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  • guys like I can literally like get lost in my bag.

  • I said get it.

  • Okay, okay, here we go.

  • I'm known lately as somebody that likes to journal a lot and my husband just gave me this one and he's very italian and very chic.

  • So this one has like a medieval kind of aesthetic and and I love it because he wrote me this beautiful little poem that he wrote in english even though he was probably thinking in italian and I like reading it.

  • This is my cell phone.

  • I got all these little stickers from my girlfriend Jamie Mizrahi who has this line of undergarments called Kit undergarments and I got in one of my packages, these stickers of just titties, all kinds of titties and I just love it so much because I love women and my my my sons are tickled by it every time they grab my phone.

  • No pun intended.

  • Also there's a sticker saying women supporting women and one inside that's already worn off saying call mommy because I always need to be reminded to call my mother.

  • Kindle Reading is very important.

  • I don't want to be on my phone as much.

  • I want to be efficient.

  • I like to read, I like to escape.

  • I need adventures.

  • So reading has kept me healthy favorite book of all time.

  • 100 years of solitude and and uh different seasons by Stephen King.

  • I always have money and I have euros, I have dollars and right now I have pesos.

  • I come from all those three places.

  • Currently we speak all these three languages.

  • Currently every nanosecond we're switching.

  • So it's good perfume, carnal flower has been my scent for many, many years and because I can't be carrying the big vase of it, I tend to just have these little samples and all of my bags and coats because I always think I stink this is a scarf because sometimes you just need a pop of color, sometimes your chili and you just need to do, you know, you just need to wrap something around yourself and stay warm.

  • I never have enough hair bands because my hair is always, this is like the best it's ever been.

  • Trust me Amethyst because of its healing properties.

  • I decided to just keep it in my bag because it just makes me feel good when I see it.

  • Favorite thing, I always have one toy of one of my boys, a toy, a pair of socks.

  • I think this is Bowie's because if one of them needs a little calm down toy because they're having a hard time.

  • I can just like surf through my bag and can them something and it's as if like they've never seen it again.

  • Also when I'm away from them because I work a lot, I get to take a little piece of them with me everywhere I go.

  • Mhm Airpods.

  • This is something new that I'm I'm trying, I'm very reluctant to it.

  • I don't know how to use it.

  • I like it once it works.

  • So I have my airpods, but I'm also very old school because if something isn't broken, why fix it?

  • So I like this.

  • I don't move that much when I'm on the phone.

  • It's not like I'm gonna freaking, you know, disconnect the phone call.

  • So I like my old school kind of earplugs.

  • I like brad.

  • I think red is a cute color Hand cream.

  • I'm getting more mature, like a fine wine and my hands tend to get really dry.

  • Also, I'm going through an arduous process of makeup by doing guardians of the galaxy part three.

  • And my skin tends to fall apart when I go through those four hours of makeup.

  • So moisturizing my hands and my face and my neck is very important.

  • You know, Covid, uh, hand sanitizer or hand baby wipes if we go to restaurants if we're traveling, like I need to have baby wipes.

  • This for us to stay safe and stay sane ray bands, this reminds me of my mother, she had the most amazing pair of ray bans growing up and they were just those heavy ones and they were like pure glass, you know, but they looked so gorgeous on her.

  • I just love them because every time I see them in my bag, I think that I'm her.

  • Mm hmm makeup.

  • Okay.

  • It's it's big.

  • But I'm going back to always being, you know, prepared and having makeup.

  • My lips are always chopped so right now.

  • I'm using a really good lip balm.

  • One of my girlfriends, Cameron Diaz not to name drop or anything, but she has this beautiful thing about her where if you compliment something on her, if she has it in her possession at that very moment, she just gives it to you.

  • Not like I said, I'm not name dropping or anything, but I just happened to be good friends with Cameron Diaz.

  • My hair living in Los Angeles tends to go a little dry because the weather is just so dry.

  • So I'm using my ross appointment for my hair.

  • It just doesn't leave it heavy or anything and it's amazing.

  • Also my girlfriend mara does it.

  • So I think it's super hot that women actually start their own businesses.

  • I need a mirror.

  • I'm old, I don't know where I'm aiming.

  • So I think I put lipstick on my, on my lips, turns out I didn't and I missed my lips completely.

  • So I need a mirror so that I also know I don't have any food on my teeth or lipstick like I do right now.

  • So give me a moment.

  • But the older I get, I just, I'm becoming that lady that has food in her teeth and it's horrible.

  • Okay, I need coverage sometimes I think I'm looking great sometimes and then I look in the mirror and it turns out that I'm not.

  • So this is just for a little bit of insurance and stuff, but I don't use it all the time.

  • I'm learning to accept myself for who I am, which is why I have another concealer as well.

  • But I don't really use it all the time.

  • But this is this is good because this is by a company owned by women.

  • It's called natural.

  • They are very organic.

  • Um They also are very sustainable.

  • So I love their concealers and I love, I love the texture of their concealers as well.

  • I cream because I just don't know where I'm gonna be and sometimes my eyes can get a little dry and that is very bothersome.

  • So I have the night and I have the day cream.

  • Go figure masks, extra masks.

  • I am that lady that if you have extra masks on your desk, I will ask you for them like Whoopi Goldberg and Ghost.

  • And I will take, I will take like four or five because I run out really quickly.

  • This is uh these are three little notes that my son's wrote and their spelling is super delicious.

  • This is a little note that they each wrote about what they're grateful for and what they desire.

  • My sons.

  • I says he desires a bed a toy and a toothbrush as if like he doesn't have enough toothbrushes and you know, a tool from one of my boys toys.

  • We don't call it weapons.

  • We call it tools and they roll their eyes every time I say tools, but but it's okay and I'm their mother.

  • They they will learn to appreciate me one day.

  • I hope success.

  • Mhm.

guys like I can literally like get lost in my bag.

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B1 toy bag makeup diaz dry wrote

映画『アバター』で一躍有名、ゾーイ・サルダナがバッグの中身を紹介。| In The Bag | VOGUE JAPAN

  • 11 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2022/04/16
Video vocabulary