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  • Hey everybody, I know that this might not be the best quality.

  • It's hard to get a good signal up here.

  • I'm on the top of a, of a hill.

  • This is a rice that's going to be harvested in a month and a half from now.

  • And uh it's an incredible view.

  • I'm just driving along, see this road here.

  • Just driving along in the convertible up there, I'll take you up to the car, I might have to do this to delete this live stream and then just recorded a couple of minutes showing this.

  • You look at the sea down there with this beautiful blue sea, the green of and and the golden tops of the rice here.

  • It's just such an amazing japanese scene that I had to had to bring this to you whether it's Minecraft quality or not, I'm gonna walk up just a little bit higher and you're gonna see it's even a better view that further up you go, how you doing Jacob, nice to see everybody here.

  • Full metal dragon awesome.

  • How you doing joy?

  • I, I do apologize about the quality.

  • I only have two bars so the fact that I could do any kind of a live stream is still pretty amazing but I got done filming um uh part of the episode that I'm going to be releasing in october, I got to come back in october for the olive harvest but it's been pretty incredible.

  • Learning about what makes this island so magical because you can see it, look at that rice, it's, it's so ready not that long.

  • Not not much more time to go before they have to harvest that kati.

  • Maybe another month to go look at the water coming through here, wow, it's the sights and the sounds whenever you try.

  • This is the reason why you should leave Tokyo, the smells, the sights, the sounds, the feeling.

  • You don't get this in the city and if you just look over here, this is why this is such a showed Oshima view.

  • I can't wait to get the drone out.

  • I think I'm gonna do the video opening.

  • Um so here we are in short Oshima right from this point.

  • Look at it, It's just so stunning.

  • It's so stunning.

  • You can see all the islands um from this point and it's low enough where you can get all the greenery to, of the beautiful, beautiful scenery of Oshima.

  • That's what it's all about.

  • If you go too high then you, everything looks too small.

  • But this is such a perfect height because you have the sea right there, the clouds up above.

  • Look at this blue sky, the colors, this is a painting.

  • Oh man, you could really feel it.

  • I think I'm sure that this does not do justice.

  • Again.

  • I get two bars out of this thing but wow, Just soak this in for like 30 seconds.

  • You guys are with me.

  • Hey, easy Alex is here.

  • How you doing?

  • I saw the farmer, he drove up this direction.

  • Aloha, are you in Hawaii.

  • He drove up this direction.

  • I guess this is good enough.

  • I haven't seen another car.

  • The only car that drove past this road was the mail truck.

  • I haven't seen a car And, and the farmer who was down here kind of checking in on it.

  • Um, but I think if I, if I put the drone up here and look down on me, you'll get a picture of me in the sea.

  • It would be so awesome and with the rice and the colors and everything, it's just right now the lighting is backlit.

  • The sun is right up there.

  • Don't look at the sun.

  • It kind of made you look at it.

  • So I might maybe tomorrow morning is the best time to come to come and do it.

  • But I'll give it a try.

  • Yeah, the olive harvest outside of this is the only place in Japan where olives took root in 191908.

  • They brought a bunch of olive trees over uh, to Japan from Greece and they planted them all around the country.

  • And the only place that would take root was short Oshima and the weather is, is just kind of that kind of weather.

  • A lot of sunshine, fresh air uh, down by the sea.

  • So you get that kind of a feeling.

  • Um, hey, I want to get my Japanese driver's license, hey, from Salt Lake city Utah overnight shift.

  • That's right.

  • It's a little bit late in the US.

  • Thanks for staying up for this.

  • Not that you had a choice of late night shift.

  • It is a very Mediterranean type of, of climate.

  • And we went down to an olive oil factory where I'm gonna be filming.

  • They're gonna be harvesting the olives and then pressing it.

  • They do it so fresh so quickly.

  • Um, 100 tons of olives go through there.

  • The presses are imported from Italy because you can see, I can see an Italian name on that and that they're just so proud of the, of the olives that they grow here.

  • Um, I'm pretty excited to taste it when it's fresh picked up right off of the tree.

  • They make make up, they make all sorts of stuff from it and nothing, apparently nothing goes to waste in this olive industry.

  • So it's an example of uh, um, yeah, everything is not, everything is used.

  • So it's a good example for other industries I think, but how could you not stop?

  • And here's the thing.

  • Okay, I'm gonna get back in the carpet.

  • You want to see the car.

  • I clearly want to see the car, It's so dark, small.

  • It's like a toy.

  • I've been driving this thing around for the last, uh, um, day and a half.

  • It's been a pretty good ride kind of bumpy.

  • The suspensions aren't that good.

  • Look how low it is to the ground.

  • You don't wanna, you know, hit anything in this thing.

  • The whole, the roof goes into the trunk so I can't even use the trunk.

  • It's pretty crazy.

  • It's a die hard.

  • What?

  • Because like it cost a little bit more for the open car.

  • What was it like?

  • I don't know like $70, a day or something like that.

  • Plus the insurance with the insurance.

  • That's a pretty good.

  • Uh, it's it's a budget car but it doesn't have a top.

  • I gotta keep the top down because my head kind of touches the roof.

  • I think it was made for people that were under 180 centimeters tall.

  • Maybe 100 and 70 might be pretty good.

  • There's a dog barking in the distance.

  • So that's the mini Miata.

  • I thought a Miata isn't many, uh I don't like dogs when they bark at me.

  • I could bark back.

  • Man bites dog.

  • Don't instigate john my first urge is to bark back.

  • I like your home.

  • Hey, it's a compliment.

  • Gosh, I'm not gonna take, I'm not gonna take this abuse saying mean things you're saying mean things about your mom.

  • I don't have any treats.

  • I should have brought some olives.

  • You know what?

  • I'm not gonna go pet him.

  • Winter mage.

  • Obviously he's gonna, he's a biter.

  • Winter major go pet him.

  • You don't pet strange dogs that are fenced in.

  • I'm trying to stream here.

  • You're ruining the view.

  • Dude.

  • I guess this is how some of you feel when I'm talking and there's a beautiful view in the background.

  • I get your point now To the two people that complain.

  • Anyways it's a pretty cool car and this is an amazing view and actually I might even I might get the drone out and then just drive and get the drone filming me driving with the open top would be pretty cool.

  • Right?

  • Why did I do that?

  • Let's go.

  • We'll scout this out.

  • Hey dog you know what?

  • Look I got nothing good to say about you either.

  • Once the owner doesn't come out with a shotgun, I'm good.

  • It's probably private property.

  • It's like it's a public road.

  • Alright everybody, I better go.

  • This dog is not will you just let it go boom.

  • I think I saw the owner.

  • Alright I better go take that check out this view.

  • It was a lot more peaceful with that dog.

  • You're ruining the view for the people go let him smell you.

  • I don't smell that nice.

  • That's okay.

  • It's like baking, it's like 35 degrees out here.

  • Was that like 100?

  • You know what?

  • You know you can't smell me.

  • You think the dog wants to Oshima?

  • Well of course he's persistent.

  • He's got nothing else to bark at.

  • I'm the first person, first person to bark at in like years maybe.

  • Hey T.

  • D.

  • S.

  • D.

  • R.

  • Or tester.

  • Ted ster from Bill and ted's excellent adventure, one of my favorite movies and um WRX turbo.

  • He's in the house in the car.

  • All right, everybody.

  • I just wanted to share a little bit of peace and quiet with you from my convertible car because I did drive one once.

  • Um I don't know I'm gonna rent this again, but I'll be back here in october.

  • Hey MJ is that M.

  • J how you doing?

  • All I gotta say is um uh I'll try to find some interesting places, some food, uh some other aspects.

  • Tomorrow I'll be filming B roll all day.

  • I'm free with this car to film background on this beautiful island.

  • So um I'll do a couple of live streams tomorrow.

  • And uh if you're, by the way, if you're a uh member of the channel right now, everything is half price.

  • So it's like 49 yen.

  • Or like 40 cents.

  • If you want to be a member you get to use emoji and I will do a secret stream uh later that only you will be able to see if you, you know, work over 40 cents.

  • It's half price and the insiders.

  • Just half price.

  • I don't know.

  • YouTube said that everything is 50% off on the memberships.

  • I guess he did the dog does not.

  • A dog does not approve.

  • I gotta leave here.

  • I don't want the I think if anyone's got a shotgun it's gonna be you know here maybe Includes travelers joy.

  • It does.

  • So there's like a 99 cent level.

  • It sounds like the $0.49, which is so cool.

  • I didn't know that.

  • So I'm like becoming members of other people's, um, youtube's so that's all cool.

  • All right.

  • Thank you.

  • Ted ster.

  • Let's put this to good use.

  • Get some good dinner.

  • Get something good and then we'll live stream something tomorrow.

  • I'll see if I can find a local restaurant because there's some good food here.

  • There's some good eating and Oshima, my gosh.

  • And after today, I'm gonna need a good meal because all this sightseeing, it's so worth it that you can picnic up here, Have a good day.

  • Everybody see you later.

  • It's not the same with the dog.

  • Imagine this without the dog.

  • Bye everybody.

Hey everybody, I know that this might not be the best quality.

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