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  • - I'm Taka Sakaeda,

  • sushi chef and owner of Nami Nori restaurants.

  • I'll be answeing your questions from Twitter.

  • This is Sushi Support.

  • [drumbeat plays]

  • QueensCustodian asks:

  • "I know this seems like a stupid question,

  • but can I just buy sushi-grade fish from the market

  • and cut it up and that's sashimi?"

  • Simple answer, yes.

  • Sashimi is raw fish sliced for consumption.

  • So the only questions coming into mind are

  • what is sushi-grade?

  • Generally, in the American markets,

  • sushi-grade is referring to any fish

  • that has been treated in a way to prevent bacterial growth.

  • Generally when we are talking about

  • sushi-grade fish in Japan,

  • oftentimes it needs to be wild fish, needs to be line cot.

  • There's a process called ikijime.

  • It is a technique used to kill the fish instantly,

  • and then to remove the nerves from the spinal cord

  • to reduce the amount of lactic acid

  • that is released into the fish.

  • GJ Wellingtonhurst asks: "Interactive tweet.

  • Please reply to this with a description

  • of your ideal sushi roll."

  • So my ideal sushi roll actually is very simple.

  • I like what we call hosomaki. I can show you one right now.

  • Here, I have a makisu.

  • Makisu is the bamboo mat designed for rolling sushi.

  • Seaweed actually has two sides,

  • the shiny side and rough side.

  • For this, we're gonna leave the rough side on the outside.

  • I'm gonna get the appropriate amount of rice here.

  • Basically make a little bed for my protein to sit inside,

  • and wasabi.

  • I'm gonna fill with tuna.

  • I'm gonna bring the back edge of the noi to the front

  • where the rice meets, to create one nice crease.

  • Roll over to make the final seal,

  • ans basically now my tuna roll is done.

  • Generally, hosomaki is cut into six pieces.

  • Very simple tuna inside, some nice wasabi, soy sauce.

  • That's heaven.

  • Uverneous asks; "How much wasabi is too much?"

  • Let's start with what is wasabi? Wasabi is a raison.

  • It is often growing on the sides of very freshwater streams.

  • All you need to do to produce wasabi

  • is take this wasabi root and grind it.

  • What's most commonly seen in the US markets

  • is some sort of derivative of horseradish

  • that has been colored with food coloring,

  • and maybe there's some other seasonings added.

  • Salt or sugar.

  • Unless you actually see a chef with the actual wasabi root,

  • you're most likely having horseradish,

  • and the reason why fresh wasabi

  • isn't used in all restaurants is that it is very expensive.

  • If you're using enough to overpower the flavor of the fish,

  • and you're just using it to mask everything,

  • I would say that's too much.

  • Oksese asks: "How many of you have had sushi?

  • Are there different types? Is it good?

  • Does it taste somewhat like chicken or salmon?

  • Tell me.

  • Does it ever taste like chicken? No.

  • I will say there's no sushi out there

  • that should taste like chicken.

  • As far as different types,

  • I do have a platter here of different types of sushi.

  • Here we have tekka maki, my favorite roll.

  • Next to that is called gunkan,

  • the rice underneath that's wrapped with seaweed.

  • That's topped with ikura.

  • From there is two pieces of akami nigiri sushi,

  • and then here is sashimi, two slices is akami there,

  • and this is kind of not a traditional futomaki,

  • but in the style of.

  • There's salmon, yellowtail,

  • tuna and some cucumbers in there,

  • and a salmon roll with toriko called uramaki,

  • where the rice is on the outside,

  • and this also is another way that we can incorporate

  • more ingredients into a roll,

  • so that we can have more creativity,

  • or different types of things inside of a roll.

  • Honey504 asks: "For sushi eaters, what is eel sauce?

  • My son said blood, and all of a sudden, I'm not well."

  • [laughs]

  • Okay, I think that your son needs to show you some respect

  • and stop lying to you. [laughs]

  • Eel sauce is not blood.

  • Real eel sauce is made from roasting the bones from the eel,

  • creating a stock, basically an eel stock,

  • and adding that with soy sauce, sometimes mirin,

  • some type of sugar.

  • Steeping that in the bones to create eel sauce.

  • SushipopUS asks:

  • "What's the strangest ingredient

  • you've had in a sushi roll?"

  • For me, it's not personally strange,

  • but maybe people might find it to be strange.

  • There's a fish called fugu, the pufferfish,

  • and in the wild, they eat certain shellfish,

  • and it creates a poison in their body,

  • and this is one of the most poisonous fish in the ocean.

  • If you take that same fish and farm raise it,

  • not allow that fish to have certain shellfish,

  • there's no poison created in the fish.

  • So now you're able to eat the entire fish.

  • From one of these farm raised fugu,

  • one of the best parts is actually the liver.

  • Fugu liver in a roll with shifo leaf and some umi paste

  • is one of my favorite rolls.

  • Abahndons asked: "Why is sushi so expensive?

  • It's five grains of rice and like a gram of fish. Wtf?"

  • Fish tends to be expensive,

  • especially high grade, very fresh fish.

  • Grading is dependent on obviously taste, texture,

  • fat content, but also color grading.

  • From yellowfin, $18 a pound up to $70 a pound,

  • depending on different cuts of that fish.

  • The most prized fish are generally lion cod.

  • That causes the least amount of damage to the fish.

  • If the boat has refrigeration,

  • that might increase the cost to the fisherman,

  • and on top of that,

  • there's a lot of waste that goes into fish.

  • A lot of the fish is not edible for sushi.

  • Colettisusan asks:

  • "Why do sushi chefs wear bandanas when making sushi?

  • I never thought of that as a tough workout."

  • Being a sushi chef is tough work.

  • I think that what you see as a guest is literally 10%

  • of what the work a sushi chef does.

  • 90% is the prep, and there are large fish,

  • including bluefin.

  • Sometimes, whole fish can be 800 pounds,

  • so if you're carrying a quarter of it,

  • you need several people to carry that around.

  • Running around all day long.

  • This is generally a job that's 12 hours

  • on their feet minimum.

  • 96dyn asked: "When did sushi start having avocados in it?

  • Can avocados even be grown in Japan?"

  • Sushi, avocados I think was American advent.

  • This was some time in the 80s, or early 90s,

  • when the California became popular.

  • That abbreviation for California being CA

  • is crab and avocado.

  • I think that's the original reason why the name

  • California roll came to be.

  • Does it grow in Japan?

  • I haven't seen many avocado trees in Japan.

  • Maybe there's someone growing an avocado tree

  • somewhere in Japan,

  • but this is not common food for Japanese people.

  • Rehitucom asked:

  • "In Japan, it takes up to 20 years of school

  • to become a sushi chef,

  • which is years longer than it takes to become a doctor.

  • Is this true?"

  • I think that three to five years,

  • you should have a pretty good understanding

  • if you're really dedicated and really studying hard

  • and working hard at it.

  • There's been a lot of lore surrounding sushi chefs,

  • and to be honest,

  • I think the most simple answer is that

  • if you're a sushi chef and you want to call yourself that,

  • you're always studying.

  • You're always learning.

  • So 20 years is really a short time to become a sushi chef.

  • Shelbwei3 asked:

  • "I forgot to get chopsticks for my sushi,

  • so what am I supposed to do now?

  • Eat it like a fork like some kind of lunatic?" [laughs]

  • I don't think that you're a lunatic

  • if you decide to use a fork to eat your sushi.

  • But there's also an alternate option. Sushi is finger food.

  • So if you'd like, you can just use your hands,

  • pick it up and enjoy it.

  • FlipCaboose asks:

  • "What kind of fish do I use for fresh sushi rolls?"

  • There are many different types of fish for sushi.

  • But if we're talking about sushi at home in the US markets,

  • I do have some fish here today

  • that you can find in the markets.

  • Tuna here, salmon and yellowtail.

  • Tuna specifically,

  • we are looking for a bright red color.

  • Nothing should look sad. It should be bright.

  • This is called a tsaku,

  • and these are basically taken from the entire fish

  • cut into these kind of rectangle shapes

  • in preparation for cutting for sushi or sashimi.

  • In order to create a tender cut,

  • I'm gonna cut against the grain.

  • This could be for sushi.

  • Okay, so here I have a piece of salmon,

  • and it's just a little bit easier to see the sineu lines.

  • Sineu is the connective tissue

  • that is connecting the muscle fibers.

  • Generally speaking, you can cut this in any direction,

  • and you shouldn't really feel the sineu too much.

  • GettingSorted asked:

  • "We have been making and eating sushi lately,

  • but we can't get the rice right.

  • What is your secret to perfect sushi rice?"

  • I have a bowl here of sushi rice prepared.

  • One thing we wanna make sure is that we're starting

  • with the right type of sushi rice.

  • Most commonly in American markets,

  • you'll find a type of Japanese grain called kochikari.

  • It is a short grain Japanese rice,

  • and that is most commonly used in sushi preparation.

  • After that, it's really about washing process.

  • It's really about releasing the starch.

  • We want the rice to be able to stick together to form a ball

  • but we don't want it to be gummy and too sticky.

  • If this is overcooked, you're gonna see that this is, like,

  • a big mosh, and it's gonna look very very moist and wet,

  • and you'll see that the grains aren't individually distinct.

  • Then on the other side, if this is undercooked,

  • it'll look too distinct,

  • and it'll kinda flutter and fall apart, versus...

  • I don't know if you can see.

  • There's a little bit of a stretch,

  • and they're kinda dragging each other along.

  • Understanding that, reading that to really focus in on

  • and getting those fine details

  • takes a long time to understand.

  • Hot_tati24 asks:

  • "It was only right to get sushi on my last night in Cali...

  • Because how fresh can it really be in Utah?"

  • Will you have fresh sushi in Utah versus California,

  • maybe it might be a day different.

  • But also, modern sushi chefs now are using an aging process.

  • You might be thinking that it's fresh fish,

  • but sometimes, chefs are now aging, toro for instance,

  • for up to two weeks,

  • and allowing kind of a natural fermentation to occur,

  • obviously in safe environments,

  • and controlling bacterial growth.

  • The idea there is to reduce the moisture content

  • and increase the flavor and the tenderness

  • by going through an aging process.

  • Richardchiu asks: "Soy sauce question.

  • Do you think putting soy sauce on everything,

  • especially white rice, is faux pas?

  • Personally, it makes me cringe when I see

  • people put soy sauce on rice,

  • or dipping their sushi in gallons of soy sauce.

  • But that's just me."

  • Simply put, the answer is yes.

  • It is faux pas to put soy sauce on everything.

  • If you're going to a high end sushi omakase restaurant...

  • Omakase means...

  • Literally translates to "Chef's Choice,"

  • and so generally this is a type of restaurant where you

  • don't make any decisions except for maybe

  • what you're gonna drink.

  • Generally, the chef is gonna basically manicure everything

  • to the way the chef wants it.

  • So that would include the amount of soy sauce or seasoning

  • that's put on every fish.

  • If you are in a more kind of "casual" sushi restaurant,

  • you do have the option to have your own soy sauce,

  • and it won't come seasoned.

  • But generally, the idea here is if you put soy sauce

  • all over the rice, the rice will fall apart,

  • and you won't have a beautiful piece anymore.

  • It'll decompose just from being wet.

  • AmalieOver asked:

  • "Today while eating sushi,

  • I told my boyfriend he's meant to eat the ginger

  • between the different pieces and not on top of the sushi,

  • and he snapped back 'this is how they did it in Japan,'

  • and I've been thinking of it ever since.

  • Have I been taught wrong?"

  • I think that Amalie Over, you've been taught correctly.

  • Sushi ginger is meant to be a palate cleanser

  • between bites of sushi.

  • There are certain pieces that work really well

  • with sushi ginger,

  • and I think that there's nothing wrong with it.

  • But again, setting is important.

  • If you're in a restaurant where the chef is serving you

  • exactly how the chef wants it to be eaten,

  • it would be very disrespectful to put that piece of ginger

  • on top of that fish and enjoying it together.

  • Codytwist1 asked:

  • "What is imitation crab even made of...

  • Sushi is ruined."

  • Imitation crab most often is made out of pollock

  • that's been turned into a paste

  • mixed with some sort of starch and some seasonings.

  • Sometimes, they use artificial crab flavor

  • or maybe real crab juice.

  • This is actually a Japanese fish product called surimi.

  • In Japan, surimi products are not marketed

  • as imitation crab.

  • Viviewirosa asks: "What is temaki?"

  • So temaki directly translates to hand rolled.

  • I think most commonly is the cone shape

  • to where you'll see kind of the ingredients

  • sticking out of the top,

  • and the idea here is to turn this corner into the side here

  • and wrap.

  • The noi stays crisp because it's so quick and easy to make.

  • But also, this style has become very popular to do at home.

  • So generally, if people are coming together

  • and having a party at home,

  • everyone is making temaki's at home.

  • GazDeaves asks: "Question for sushi lovers:

  • Am I supposed to eat this leaf?

  • And if so, how do I do it using chopsticks?"

  • This is called shiso, or also known as oba, and yes.

  • It is edible.

  • It kinda has a minty, herbacious flavor,

  • and I love to have it

  • just wrapped around a piece of sashimi.

  • It adds a great, different dynamic

  • to the flavor of the dish.

  • NicoleConnaghan asked:

  • "How do sushi chefs cut sushi rolls so perfectly neat?

  • I don't get it."

  • So it takes a lot of time, dedication and practice.

  • Most commonly in the beginning,

  • when you first start learning how to cut,

  • we go from center and cut it in half.

  • Cut this in half again, and then on each side,

  • we cut these in half.

  • It's obviously much easier to see something bisected,

  • something that's half,

  • than to see it and understand what one piece is.

  • But as we advance, the faster way is to cut this in half,

  • and instead of cutting it in half again,

  • just going from left to right straight.

  • But this takes practice so that we understand each piece,

  • and how big it should be.

  • So generally, Japanese sushi knives, called yanagi,

  • designed to be a little bit thinner behind the blade,

  • and has the bevel, which is much more elongated

  • to kind of create a thinner blade

  • and make it easier to slide through.

  • Ryan D Jacobs asks:

  • "What kind of vinegar do you add to rice for making sushi?"

  • Sushi vinegar can either be made with rice vinegar,

  • or red vinegar called akazu.

  • This is vinegar produced from the leeds of sake.

  • This is kinda the residual byproduct of making sake,

  • and then aged to create a vinegar,

  • and through the aging process,

  • it kinda turned to this kinda red color,

  • and you'll often see now in higher end sushi restaurants

  • the resurgence of akazu,

  • and actually akazu now is more expensive

  • than the rice vinegar,

  • and the smell is very, very strong.

  • So this is actually associated with a kind of story

  • of the apprentice waving the sushi rice

  • as the master is mixing the rice with the vinegar.

  • There's a lore that says that actually

  • that akazu is so cheap and the smell is so pungent

  • that the apprentice was there not to wave off

  • and cool the rice,

  • but just to blow away the smell

  • and the scent from the master.

  • Suzy Tobias asked:

  • "What are these teeny wee orange bubble things [laughs]

  • on the outside of my sushi?

  • I like them, fun to pop."

  • I think that Suzy Tobias is referring to tobiko.

  • Tobiko is the row from flying fish.

  • This is manufactured, and this is created.

  • There's flavorings in here.

  • There's some food coloring in here as well, and you know,

  • one of the great things about this I think

  • is that it has MSG in there as well,

  • and so it adds as a great flavor booster

  • to anything that you add it to.

  • From dkd_22. "Who invented sushi? Hahahaha, it's so good."

  • So the sushi that we know today, edomae-zushi,

  • is credited to a gentleman named Hanaya Yohei.

  • This was around 1820, I would say.

  • The original sushi was almost like fast food.

  • This was originally done through basically street vendors.

  • These were carts that carried around the rice and the fish

  • and served on street sides.

  • So people would come by, eat a couple pieces,

  • and be on their day.

  • Sushi_ebooks asks: "What is your favorite slice of fish?"

  • I'm gonna assume and interpret that this question means

  • what's my favorite piece of sushi.

  • So I have here sea urchins. This is my favorite.

  • This is actually the gonads from sea urchins.

  • The sea urchin is kinda a round,

  • spherical hard shelled creature with a bunch of spikes

  • sticking out of it.

  • It has very subtle sweetness, nice ocean flavor,

  • and for some people, it's an acquired taste.

  • Amberlynne asked: "Sushi question.

  • Is a spicy tuna roll tuna and wasabi,

  • or tuna salad made with spicy mayo?"

  • Tuna and wasabi together, we call tekka maki,

  • which is just tuna roll.

  • Spicy tuna roll is referring to tuna

  • mixed with spicy mayonnaise and then put into a roll.

  • BigNeezyNFT asked:

  • "When did sushi in America become a cream cheese log

  • slathered in mayo?" [laughs]

  • Late 80s and into the 90s,

  • there was a little bit of hesitation for

  • the non Japanese consumer to have raw fish, and obviously,

  • cream cheese and mayonnaise,

  • they do work in some types of sushi.

  • I think it was just a great way and creative way

  • to introduce sushi to a wider audience.

  • As long as people understand that this is not traditional.

  • Chefs have the creative freedom to do whatever they want,

  • I think, and at the end of the day,

  • the consumers will decide if it's good or not.

  • OCRewind asks:

  • "How do sushi chefs not cut off their finger or something

  • with all the sake and beer they drink?" [laughs]

  • Uh, practice makes perfect, I guess.

  • This is a practice among sushi chefs.

  • I think that it is nice for a guest to offer

  • a beverage to the chef,

  • and I think that this is really designed,

  • and was originally to build rapport,

  • and it's more of a friendly gesture.

  • You're out with friends and you'll offer somebody a drink.

  • I don't think that sushi chefs should be there

  • behind the sushi counter getting belligerently drunk.

  • I don't think that's appropriate.

  • A responsible sushi chef should know when to say no.

  • [laughs]

  • All right, that's all the questions.

  • I hope you learned something. Until next time.

  • [drumbeat plays]

- I'm Taka Sakaeda,

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B2 US sushi fish rice tuna wasabi chef

淋醬油對壽司很失禮?如何煮出完美壽司米?日料職人回答壽司問題 Sushi Chef Answers Sushi Questions|名人專業問答|GQ Taiwan

  • 31 1
    邱紹吉 posted on 2022/06/22
Video vocabulary