media, which caused a swarm of backlash leading to Disney firing her from the Mandalorian.

  • How'd you end up here?

  • Let's just call it an early retirement.

  • The announced rangers of the new Republic series, which would presumably also starred Carano has also reportedly been shelved.

  • I heard rumors you might have gone legit.

  • I wouldn't go that far.

  • Disney seems determined to sweep any involvement they had with the actor under the rug.

  • On a related note, number three canceled shows and movies?

  • Various, there's a hunger for this character to come back.

  • The fans have been waiting long enough.

  • Disney has thrown everything but the kitchen sink into Star Wars in recent years.

  • So that has left quite a few projects on the cutting room floor.

  • While a few have been reworked as Tv series such as the solo films based on Obi wan, Kenobi and boba fett.

  • Not all have been so lucky if you had spoken such insolence to java, he'd have fed you to his menagerie.

  • Game of Thrones.

  • Showrunners, David Benioff and D.

  • B.

  • Weiss were once slated to work on a series of films, but these were canceled after they signed a deal with netflix.

  • Likewise, Ryan johnson's long rumored trilogy of Star Wars films have also likely been canceled after years of conflicting reports about their status.

  • And given the delays on patty, Jenkins, Rogue Squadron were not optimistic.

  • We'll see that any time soon Now.

  • I found a movie about two things I love.

  • So I'm gonna see you very soon.

  • Number two.

  • The fall of Skywalker.

  • Star Wars episode eight.

  • The last Jedi luke.

  • Skywalker is the hero of the original Star Wars trilogy to say that fans felt a little betrayed by the direction his character took in the last Jedi would be quite the understatement, luke is a broken and defeated man after a lapse in judgment almost led him to kill his own nephew.

  • It's quite the dark place to take the character and a lot of fans.

  • Even Mark Hamill himself were on team hashtag not my luke.

  • Skywalker.

  • I failed you.

  • Ben.

  • I'm sorry I'm sure you are.

  • While the rise of Skywalker clearly tried to backpedal on certain aspects of luke's characterization.

  • It was too little too late for many chinese weapon deserves more respect.

  • Master Skywalker.

  • What are you doing before we continue?

  • Be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos.

  • You have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them.

  • If you're on your phone, make sure to go into your settings and switch on notifications number one, the sequel trilogy having no plan, the Star wars sequel trilogy, Princess of Alderaan has disrupted my plan.

  • But a foolish act will be in vain.

  • The sequel trilogy felt rushed compared to the films they followed.

  • And while some fans enjoy the trilogy, most will probably agree that they could use some tightening up.

  • Where'd you get that?

  • A good question for another time mysteries set up early on received disappointing or no payoff in later films and characters like Finn touted as major players are gradually pushed to the side.

  • I never told you conflicting visions could explain some of the poorly received elements of the sequel trilogy, but not all of them Disney has claimed in the past that they had a plan but evidence clearly points to a trilogy made without a road map in mind, which is weird considering George Lucas had one and they threw it out.

  • I have other plans.

  • Do you agree with our picks?

  • Check out this other recent clip from Watch Mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos.

You're making a big mistake.

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