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  • Hello everybody.

  • Good evening.

  • It is like what?

  • six p.m. About six p.m. Six P.

  • M.

  • I'm here with jake and bake.

  • Hey, what's up?

  • Nice to see you.

  • I see you.

  • Yeah we're gonna eat a bunch of kit cats.

  • Are you ready?

  • I'm ready.

  • We ordered a box on the internet from a mystery person and we've got 44 kit cats in it.

  • So we're gonna be trying different kinds of cats from around Japan.

  • Hopefully not getting diabetes.

  • Yeah so we're gonna be starting them going through in different kinds of sections and first of all we're gonna be starting off with all the green tea flavors because there's a lot of them.

  • Oh wait actually I lied I lied to you.

  • We're starting with the original.

  • Okay.

  • How are we doing this?

  • Okay, let's just get this over with normal Kitkat.

  • What's your cat eating technique?

  • Okay.

  • Usually I eat the chocolate and chocolate on the bottom.

  • It the way I do it on the outside, like I hold it like this.

  • I'm nasty guys.

  • I don't chew candies.

  • We're both a little messed up.

  • I'm like so scared of getting cavities.

  • So I suck on candies.

  • Including chocolate with wafers.

  • I thought sucking on candy was worse for your teeth really well.

  • Well that tasted just like a typical cat like this.

  • It tastes like hot chocolate.

  • It tastes like air and that was one.

  • Still rolling.

  • We're rolling this entire time.

  • Okay.

  • Number two this is something I just read the english.

  • I'm sorry.

  • I didn't even read that.

  • I was like, wait what does that mean that I don't know the difference type of green tea.

  • This is the only way we're gonna make through eating like 40.

  • So we're going to eat all these martial arts to start off with to see if we can tell the difference between the different kinds of macho and stuff.

  • How many matches are there?

  • 1237 different green tea's good, sweet.

  • It's nice.

  • Not too heavy on the March of flavor.

  • I think they're the ones we're about to try our wellness.

  • So wellness.

  • I'll ask what you're doing in the second row.

  • This yellow one contains 10 vitamins and four minerals.

  • So this will be good for us.

  • Yellow addition addition tastes very similar to the last one personally similar, but it's not as sweet.

  • I have a cold, it does taste similar.

  • It's not as rich.

  • This is the blue edition.

  • What's special about the blue only three minerals.

  • So this one doesn't have the vitamins at all.

  • It only has three minerals minerals.

  • So who the hell would buy blue and not get the yellow, blue and reset my palate.

  • It's the same.

  • Dude, that one's pretty much exactly the same as the last one.

  • Anything special about green?

  • What's in green?

  • Green has four minerals and vitamins.

  • Who's making these decisions and why do they choose to not just make the one of the more minerals and vitamins.

  • They all taste the same green additions actually.

  • I think I'm crazy because that tastes different to me putting them out.

  • What's different.

  • Honestly, those three are very probably the same.

  • The first was a little different.

  • So again, it's from, it's from kyoto.

  • Kyoto is green tea can do 42 of these.

  • 24 definitely different than the last three.

  • Yeah.

  • I don't know if it's different to the first one though.

  • It tastes a little bit like kyoto kyoto in there so I can taste G on.

  • No, we got more two more green tea.

  • Green tea is the last one should taste different.

  • But this one probably, this was the adult sweetness and hopefully it's a little bitter.

  • I do like bitter greens.

  • Yeah, I can already feel the mucus build up.

  • Yeah, me too.

  • Yeah.

  • Okay.

  • Very, very slight difference.

  • A little bit more earthy.

  • A little bit more green tea.

  • I think when we immediately should not break it up too fast.

  • I think the wafers change the flavor.

  • I think the flavors completely than chocolate so it's stuck on the chop a little bit too much.

  • So this should, if this doesn't taste the same.

  • I'm going to throw my hat off.

  • There's a very particular flavor with cherry blossom flavored things.

  • Grass.

  • It probably does taste like grass, but in shops like in Starbucks, it tastes a little bit of cherry.

  • Like it's like, it's like, it's an extra piece of sweet or something, but it's like vanilla or something at the end.

  • I got it.

  • I think the socket, it was in the way for it.

  • We still got it in your mouth.

  • You're so nasty.

  • It's like cinnamon or something.

  • Yeah, totally cinnamon, cinnamon.

  • That's not cherry blossom.

  • I would love to know the ingredients.

  • I wish we could see the ingredients.

  • They're all very similar.

  • I think the three vitamin ones were exactly the same, breasts are very similar.

  • Hard, two distinct except the last one was a little bit different.

  • But now I'm excited because I think we're gonna be trying some more varied flavors and then we move onto fruits.

  • There's 73 69 different fruits.

  • Okay, the first one we're starting off with, it's just a nice a mouse strawberry.

  • Now this is good.

  • Usually usually about this time.

  • It's so good.

  • It's quite a fake strawberry, but it's like a good flavor.

  • And I don't know if this strawberry flavor exists in Australia.

  • It's distinctly like fake flavor.

  • I just don't know if things are flavored like this in Australia.

  • I can't remember.

  • Yeah, that's good.

  • What's this one?

  • So this is Hokkaido Suzuki and or is that a red bean?

  • Yeah, strawberry, like puff pastry or something.

  • Yeah, I think it's in a more market so like a little rice, Demby package.

  • It smells like red bean, like just straight off the back.

  • It's so different.

  • It's so beanie, beanie, I wasn't ready.

  • I was expecting more strawberry if you like red bean.

  • Yes, if you don't like to describe flavor flavor.

  • Um it's really sweet, creamy and the flavor of the strawberry is overpowered by the earthiness and the coarseness of the bean.

  • Like, you know, I don't know if I can describe all of them to that depth.

  • So this next one is we've got an adult sweetness again, we've got a very special selection of strawberry.

  • I don't think this will taste different to the strawberry that we had earlier.

  • You know what it feels like?

  • There's like a little like, oh my God, it's so different, wow, it's good, sour.

  • Mm wow, they amped it up.

  • That's much better than the Children's version.

  • Yeah, it's got like these little flecks of tangy little tart.

  • It's so good, wow, wow, wow, wow, that's so good.

  • It's not too steep.

  • Forget about this one.

  • If you get them to put that in your kid's lunch boxes because the adults are going home with the sex strawberry tiramisu, strawberry tiramisu.

  • I do wonder how much they're going to focus on, the coffee aspect of color is different.

  • It's white.

  • I'm wondering how oh, you dropped in five second rule more terrorists than strawberries.

  • Very terrible.

  • Oh, it's too much.

  • I mean, I'm not a fan of tiramisu, neither am I almost like a very bitter coffee.

  • I'm not getting much of the strawberry.

  • No, strawberry.

  • I can't even get any of the strawberry.

  • It's creamy with the chocolate and everything, but I think they could have gone for a better coffee flavor, 80 more to go.

  • Maybe we'll find a better coffee flavor through a very cheesy cake.

  • Yeah, this is from Yokohama strawberry cheesecake.

  • Is Yokohama famous for strawberry cheesecake.

  • I just knew about the Yokohama mamas.

  • What's the Yokohama mamas?

  • It's nothing.

  • Don't worry about it.

  • What?

  • It's not inappropriate.

  • It's like a joke you have in my stream.

  • It tastes like an artificial strawberry cheesecake.

  • It's like that cheese film they put on the top of that milk to you now.

  • Nowadays I think that the kids be drinking.

  • So this one is supposed to be frozen, but we don't have a freezer.

  • It's tasty if it's frozen, it's strawberry cheesecake again.

  • But the frozen dish in, it's going to be the exact same wonder.

  • I wish we could try it frozen because there are certain kinds that are better frozen and better toasted.

  • There's red near the waiver is actually, it looks very different.

  • It smells more like cheesecake for sure.

  • It's more cheesecake is definitely totally, definitely more of an actual cheese flavor better than the regular one.

  • Yeah, definitely more cheesy cakey.

  • I do wonder what it would be like frozen.

  • Probably really good.

  • But the best so far was the adult.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah, with a little bit of tanginess because all the others are like sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet.

  • We need to change up the flavor with white peach.

  • I've never had that.

  • I've always been smells very peachy.

  • There's peachy peachy.

  • There's not much to say about it tastes like um, peaches.

  • Well that was pretty uneventful.

  • It was sweet.

  • It was good that we got Ringo, we got apple from Shinshu.

  • I've never been to Shinshu.

  • I've actually never heard of it and I've also never had an apple cake cat.

  • So I missed milk chocolate at that size.

  • We've had so many white chocolate.

  • This is a good size.

  • All right, here we go.

  • Oh yeah, it smells very happily.

  • That's very happily chocolate apple.

  • Have you ever had a chocolate apple?

  • No, I had like caramel, toffee apples and stuff.

  • Yeah, not bad.

  • It works if you have like a chocolate bar in your mouth and then there was halfway melted and you took a bite of an apple.

  • It's like exactly what it tastes like.

  • It's not my favorite, but I think it still works.

  • Next is going to be Hokkaido melon and mascarpone cheese.

  • The japanese pronunciation makes you sound kind of italian mascarpone.

  • They must get a bond there melon cheese.

  • I don't even registered, but that's an interesting combination.

  • I think it's probably more like a cream.

  • So Hokkaido is famous for its melons and for its dairy.

  • This is the best of both worlds.

  • We get both.

  • That's good.

  • That's a keeper was a strong melon flavor.

  • It's not to Melanie overwhelming sweet Melanie and the creamy is kind of like that.

  • That's really good.

  • Great cure.

  • Hold great.

  • These are the grapes are they?

  • I don't know, I don't know.

  • I don't know anything about your grapes.

  • Oh my God, it smells like cough syrup.

  • So yeah, japanese grape candy.

  • It has a really strong, like that strong fake grape flavor is so common in japan.

  • I think this is definitely, That's great.

  • It's subtler than I thought it would be, but it might just be because I'm having a very small piece.

  • It tastes just like, have you ever had a laffy taffy is, I've heard of it in american pop culture in media.

  • It tastes just like a great laffy taffy taffy taffy is like a tangy but a little bit creamy.

  • Even though there's like, I don't think there's any milk in there.

  • It's good.

  • Yeah.

  • Oh my gosh.

  • We got another call.

  • You know, there's a very special select raspberry for adults, for adults.

  • This is only for adults and Children get this.

  • They will immediately age 18 plus to buy this kit kat.

  • It's sold right next to the tongas, raspberry.

  • Oh, Oh, Oh yeah.

  • Yeah, possession there.

  • That's like my favorite one so far.

  • Take notes.

  • Kitkat.

  • Yeah, adult raspberry, get on it.

  • It's so good.

  • I'm going to have a quick little have a super water after that might not now, but like later we're only halfway through maybe.

  • So this one is a, your gun, which is japanese orange.

  • It's another kind of citrusy.

  • There's so many citrus is here.

  • This is my favorite.

  • This is the best.

  • Um, and on it, it has a little good luck notice if you're having exams or something so you can give it to a friend and be like, this will become your power.

  • It's your first date with the girl.

  • Oh yeah, true.

  • A little citrusy.

  • A little a little citrusy was good.

  • That's cute.

  • That's cute.

  • Creamsicle is oh yeah.

  • Oh no.

  • 15 James.

  • I was looking forward to a creamsicle.

  • It's a very specific kind of citrusy feel like they've added a bit of appeal in there.

  • I actually quite like that.

  • It's okay if it's not your thing when you were expecting a nice creamsicle and I'm so sorry.

  • Okay, so that was our first two sections.

  • Which one is the next one?

  • Okay, so the next one we have is a comedy Manju, which is from Hiroshima.

  • So if you go to Hiroshima or if you go to Miyajima in Hiroshima, they have a lot of maple leaves and Mommy Ji during the autumn and it's in the water.

  • I wish we had that.

  • But instead we have this only, I felt like eating sweets.

  • Very beanie.

  • That's more beanie.

  • The last change for me that tastes like a hockey.

  • Yeah, yeah.

  • Red beanie beanie and a little bit of bread bread.

  • It's good.

  • The next we have Beni Imo Yeah, purple sweet potato from Okinawa or also from kyushu.

  • They always come up with these suites that have a really beautiful purple color.

  • Mm Oh it tastes like purple, the color.

  • Purple had a flavor.

  • This would be like to taste the sweet potato.

  • Next we've got Tokyo banana but it's the normal Tokyo banana.

  • Have you had a Tokyo banana before?

  • I have?

  • It's like a little like a little japanese twinkies?

  • Yeah, like with the banana cream and that's good.

  • That's really good.

  • It's not like the most fake banana ever.

  • It's actually a good balance.

  • Yeah, that's nice.

  • I might put that straight after raspberry.

  • I'm going to strawberry raspberry.

  • Tokyo bananas.

  • Okay, well it's interesting because now we have another Tokyo banana, dark chocolate.

  • Maybe this is a Tokyo banana but it's banana milk flavored with TNT New which is apparently like a kind of crispy, crispy taste like.

  • But we're gonna find out, find out.

  • Oh it smells like coffee.

  • Is that coffee?

  • I don't know what that is.

  • It must be the crisp thing.

  • It's definitely a little bit of coffee flavor.

  • Right, but doesn't beat the original Tokyo.

  • Okay, so the next one we have is Shingen mochi which is money that you have with black sugar syrup.

  • Hiromitsu and also which is the soybean flour.

  • I don't know if I've had shingles Maci and might have had it but I haven't, I have no idea what it's gonna taste like.

  • This smells like coffee.

  • It does smell like coffee.

  • Why does it smell like coffee tastes like it tastes like coffee.

  • Is this a mistake?

  • This is coffee.

  • What the heck is just using fancy ass names to rebrand their coffee failed years ago.

  • What in the heck like sugar?

  • And some people, it tastes nothing like coffee.

  • This is stupid.

  • So we have another adult sweetness.

  • We have the deep Cacau.

  • I think it's just dark chocolate.

  • Dark chocolate looks pretty good.

  • It's like a very dark hot cocoa.

  • Yeah.

  • Hot chocolate.

  • 18 more.

  • That's so many.

  • We can do it.

  • We can do it, we can do it.

  • So we're fine.

  • Yeah.

  • Okay, yep.

  • I've had this, I've had the real thing, dangle.

  • Is that red beans?

  • I'm gonna talk crap about it.

  • Is that egg?

  • No, it's a slice of sweet potato.

  • It's really average.

  • But love you kumamoto, you're the best.

  • I'm so sorry, dangle is not like my thing.

  • That's her opinion.

  • You might love, it smells just like a potato taste like sweet potato.

  • Very sweet.

  • Like the dangle that you had.

  • It tastes like a sweet potato, but I'm not getting like the red beans, the red bean or like the dry out, but it's really good for a sweet potato flavor thing if you like.

  • I think it is like a rich sweet potato flavor co oh yes, I love, this.

  • You love pinnacle.

  • What is that?

  • What is Kanako supposed to go on?

  • How do you, so you can have it with a lot of different japanese sweets?

  • Usually you have it with black sugar and like, oh, that's what I've seen with little.

  • Okay, that's why black coffee and you're like, what the hell.

  • Mhm.

  • Oh, I'm getting a second or two.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • That's not too shabby.

  • They did a good job with that one.

  • It's not my favorite, but it's like I read the title and it was what I was expecting.

  • It wasn't coffee, so therefore I'm impressed.

  • This is Xue Qi Sando.

  • Ozzy toasted red bean sandwich.

  • Right, was that right?

  • Yeah, you're completely correct, smells like the beans again.

  • That's my beans really be really, it's like a weird sour Yeah.

  • What is that?

  • Right?

  • Did you get that?

  • It was expired.

  • Probably it's from some guy in amazon.

  • That was good as red beanie.

  • I didn't really get the toasted buttery part.

  • That's the thing.

  • There's so many red bean ones and all that's coming through is red bean.

  • I'm personally not impressed.

  • I'm sorry Mizuki sander.

  • So the next one we have is actually goody which is autumn chestnut.

  • This smell, this is so autumn very much out of me.

  • I love that.

  • I really love that.

  • How do you feel?

  • Not for you, no.

  • Oh, no.

  • Oh, okay.

  • For me it's kind of toasty.

  • It reminds me of like a campfire and it's very creamy and it's got that kind of chestnut taste that associate with like mont blanc?

  • But it's just good.

  • It just reminds me of autumn and it's a great flavor for me.

  • Why do you hate it?

  • This is like the shitty bottom of the barrel, vanilla flavored protein powder you buy at the bottom shelf of wal mart.

  • That was disgusting.

  • No, gross.

  • Maybe I just had flashbacks like a bad protein.

  • Yeah, I almost puked.

  • It was disgusting.

  • So sorry, that's okay.

  • I had a great time.

  • Let's follow it up with a nice delicious Wasabi flavor.

  • Very novel flavored kit kat I think is very popular for people that bring, this is from Shizuoka Incanto.

  • Oh it's light green, beautiful color.

  • Looks we're about to eat some mint one.

  • So this would kind of fit in well with those.

  • There's no way it's spicy.

  • There is not spicy, not spicy but definitely the food.

  • It's kind of nice to be able to eat Wasabi and not be in pain.

  • I think it's a novelty but it's actually kind of enjoyable.

  • It's good.

  • It's great to come back to your family bam.

  • Alright, we're down to the two last section, Two sections left.

  • Alright, the next one that we're doing is minty flavors and also some miscellaneous ones that we can really figure out what they went into me in memento minto.

  • It's green on the inside.

  • You already ate it.

  • Oh I'm not ready.

  • I think that a regular mint might be better.

  • The peach adds like this little extra sweetness.

  • I like mint has a flavor a lot and I'd like, I don't know.

  • It's not what I want.

  • It's like something missing.

  • And the peach, isn't it?

  • I feel you on that one.

  • Alright.

  • Next mint mint yogurt.

  • Maybe the yogurt is what you're looking for.

  • Really Snatch that up.

  • Yeah, I was going for the dramatic effect.

  • Mint yogurt.

  • It does smell like yogurt, wow, definitely.

  • Yogurt tanginess.

  • Mm It's good to be a cow piss cow.

  • Not cow piss.

  • I like it.

  • I like a lot.

  • It's not really that minty yogurt is just it's kind of a light flavor that just adds a little extra.

  • Something.

  • Next one.

  • I'm excited for this one because it looks like it might be what I'm looking for.

  • It's another autonomous.

  • Our premium mint but it's got these dark like lines on it.

  • So, I think it's going to be a milk or dark chocolate.

  • Mm hmm.

  • That's so good.

  • So yeah, I love you.

  • Bye bye.

  • Have a good time.

  • Mhm.

  • So there are two that we didn't really show you guys don't really know what they are because of the outside the easter break.

  • And it's just milk chocolate.

  • I think this is just white chocolate.

  • Already tried it.

  • Just white chocolate.

  • I'm so happy that we made it send this video to your best friend and challenge him to 44 kid cats.

  • Next.

  • Alright, so out of all these.

  • My favorite would have to be hold I think it's all right.

  • I'm gonna go with the adult.

  • Select strawberries or the raspberries All watching us eat all these crazy kick cats.

  • What was the one that you wanted to try the most?

  • Leave it in the comments down below and I have another thing.

  • I've never done this in my life.

  • So you two people watching you better listen to me.

  • I want you right now in the comments below.

  • If you know this is a call to action, I think if you go down there and you tell me what flavored kit kat you would love to see on the shelves.

  • Oh yeah, that's a good one.

  • Could be wild.

  • Could be like or it could be as Kitkat on the shelves and people are just 2019.

  • I will actually read the comments and I'm curious what people Yeah, I never read.

  • Also while I've been hanging out with Jake today, we filmed a video at his place doing a TC home.

  • So we did a tour of your house, my huge apartment in Japan and check it out if you guys for some weird reason, have not seen jake on this twist.

  • So I'll go and check him out.

  • Jake and bake on twitch can make live on twitch and also creative doing cool stuff every once in a while.

  • So yeah, well yeah, thank you guys so much for watching.

  • Thanks for being here and we'll see you in the next video.

  • Bye.

  • Might might do that.

  • Is that appropriating appropriating british culture.

  • What I was doing an Australian accent.

  • Oh, because it's stuck to you out of my hand one more time.

  • You didn't have broke off, You can just drop it.

Hello everybody.

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