Subtitles section Play video Print subtitles (upbeat tempo) - So welcome back its Robert Kiyosaki with my dear friends' daughter here Alexa. And we're talking about Millenials and money, and we gone through some lessons. I don't know how many more, but let's continue on with another lesson here. And so we were talking about you know assets and liabilities, right? - Yes. And when you read Rich Dad Poor Dad I said your house is not an asset what did you think? - Well, I think that's a conception that many people believe, but as you demonstrated the last seminar that we went to in Argentina. My mom had her properties and she converted them into assets. Correct. - I think it just depends on what you do with it and it would be great if you could show us how to turn your house into an asset. It's very its really fundamentals. If I could go back I probably covered it earlier, (marker rattling) but it's a crucial question and this is what financial education and financial literacy really is. Again it starts with the financial statement and I would say probably 95 percent of all college graduates don't know what a financial statement is. You took an accounting course right? - Yeah, I did. I know you go through parts of this, but I say to young people like you there's six basic words to financial literacy and financial education. And the six words again are income, expense, asset, liability. See I don't really care about my FICO score a fico score just basically registers are you trustworthy with borrowing money, but a bank will never sel. I borrow in the hundreds of millions of dollars. (chuckling) A fico score not gonna get me there okay. It's so it's kind of a ruse I mean I don't its, it's important but not for me. So these are the four words income, expense, asset, liability. Then the last two words are the words cash flow. And that's, why the game is called cash flow (marker squeaking) and the secret to being rich is not a college education, but can you control cash flow. And this is what cash flow in looks like. So this here you need this income, expense, asset, liability. (marker squeaking) Again this is you get a job and this is my poor dad, go to school, get a job, get your PHD. And so this here is cash flow so income comes in and it goes out this way. First line of expense is tax, but this is a poor persons cash flow pattern. It's not how much money you make most people you know they. I don't care if you what you have a Ph.D. or no school at all. They can't control the cash flowing out through their expenses so that's, why people like Susie or men say cut up your credit cards, live below your means cause you're a spend-a-holic. So that's a poor person. This is a middle-class persons cash flow patterns and this is where the house comes in. They, first thing you know most kids do when they get pay raise and all that they buy themselves a bigger house, now my house is an asset. Who tells you that? Your real estate agent of course! - Yeah. (Alexandra giggling) Right cause they they want to give you this false sense of security while you're getting screwed. - Exactly. Ya know but when you look at what happens with the house a personal. I mean a personal residence that I live in the money comes in it goes out and this is middle class, but also goes out through a mortgage. Mortgage payments, oh but I don't have a mortgage. You still have taxes you still you know. Hawaii just raised the property taxes on me. Which is probably why I'm gonna sell. I'm gonna get out of Hawaii, but you have taxes and you have upkeep so monies always flowing out. So that's why your house is not an asset it's because its taking money from your pocket. So very simply said assets put money in my pocket, liabilities take money from my pocket. And then this here is, so I'm not saying don't buy a house but here is a house that. And I started when I was 25 bought my first house it was an apartment with an investment property. I didn't live in it, I rented it out and it put money in my pocket. So very simple the definition of asset and liability is not the house or this, its cash flow. Where is the cash flowing? So as a young person (Robert coughing) and to all millennials or if you're old financial intelligence is the ability to control cash flow. And that's what they don't teach you at school. They tell you to go to school, get a job. First thing is tax you know, you'll pay most of your money will go out through taxes, in your lifetime. Then they tell you to buy a house, a car. Cars an asset, no cars a liability. You got insurance, gas, upkeep, and all this. Now if you buy a, a taxi car it could be an asset, its cash flow. And that's very simply it, so this is a poor person. Money goes out there's a lot we, we just interviewed some national football league players who make millions of dollars in their 20s. And most of them are broke in two years because they can't control cash flow. Intelligence IQ is can you control cash flow not your college degree. College degrees are important, but they're not gonna teach you this. So the cash flow game, trains you over and over and over again to get your money in here to get the cash flow this way. So I started with this, cost me 18,000 dollars. I paid for the credit card and I put 25 dollars in my pocket okay. It's an infinite return because the cash flow paid for the mortgage, it paid the expenses, pays the operating costs and I still made 25 dollars. Kim's first year was the same, hers wasn't 18,000 it was 50,000, 45,000 and it put 25 dollars in her pocket, but Kim now owns 6,500 rental properties. And she pays no tax because the income comes from here. - Mm-hmm If you have a job you pay tax, but income the rich get richer because when you have asset income taxes are less. You can get it down to zero if you want. But that's financial intelligence, but can you control cash flow. Okay, so say that again. Assets what? - Assets put money into your pocket, liabilities take money out of your pocket. And so as a young person you just focus on that so when you buying a new house, you're gonna say is this gonna take money or put money? You buy an apartment house is it gonna take money or put money that's it, its cash flow. Six most important words for financial intelligence and IQ is income, expense, asset, liability, but its really cash flow. Now if I could bring up a more horrible subject is, do you think people can be assets or liabilities? - I think they could be both, to be honest.