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  • Hi my name is Tory

  • and today i am here in  Kunitachi, at this amazing restaurant called

  • Tsuribune

  • why they're so amazing is ,

  • they serve  these enormous gigantis anago tempuradon

  • Anago is eel

  • i'm pretty sure there must be some kind of amazing background story for why they are serving this bowl

  • and why the children can eat for free

  • so today i'm going to take on the challenge of eating it

  • but i'm also going to speak to the owner  mr minato to hear about his story

  • let's eat

  • in the beginning tempura was actually a really  popular snack within japanese historical people  

  • it's that that Tokugawa Ieyasu had tempura as his  favorite snacking

  • however nowadays tempura is known as a high quality and a gourmet food

  • here at Tsuribune Mr and Mrs Minato is serving it a big quantity

  • and at a reasonable price

  • just look at this

  • that's a huge tempura

  • let's have a big bite

  • So so so so, bon apetit

  • oh my god i don't even know how to eat this

  • oh my god give me a moment

  • that is so good

  • it's like juicy

  • it's crispy

  • oh my god, it got everything look  at that

  • i'm actually so hungry this is perfect

  • there's also some healthy  stuff in here

  • a little eggplant

  • and another surprising

  • Kabocha !

  • the japanese pumpkin

  • i absolutely love  this

  • i eat this like three times a week

  • kanpai

  • that is so good

  • the sweetness

  • of the pumpkin is like

  • hitting you right  in the face

  • this makes me smile and

  • makes me full

  • it says on the poster that it's 1500 calories

  • easy challenge

  • and underneath because this is a tendon

  • there is rice

  • japanese rice  is honestly the best in the world

  • great success

  • in Japanese, it's a common saying that  

  • if you can make a good miso soup you can become anyone's wife

  • I agree

  • this makes me so happy

  • Crab miso

  • i think this is my first  time having this thing

  • this is really delicious

  • oh it's a firm one

  • so sweet so good

  • this is more my style

  • i'm a foreigner so  eating with my hands feels like natural

  • it's so soft

  • oh my god

  • i'm such a messy eater

  • but actually tempura used to be a japanese street

  • food so it's okay if it's a little messy

  • cheers

  • so let's go talk to mr Minato why he  does this gigantic eel tendon

  • and also why the children can eat for free

  • I am here with the owner of the restaurant "Tsuribune"

  • Mr minato

  • thank you so much for having us today

  • Let me hear your story

  • Nice to meet you

  • Why did you decide to sell this huge Anago Tempura food?

  • There is a university close by

  • University

  • Many students in sports clubs

  • And they eat a lot

  • And they ask for second servings

  • When the main dish is gone, I felt sorry for them so added more main dish

  • Oh really?

  • I heard that kids can eat here for free. Is this true?

  • It is true

  • Why is that?

  • I've heard many kids aren't fed because their parents are busy at work

  • so we decided to feed them instead, and that's how it started

  • So that's how this type of restaurant started.

  • How long have you done it? -4years

  • I just took a peak, but

  • there seems to be many messages from the children

  • What is this?

  • As for my commemoration, I wanted to know how the kids think,

  • so I have them write this

  • these are all messages from all the  children that came to the restaurant to eat

  • oh my god

  • look at this

  • It's quite amazing

  • They took their time to write or draw pictures

  • It was so good

  • This is so heartwarming

  • Do you have any memories like this yourself?

  • Such as being hungry

  • I was born right after the war

  • Oh really?

  • So I was always hungry when I was a child

  • It was lonely

  • My parents were both really busy

  • A lot of times I had to prepare food by myself

  • Oh really?

  • So you were cooking by yourself while young?

  • My parents were so busy so we the children would prepare and eat by ourselves

  • Did you also cook for your siblings? -Yes

  • You have siblings? -We were big family. Children of 7

  • Amazing

  • Big family

  • I'm in my 30s but I just can't imagine a situation like that

  • Since I experienced that, I wanted kids to not go through such hardship

  • Oh it's so touching that such a kind person exists

  • The best thing is that there wouldn't be this notebook, no hunger, and world peace

  • A world where no one is hungry, and everyone is happy is the best,

  • but it's still a world where we have to help out

  • Did you start out as a Sushi store? -Yes, Sushi

  • Then I moved to Japanese food

  • Next was a blow fish store

  • That was where I got my training

  • You hαd training in many stores

  • And you finally landed here -yes

  • That is true

  • in my hands i have this beautiful  kingdom of the sea

  • we have a little shrimp

  • we have some salmon

  • and some salmon babies

  • we have the sea urchin

  • tuna

  • this is

  • I think it is yellow tail?

  • and on the side we have bonito

  • this is actually one of my favorite fish ever

  • it's so good

  • And on the top we have some scallops

  • how amazing isn't that

  • it has all the best fishes  of the sea

  • let's start from the top

  • top to bottom that's always a good one

  • actually i've heard  that there's a specific order you should eat

  • like you should go from least fatty to fattiest

  • so i think scallops feels like a safe choice

  • One scallop

  • it tastes like the ocean

  • i've been to kochi

  • which is in southern japan for like four times

  • and their specialty is katsuo, the bonito

  • so this is like my favorite fish ever

  • so let's see

  • nice bonito

  • all right i'm  gonna go with my favorite

  • which is the salmon

  • this apparently came all  the way from norway

  • which is like the country next to mine

  • so this should feel pretty homey

  • let's try it

  • it's so so glistening

  • that is good

  • thank you

  • that is some good salmon

  • yes

  • yes to maguro

  • that was so good

  • well this whole plate is just like

  • it's like swimming in the ocean

  • it's so pretty that i if i feel really bad  for like even eating it

  • but i'm gonna do it

  • oh

  • it's so pretty

  • itadakimasu

  • can i say

  • that was probably the best of the day

  • that makes my little finnish  heart to flutter with happiness

  • When do you feel the happiness when you make dishes?

  • When customers say the food was really good when they leave makes me the most happy

  • Simple but it's probably the most happy moment -Yes

  • I really enjoyed it from the bottom of my heart

  • Thank you very much

  • It was so good -Thank you very much

  • It was actually my first time to eat Anago

  • How was it?

  • It was good I ate it here

  • I'm happy I ate it here -It was good, wasn't it?

  • It was so good

  • I was surprised

  • So Mr.Minato, any words for the people coming?

  • Please do

  • It's a bit far away from Tokyo Station,

  • but please come and visit

  • The fish is good

  • When you come as a family, there is a menu for kids

  • Please come and stop by

  • Including the part time workers, it's a very heartwarming store

  • Please come and stop by

  • this is my message to mr minato

  • i wrote that the  first time i had anago was here

  • and i'm very glad that this was the place

  • and i wrote my stomach is  full and my heart is full with happiness

  • thank you

  • So,

  • i wanna present the thank  you card to mr minato

  • The food was lovely

  • It was so delicious

  • Thank you everybody

  • I hope I can come here again

  • Let' eat to get myself full

  • Thank you so much guys

  • Thank you

  • Thank you

  • what amazing experience this was

  • my heart is filled with joy and my stomach is filled with food

  • oh my goodness

  • can't believe i ate the whole thing

  • thank you so much mr minoto

  • As promisedit was delicious

  • Which one did you like?

  • my personal favorite was definitely the rose of the sea

  • if there is any place where you would like us to go next

  • please let us know in  the comments or if you have a challenge for me

  • hit me up

  • i'm a big eater and  i'm sure i'll can take you on

  • don't forget to hit like and  subscribe and i will see you next time

  • you

Hi my name is Tory

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