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  • - She's a journalist and a talk show host.

  • Please welcome Tamron Hall!

  • (audience cheers) Yay!

  • Woo-hoo, all right!

  • - Hi Chase, hi Elmo! - Hi!

  • Oh, Miss Tamron! Elmo has a very important question for you!

  • - Okay?

  • - Can Miss Tamron play an instrument?

  • - Yes! I played the clarinet when I was in middle school!

  • - Yay! - I did!

  • - Oh, oh, wait a minute!

  • Elmo has an idea! Something's coming!

  • What if Miss Tamron pretends to play an instrument

  • and we'll all guess what it is?

  • - Oh, okay, great! You ready?

  • - Yeah!

  • - Okay. - You too.

  • - Hmm, she's strumming.

  • Is it a guitar?

  • - Yes! (audience cheers)

  • - Look at that air guitar!

  • (Elmo and Tamron imitate guitars)

  • Okay, instruments are anything you use to make music.

  • So, a piano is an instrument.

  • - [Tamron] Yeah.

  • - And today, you'll get to play one with your feet!

  • (audience cheers) Follow Elmo!

  • - [Tamron] Okay, let's go, Chase.

  • (piano plays)

  • - Okay! Welcome to the step competition!

  • These are like piano keys and every time a key lights up--

  • (piano plays)

  • (laughs) You can step on it.

  • - Okay!

  • - It's up to you to see if you can play a song together.

  • - [Tamron] Oh yay!

  • - And try to keep up with the keys when they light up!

  • - Okay, okay, okay. - Okay, you two ready?

  • - Yeah! - We're ready!

  • - Okay, a two, a one, two, ready go!

  • (piano plays "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star")

  • (audience cheers)

  • (Elmo laughs)

  • - Wow! Okay!

  • That was really great!

  • Oh, oh, great teamwork, too!

  • Oh, oh, thank you for playing with us, Miss Tamron!

  • - Thank you Elmo, thank you Chase, you're great!

  • - Let's hear it for Tamron Hall! (laughs)

- She's a journalist and a talk show host.

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