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  • First, activate the window you want to close.

  • Then use the shortcut alt + F4.

  • Use the shortcut control + shift + escape

  • to open the task manager.

  • Select the application that you want to force quit.

  • Click "End task."

  • Press Windows + R.

  • Type "cmd" and press enter

  • to open the command prompt.

  • Type "tasklist" and press enter.

  • You'll see a list of tasks and programs

  • running on your computer.

  • Find the name of the program you want to close

  • and enter "taskkill/IM,"

  • the name of the program, ".exe."

  • For example, if you want to quit Edge,

  • you'd enter "taskkill/IM MSedge.exe"

  • you'd enter "taskkill/IM MSedge.exe"

  • then press enter.

First, activate the window you want to close.

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