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  • Can you recognize your favorite Bikini Bottomite

  • without even seeing them?

  • Pleh!

  • What if you only get their feet as clues?

  • Take a listen to your favorite footsteps

  • from under the sea and determie whose feet you're hearing.

  • Don't play games with me, mister.

  • Free suits? Oh, boy.

  • Welcome, sir.

  • Step up here and we'll begin.

  • Just grabbing some measurements.

  • Oh!

  • Sir, try to keep still.

  • Whoa there. Don't you need some other measurements?

  • I mean, how about me inseam?

  • No, you can put that away, sir. I'm almost done.

  • Ah! That's it! You get off me, you terrible tailor!

  • Tell your friends about us!

  • Hold still.

  • This isn't the first time this has happened.

  • [grunting]

  • Hmm. Could take him a while to get out.

  • What should we do while we wait?

  • [crying]

  • You're never getting away with this, Dr. Kelpington!

  • Mm, could you pass the popcorn?

  • [screeching]

  • [Plankton] Get me outta here!

  • Shh!

  • [squeaking]

  • [squeaking]

  • I just needed a breath of fresh water.

  • [squeaking]

  • That'll take care of it.

  • Don't do it.

  • Don't do it.

  • Don't do it!

  • Well, I do'ed it.

  • [laughing]

  • Time for stronger measures.

  • Alright, self, let's see you get out of that one.

  • [grunting]

  • Whoa, SpongeBob, are you okay?

  • Fred, your nails. They're so... beautiful.

  • Aw, thanks. I really pride myself on...

  • My nails!

  • Must bite nails.

  • [chuckles] Good bye, jelly smellies.

  • I'm out of here and back to peace and quiet in my room.

  • All right, jellyfishers,

  • it's the moment you've all been waiting for!

  • Let the annual Jellyfish Mascot Hunt begin!

  • [cheering]

  • Jellyfish Mascot Hunt?

  • [screaming]

  • Huh? What's this?

  • Zapper?!

  • Whoop, whoop!

  • [screaming]

  • Zap me!

  • [screaming]

  • [laughing] Zapper.

  • [meowing]

  • [meowing]

  • [sighing]

  • [laughing]

  • Huh?

  • Meow?

  • Meow.

  • Mm-hmm. Uh-huh.

  • [screaming]

  • [groaning]

  • [laughing]

  • [groaning]

  • All right, snail, let's go! Just you and me!

  • Meow!

  • Put 'em up! Put 'em up!

  • [meowing]

  • [growling]

  • Of course. What a fool I've been.

  • It's Mr. Krabs' business rival, Plankton.

  • Eat my microscopic dust, Krabs.

  • Your secret formula is finally mine!

  • He's stealing the formula.

  • What are you going to do, Mr. SquarePants?

  • [screaming]

  • [screaming]

  • You'll never catch me, Krabs.

  • Not when I shift into maximum overdrive. Hi-yah!

  • I knew I should have gotten the turbo.

  • This is gonna be so funny.

  • The gal pals will obviously try to prank the newbie.

  • But this newbie is gonna prank them right back.

  • [laughing]

  • Boo! Who likes eggs? Hahaha!

  • Not now, SpongeBob, wait until you're around the campfire

  • and you're supposed to act scary, not lame.

  • Oh, scary. Got it.

  • Wait til the fire, then make with the scary.

  • Yah! Ooh! Eeh!

  • [moaning]

  • Keep working on it.

  • Here comes our newest member.

  • Gal Pals! Yeah!

  • Thirsty.

  • Thirsty, thirsty, thirsty, thirsty...

  • [sucking]

  • [sucking]

  • [belching]

  • Oh. Nematodes.

  • [barking]

  • [whistling]

  • [barking]

  • [whistling]

  • [panting]

  • Shew. We must have walked for miles.

  • I guess our legs are too short for walkies.

  • [squeaking]

  • [squeaking]

  • I, uh, see you're still wearing them boots.

  • Are you kidding? I love 'em.

  • Could the world's greatest fry cook do this?

  • [squeaking]

  • Well, uh, I don't, uh, I don't, uh.

  • Or could he do this? [squeaking]

  • Or this? [squeaking]

  • And watch this, Mr. Krabs.

  • Can I take your order?

  • Yeah, I'll have the Krusty Special.

  • [cooing]

  • [cooing]

  • [laughing]

  • That's it.

  • You can do it.

  • [cooing]

  • You're walking, baby.

  • Heh. You call that walking? This is walking.

  • [humming] This is how you do it.

  • This is how it's done.

  • [cooing]

  • [laughing, cooing]

  • [gasping] Mama's big boy is upgrading!

  • [laughing]

  • Awe.

Can you recognize your favorite Bikini Bottomite

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