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  • Maybe you infiltrated his mind.

  • He invaded your mind.

  • Right?

  • Isn't that big of a leap to suggest you somehow wound up in his like Freddy Krueger's boiler room, Freddy Krueger.

  • He's just super burned up dude with razors for fingers.

  • He kills you in your dreams.

  • Seriously.

  • Welcome to watch mojo.

  • And today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 horror film callbacks in Stranger Things, season four.

  • And then I would say, you know Hell raiser is a big one.

  • I mean pinhead really break this out when we were younger.

  • And so we really wanted to give you know, with some pinhead vibes for this list.

  • We're looking at the genre references and inspirations from the latest season of the netflix series.

  • If you're not caught up with volume one warning, there are major spoilers ahead.

  • Did you recognize any of these callbacks?

  • Let us know in the comments below.

  • No 10.

  • The silence of the lambs after they research more about the infamous Victor Creole.

  • Robin and Nancy Hatch a plan to go undercover to interview him at Pinehurst Mental Hospital.

  • These are our gardens beautiful, aren't they?

  • When they arrive, Some of the scenery is reminiscent of teddy and chuck's arrival at Ashecliffe Hospital and Shutter Island as the guards lead nancy and Robin down to victor cell, he gives them instructions similar to what Clarice Starling receives when she goes to meet dr Hannibal Lecter for the first time.

  • He told you don't get near the glass?

  • Yes, he did.

  • Clarice Starling Agent Starling's walk to Lecter cell at the end of the corridor was just as chilling as when the two grad students approached Creole and if you'll notice his cell also looks rather similar to Electors, we're here because we believe you and because we need your help.

  • Number nine, the Amityville Horror this season gave us the classic setup to a haunted house tale.

  • An optimistic family moves into a new house.

  • That's too good to be true, tell you, wow, this is amazing.

  • It looks like a fairytale a dream.

  • It doesn't take long for the weird stuff to start happening flickering white's dead animals, terrifying visions and an overall sense of dread, Victor believed the paranormal occurrences were the work of a demon nesting in their home.

  • I suppose all evil must have nancy.

  • And Robin read an old newspaper stating that victor even hired a priest to exercise the demon, but it only angered the spirit similar to Father Delaney's attempts to bless the lutz's new home.

  • Of course, in chapter seven, we learned this was Henry using his growing telekinetic powers and mentally tormenting his family.

  • Number eight The Ring.

  • Most of the horror films that influenced the Duffer brothers are from the seventies eighties and sometimes early nineties.

  • But this season we noticed elements of the ring, the american remake of Japan's Ringu incorporated into the story, these visions, they just they kept on getting worse and worse until eventually everything ended his curse.

  • The first vector.

  • A victim we see die is chrissy Cunningham.

  • It's a gruesome sight that poor Eddie had to witness twice the second time being when it happened to Patrick.

  • Their bodies are snapped from the inside out with their broken faces frozen like the victims who watched the tape.

  • I saw Her face as max figures out those under the curse of Vesna have the same symptoms and once they see the clock, they have roughly 24 hours before they die.

  • Both Samara and Vesna are vengeful spirits and apparently like to give death a deadline, right?

  • Number seven firestarter, Secret government agencies experiments on superpowered Children.

  • A young girl wielding remarkable and dangerous abilities, nosebleeds.

  • Yes, this Stephen King story about young charlie McGee and her pyro kinetic abilities has been a reference point for the series since the beginning.

  • Let us work together again.

  • You and I dot and papa But season four delves further into 11th origins.

  • At the Hawkins lab showing the other Children used as test subjects in dr martin Brenner's experiments.

  • We find out later that friendly orderly.

  • Peter Ballard is actually Henry Creel A K A one A K A Vesna because I believe in you, it is time you are free from this hell, john Rainbird also pretended to be a friendly orderly at the shop befriending charlie under false pretenses.

  • It'll be quick and they'll be looking at her face at the time, you will know.

  • Number six, the evil dead.

  • We've known Jonathan Byers was a fan of the Sam Raimi flick.

  • but this season goes beyond a poster gives chrissy a twisted version of her mother with a dead eyed like white eyed stare and demonic voice.

  • Just loosening this up for you sweetheart, you're going to look absolutely beautiful.

  • Fred has a similar experience with a cop stationed at the trailer park having a terrifying vision of the officer berating him for a past accident sites love to taunt the living by playing on their emotions.

  • There was no accident.

  • I drove up that bridge on purpose just seeing someone you care about turn into a dead.

  • It is horrifying and heartbreaking, but the undead tricksters always take it several steps further.

  • Like when chrissy's mom makes hurtful comments about her body, Did you hear me?

  • Goddamn chrissy, Open the door, number five it Pennywise influenced both the Duffer brothers and actor Jamie Campbell Bower, when creating season four's new, Big Bad belong here with me.

  • You're not really here, but I have techno definitely isn't a dancing clown, gleefully terrifying Children, but he terrorizes Hawkins teens with visions of their worst fears.

  • Just like Pennywise tricks.

  • The young residents of dairy kill you all.

  • I'll drive you crazy and I'll kill you all.

  • Every nightmare you've ever had.

  • The worst dream come true and just as Pennywise, UNhinge is his jaw to consume a fearful victim Vesna uses his long hand slash tentacles to connect with his guilt ridden victim.

  • What do you want?

  • I want?

  • You eyes are another noticeable similarity in this eating process as well as the eyes of their entranced victims as they float in the air.

  • This season takes the Hawkins crew to the home of victor creole, a creepy old house, much like the one on Newbold Street, both residing in cursed towns and connected to otherworldly beings.

  • Number four Hell raiser, Another major point of reference for Vesna was pinhead.

  • The lead sent a bite from Clive barker's Hellraiser.

  • As humans turned monsters.

  • Vesna and pinhead have parallel earthly origins, becoming physically mangled when they entered an extra dimensional realm, pinhead hails from a hell dimension, somewhat like the upside down.

  • Both sentient beings were disillusioned with life and developed a distaste for humanity.

  • You see humans are a unique type of pass multiplying and poisoning our world all while enforcing a structure of their own.

  • They revel in the suffering of others, using it to enhance their power or in pinheads case pleasure.

  • Oh no, tears, please.

  • It's a waste of good suffering.

  • Jamie Campbell Bower used a deep, menacing tone for vagueness voice which was equally chilling as Doug Bradley's portrayal of the hell priest Christine.

  • It's time for your suffering and both baddies.

  • Love delivering those ominous one liners.

  • We have such sights to show you.

  • Number three carry teenagers can be cruel, something Poor Carrie White knew all too well this season.

  • We see 11 relive memories of her time at the Hawkins Lab where she was singled out by older test subjects.

  • How'd that feel?

  • Did you like that?

  • In the present day?

  • She encounters her own chris Harbinson at her new school in California, who torments her in and outside of school.

  • Mean girl, Angela and her posse publicly humiliate 11.

  • In the middle of the roller rink wipe out, fortunately she was covered in a chocolate milkshake and not pig's blood, but much like Carrie at the Prom 11 has her breaking point and violently retaliates Angela's lucky that 11 didn't currently have her telekinetic powers because this moment of revenge could have easily gone down differently.

  • Number two Halloween, Michael Myers has been referenced a few times throughout the series, so it's no surprise that the decidedly darker fourth season would mention the master boogeyman while trapped in the hellish version of the cemetery max also walks by a headstone that looks like it's marked Myers.

  • But before that Eddie's Uncle Wayne tells nancy about the Hawkins urban legend of victor creole.

  • He lost his mind, killed his whole family.

  • Kids and wife took their eyes cut him right out, believed to have killed his family.

  • Creole has been locked up in pen hearst mental hospital since the 19 fifties.

  • But the recent murder of chrissy Cunningham has wayne, thinking that he could have escaped like that.

  • What's his name?

  • The White mask and killed the babysitter's Michael Myers.

  • Yeah, Michael Myers, he asked me pictures like that.

  • A real boogeyman.

  • The unstoppable Michael Myers has broken out of and into many a place including hospitals, even though the real culprit has a very different back story.

  • A madman going around killing teenagers is a classic horror premise.

  • What's the boogeyman?

  • As a matter of fact it was before we unveil our number one pick here are some honorable mentions, jaws, steve's pulled under the water, but not by a shark, scream.

  • Police and media swarm the crime scenes of murdered teens.

  • Everyone wants to know the same thing.

  • How can so many tragedies follow once peaceful town, The Exorcist, it was the season of satanic panic and body horror.

  • Candyman entrancing vengeful spirits.

  • I want you Holter Geist lights, static portal.

  • There we go.

  • Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and bring the bell to get notified about our latest videos.

  • You have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them.

  • If you're on your phone, make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one, a nightmare on Elm Street franchise with the nightmare franchise as a muse.

  • Season four brought a new level of horror to the series.

  • The Duffer brothers even cast the dream master himself, robert Englund as victor.

  • Creel whose son Henry later transforms into the newest interdimensional threat, nightmares Vesna shares many traits with Freddy Krueger including one hand with claws and using fear and past trauma to immerse his victims into a nightmarish hellscape.

  • Both mind invading villains encounter a brunette named nancy with Major Final Girl energy determined to uncover the mystery and go out swinging.

  • You've been looking for me nancy, you were so close so close to the vest, nas layer in the upside down, has the same red and foggy atmosphere as Freddy's boiler room.

  • Then there's chrissy's horrific death on the ceiling of Eddie's trailer, which is very much like Tina's demise in the first nightmare film.

  • Do you agree with our picks?

  • Check out this other recent clip from Watch Mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos.

Maybe you infiltrated his mind.

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