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  • so right behind me as as Inamoto Stadium, also known as Tokyo Stadium.

  • So a lot of major sporting events in Tokyo are held at this stadium.

  • So Toby Tokyo station is the closest station to the stadium, but there's not a lot to actually do here.

  • So I wanted to take the time out and kind of share with you guys some of my personal favorite things to do and eat in the kofu area and with the rugby world Cup just around the corner as well as the olympics, this is the perfect time to do this video.

  • Mm hmm.

  • First let me show you guys how to get here.

  • So hopefully area is a bit isolated from the city but the access isn't so bad from shinjuku.

  • The cable line will take you straight to kofu station in Tokyo Tokyo station.

  • Easy peasy.

  • So here's the skinny, If you're planning to visit Tokyo Stadium first, you're going to need to get to Toby Tokyo station via the ko line.

  • Once you get to the station gate, take the north exit and go down the stairs or escalator.

  • Don't worry, there's signs over so you won't miss it.

  • Plus if you're going on game day, you can be a simple sam and follow the crowds after passing the rotary, All that there's left to do is keep going straight on the main road for about five minutes.

  • Once you make it to the bridge, it's game time by the way, you can catch the cherry blossoms if you're here in the spring on this main street, you'll find many family restaurants and chain restaurants.

  • So if you're looking for a quick meal or want to do some pre gaming, these spots are an inexpensive solution.

  • Or if you're really trying to do it on the cheap, there's some convenience along the way.

  • Number two Park.

  • So if you want to chill spot before the game, there's a giant park near the stadium and this is kind of a nice place if you want to have a picnic, have a drink before or after the game.

  • Really wide open area, There's even upon here and then just to my left, there's an airport so you can see planes and helicopters land throughout the day.

  • So this place is quite a distance from Ajinomoto Stadium.

  • It's about a 15 to 20 minute walk in between.

  • You'll see a bunch of soccer fields and baseball fields, which you will probably want to go to.

  • But you'll actually want to just stay on the main street because if you go in there, you might get lost a little bit, stay on the main street until you get to this park.

  • And just a place to hang out for the day.

  • # three Kofu Station.

  • So in front of kofu station right now and it's actually the largest station next to Ajinomoto Stadium.

  • What you'll find in this area.

  • It's kind of like a mini shibuya, meaning that it has everything you would need, like an electronic store, like big camera, it has a Parco shopping center and right above the train station.

  • There's um also if you wanted to do some shopping, then this is kind of like the place you would want to do it and actually you might find yourself saying in this area, it doesn't get crowded as the other city centers because it is a little on the outskirts of Tokyo and it's actually pretty cool because it has everything you would need.

  • The station is a major hub station for the area, not only for trains but for busses and taxis as well.

  • And look how just wide open this area is.

  • In fact, it's only a five minute train ride from Toby Tuckey station.

  • So it's another great spot for pregame and postgame celebrations.

  • There's even a wide open square for you and your friends to do your happy dance.

  • And what's nice about the kofu station area is, there's so many places to eat and drink that's fairly inexpensive.

  • Like for example, there's a C.

  • C curry place.

  • It's like a chain store that's really nice.

  • Let me take you guys to some chain stores that are fairly like inexpensive.

  • So just right here behind me, you'll see a Jonathan's, it's very similar to your kind of family restaurant, like jenny's type.

  • Also what you'll find is um you'll see a lot to me and you get like an assortment of different japanese food, like yakitori sushi.

  • So it's kind of like fun to test out all the different foods that they have and just right next to the Tommy and Jonathon store, you have this like a bigger building right here, you can see right there, it has a size area which is more of like an italian family restaurant.

  • But yeah, it's, it's really, really cheap in this building you'll find like Osho, which is kind of like Osaka version of chinese food.

  • So they have things like gyoza ramen and obviously you can have beer there as well and just below it you have a methodical which is another kind of like Izakaya drinking bars, continue on.

  • Like what's nice about this area?

  • It's just littered with drinking Izakaya bars and just like cheap family restaurants and just walking past size area.

  • There's another building right next to it with no toya.

  • What you'll find with toya is that it has a lot of japanese set meals.

  • So you get like grilled fish fugu kaki fry, which is like fried oysters and if you're looking for cheap yakitori which is grilled chicken on skewers.

  • This is the spot Sudoku, you've seen in other videos, they have cheap chicken skewers, meat skewers and they have really cheap beers.

  • So definitely worth stopping here and don't worry if you miss any of these spots, like always all of the links are in the description by the way if you want to get some alcohol to party at your hotel.

  • Big camera has quite a huge selection.

  • Check out all this alcohol, check it out.

  • It's Kitano and his dad number four tangent.

  • Socotra is a very famous spooky old manga shigeru Mizuki and he's from this area.

  • So in his honor you can find Kitaro characters all throughout the engine.

  • Dori.

  • I love how this place has all these like little Izakaya is this little drinking bars with Yakitori, It's freaking awesome.

  • There's this hormone Izakaya here, there's a chinese restaurant right here.

  • Hakata Izakaya right here, there's like yutani Izakaya man, there's just like so many places to drink and eat and even a western bar right here.

  • So we just passed that main street and now we're walking towards food, a tangent shrine number five.

  • Food, a tangent shrine.

  • So tangent very short and I lead to food attention shrine, which enshrines Zukanovic Conan O Makoto, the god of medicine and sake, making damn kind of sounds like he's into drugs, alcohol and hot baths.

  • It also enshrines Sugawara, no images on it.

  • He was known to be super smart and also became a Cabinet minister.

  • So the shrine is known to have spiritual educational qualities.

  • So when you go to a shrine, you want to first go to the, to Malaysia, which is a place where you wash your hands and like clean yourself off before you go in, it's really quite simple.

  • What you do is wash your left hand using the ladle and then the right hand after that, you rinse your mouth, don't touch your mouth directly on the label though and pour the water into the drain, then put back the ladle.

  • Now we can shrine to our heart's content number six food options.

  • My favorite, there are decent restaurant options in the tofu area.

  • But to be honest, nowhere near the selection that you would find in Central Tokyo.

  • But let me give you some recommendations starting with the Blanco silva shop.

  • Um Oh, alright, so we got wanking so over at this place, I haven't done a video on one coast before, but now I wanted to kind of do it because look how awesome this place is.

  • So the visual set starts with 31 Casanova bowls, but you can add as many balls as you want for additional fees.

  • So I got four.

  • So basically you have your regular soba noodles in the bottom.

  • You need to choose a different topics.

  • And this is here, you have the EBI tempura which is like a shrimp tempura and then you have some naughty.

  • I also threw down on the Naumenko mushrooms with grated daikon.

  • Wasabi stems and the Usa Hockey which is a vegetable fish cake.

  • Alright, so if this is a silver suit and what you do is you pour it in like this like that.

  • Oh get all that loveliness.

  • Oh and it comes with a side of toppings or flavored created daikon and chopped green onions.

  • It's okay if you put it all in because you're going to recycle this brock and the leftovers in the next bowl.

  • I have the soup in there.

  • I have the green onions.

  • I got the tempura and now we're going to just have at this like it's my birthday because I feel like it's my birthday because like this is such a special treat.

  • Mhm.

  • What an unbeatable combination.

  • Every Oh, this looks so nice and warm.

  • Mm hmm.

  • Alright, so here's the leftover soup that I have and what I do, I'm gonna put this on here and what you do is you just pour it just like that over it.

  • Oh I forgot to mention.

  • So this is a sober you but what it is is the hot water that was used to cook the soba and then you pour it into here.

  • Like so and you can see the white goodness and they're all the healthy ingredients and you have yourself kind of like your own bowl of soup at the end.

  • Ah that's fantastic.

  • Leave it to the japanese.

  • So you don't waste anything in your meal.

  • Michael went to stand around and got three bowls, NATO quail, egg and taro yam toppings.

  • Next up to kitchen.

  • Hibachi ramen, to kitchen is the name of the original owner who perfected that.

  • Nobody show you ramen broth.

  • But who has now passed down the recipe to his son.

  • You can even tell how popular the shop is by the number of celebrity signs on the wall.

  • Oh, so this is a nice bushy style ramen, which means that the broth is made out of my bushy, which is a fish.

  • Just smelling, You can like smell that nice and gritty fish.

  • Like smell like one of the kind that cha shu itself is quite thick.

  • There's not a lot of fat pure me delicious.

  • And then you have some member inside.

  • A Naruto comes with some seaweed and then you have kind of like a medium noodle.

  • Look at that.

  • That looks so good.

  • Let me just take the first bite suitable.

  • Mm hmm.

  • Mm hmm.

  • The umami is out of this world.

  • What you'll find with this soup.

  • So I've had like my bushy before and sometimes it's been a little bit too bitter for me.

  • But this one is just nice and mellow.

  • Umami pops.

  • It's very, very flavorful.

  • In fact, it's like you don't feel like it's a junkie ramen.

  • Like I love junkie ramen.

  • But it's just so simple.

  • But the taste is so elegant.

  • It's so refined.

  • Like you know that they put a lot of work in creating this broth of some of this statue.

  • It's just, it's so tender.

  • It's just falling apart right now.

  • Oh, it just disintegrates in your mouth.

  • Like just once it hits your tongue, it just dissipates you're looking for a good ramen bowl.

  • Then this is the ticket, wow, That was a pretty awesome bowl of ramen.

  • The thing is a lot of people or some people I guess don't like rahman because it's maybe too fishy for them.

  • But I have the perfect solution because right next door they have right here Tetsu and Tetsu.

  • I've already done a video on it and it's a really awesome bowl of ramen.

  • So if you don't like the ramen and then my recommendation is go here Tetsu.

  • Another option that tourists sometimes miss are the restaurants in the Parco department store.

  • So what's nice about the 7th floor Parco area?

  • Is that all of the restaurants have displays in front so that you can see what kind of food that you're actually gonna order before you order it.

  • And this is my favorite button.

  • You get all, you can eat cabbage salad and a decent cuts in here.

  • Also, Yakunin koichi is a decent choice for barbecue and beers.

  • So now if you're looking for a Yaqui nicu place or a barbecue place, all of the meat here has pictures even though there's like no english written on here prices and the like the pictures are clear.

  • So for me, I usually get a ton show it's actually beef tongue quite like nice, like a really nice texture and also it's a nice another golden, it's called Haram me.

  • So what I like about the Haram me, like it's kind of like in the roast area.

  • It's like the middle portion of the cow.

  • It's not like too hard, it's not too soft.

  • It's like kind of in the middle, it's like tender but also it's kind of meaty.

  • So you get kind of like all of the textures.

  • I also usually order like a kimchi morial.

  • Say there's like an assortment of pickled spicy vegetables and it's so delicious.

  • Quick tour of some yankee nicu um Just giving you more options for you guys when you come on your trip here.

  • Alright, let's just move on to the next spot.

  • Number seven.

  • This spot is for my friends and lovers.

  • It's about a 20 minute walk away from the station, but it's definitely worth it.

  • It's nearby gene DG temple.

  • So if you're in the area that makes it even more convenient that all said, Let me show you this old school loans.

  • And so this is a local Onsen spa where you can enjoy natural content with a unique alkaline sodium chloride.

  • It makes the water a bit darker than I'm used to, but it means it has a lot of minerals.

  • What about you?

  • Yeah, it even has an ASCII you you can use, look how milky this water is.

  • It's quite amazing.

  • That's so warm.

  • You can't see it here because the water is so milky, but the bottom here has um stones on the bottom.

  • So when you put pressure on your feet kind of massages it.

  • So from the outside, looking in this place doesn't look like so much, but it's actually a pretty decent on ST area when you go inside, you'll have the like indoor once in, but if you go outside they have several different baths, almost like a dinky bath, like electrical baths.

  • So like there's like different types that you can experience.

  • So and it was interesting because the water was really, really dark, it almost looks like you're jumping into like a pool of coffee and it's that dark also, although large jacuzzi style tattoos are a no no at this small R.

  • C.

  • Decals tattoos seem to fall in a gray area if you cover it up or it's not so obvious, they'll probably look the other way.

  • Also, this floor is like the break area, but if you go upstairs have a full, full on dining area that have some different meals and stuff that you can try as well.

  • In addition you can get massages.

  • So this place is kind of like a full spa retreat if you're looking for something like that and the thing is this is not like your, like your typical resort extravagant once in this is a very, very local spot, you feel like you've got the countryside field which is also quite authentic.

  • Also, if you're not about that walking life, there's a bus stop here from the station.

  • Just one thing I wanted to mention really quickly as you can see behind me, there's Tamagawa River, if you guys are gonna be here in october more specifically october 27th 2000 and 19.

  • They're going to have a huge fireworks show that runs all along Tamagawa River which is right behind me.

  • One thing to note along the river, there are going to be some free spots as well as some paid spots.

  • I'll leave a link in the description so that you guys can figure that out, but it should be a pretty awesome show.

  • They run it every year.

  • One little interesting fact about tofu this place houses a lot of movie studios and because of that there's almost known as kind of like a Hollywood And what you'll find is that they take bipolar movies and their soundtracks and they sync it up to the fireworks.

  • So it should be a pretty cool show to watch.

  • So if you're here on October 27, then definitely check it out.

  • And if you're a runner then this place is perfect because they have a running path just along the river, Number nine Jin di ji Temple, check it out.

  • They have some old school snacks here right in front of the gente ji Temple.

  • There's a bus stop, so it goes straight to kofu station gets quite a bit of walk, maybe 2025 minute walk from the station.

  • So perfect and convenient.

  • I love it.

  • Look at this, it's fall, but it's falling.

  • It's falling though.

  • It feels like fall Franny, Oh look at that.

  • There's a monster up there.

  • This is Kitano Cafe, but it seems like it's closed today.

  • We also actually came here on a monday and unfortunately Mondays are closed so don't be like me and if you want to go to this potato cafe spot you should go on any other day.

  • But monday and look at that big data technology is such a beautiful and spiritual temple.

  • As you walk around the area you realize there's a lot of trees, flowers and just a peaceful calming atmosphere.

  • Scientology was founded in the year 733 and enshrines the water god jinja deo.

  • It also houses several national treasures such as the bronze statue of Shaka in your eye and a masterpiece.

  • Hakuho sculpture temple itself is quite large after visiting the main temple and making a wish, I checked out the surrounding temples.

  • Mhm.

  • Mhm.

  • Scientology is also known to be a silver spot since the Edo period.

  • So you can find many silver shops around the temple.

  • So so Tokyo lady was just like what does that say on your shirt said it's, I had to explain to her in japanese that this is toe Tokyo.

  • I just love being here.

  • Look at that.

  • There's even a traditional japanese soba restaurant um just right there.

  • In fact there's quite a bit of, there's quite a bit, they say take Uchi soba Ichi means kind of like handmade soba so they make it right on the spot and there's just like so much to see and do you feel like you're in ancient japan here, everyone is so nice here too.

  • I love it.

  • And now we're, we're on our way back to make it to the bus stop because we've got a next appointment that I'm just super, super excited and stoked to show you guys.

  • That's why I'm kind of in a rush right now because I don't want to miss the bus.

  • Alright, I can't wait to get to the next spot but we need to get on the shuttle bus from boob.

  • I gotta station, just made it on time and number 10 santori Musashino Brewery tour, free beer time.

  • Glad you guys made it this far into the video, wow, this is amazing.

  • I'm so excited.

  • So if you're in this area you absolutely got to go to a free tour at the centauri brewery but make sure to make reservations, I like they even give you an english translation device, You can just go like this and listen to everything in english, I can't film inside so I can show you is this.

  • But basically you learn how to make the perfect beer and at the end of the 70 minute tour you can have three full glasses of beer and I'm talking real glasses.

  • Alright, we finally made it to the end and so check this out, we have the regular beer, we've got the Masters dream, this is like the premium malt ale version?

  • The problem is you don't have a lot of time after you get the three beers.

  • So you gotta be quick, I've got to go drink all three beers.

  • Unfortunately if I do it for you guys though, let me just drink this.

  • Oh and what's also nice is they give you some pretzels here so you get like these craps, it's like a little like pretzel snacks but these are like nuts and these are like edamame actually got an extra beer.

  • So I got four total I think it's like Michael's out drinking all our beer.

  • So this could be an intense day for for me at the end you can pick up souvenirs at the entrance shop to bring home before we go.

  • I wanted to thank our sponsors mobile sim card without their help, I wouldn't make these guys for you guys with more than 400,000 expected visitors coming to Japan for the rugby world Cup.

  • It's expected that a lot of sim cards are going to be sold out when coming to Japan.

  • The cool thing about mobile is that they'll ship the sim card to you before you travel or you can pick it up when you arrive in Japan with mobile sim card in your phone, you can easily navigate to the stadium, keep up with the scores, find the best transport links, translate phrases and menus and even update social media with photos right on the spot and here's five quick reasons why you should choose mobile one.

  • You get free shipping to your home address to you can choose to pick it up in Japan.

  • Also free three mobile offer free exclusive rugby supporters bundle which includes free beer, Who else gives you free beer with a sim card before they have english customers speaking support and five.

  • A majority of the profits go to charity by us in from mobile today by clicking on the link in the description below that I will say, I hope you guys like this video.

  • If it helped you out, help me out and hit that like button.

  • If you want to help support the channel, check out the Tokyo merch.

  • If you want to see what I'm doing on daily, check out my instagram account and if you want to see more Japan guys, if you want to see me a rug, you guys, if you want to see any guys for the olympics or anything else, hit that subscribe button and the bell button and I'll catch you guys in the next one.

so right behind me as as Inamoto Stadium, also known as Tokyo Stadium.

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