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  • Silence shared in words

  • presents

  • Life Is Not a Problem

  • You ask: I don't seem to have any real questions.

  • That is a great insight!

  • There are NO real questions in existence.

  • All questions are false,

  • unreal,

  • non-essential,

  • because life is not a problem to be solved;

  • it is a mystery to be lived.

  • Only the fools

  • go on questioning and go on thinking

  • that some answers will help them.

  • No answer is going to help you;

  • every answer will create more questions.

  • You can see the whole history of philosophy:

  • every answer has brought thousands of

  • unnecessary questions. It has not been an answer,

  • it has been a problem -- EVERY answer.

  • Not a single answer has come out of five thousand years of philosophizing.

  • Philosophy is not much philosophy

  • -- it is "foolosophy."

  • It is the domain of the fools!

  • Fools are great philosophers

  • because they go on and on.

  • They find out

  • a question, then an answer,

  • then the answer brings ten questions, then they go on and on;

  • And

  • the foliage becomes thicker and thicker.

  • The foolishness becomes deeper and deeper.

  • It is good that you cannot find any real questions.

  • Buddha is reported to have said

  • that a meditator loses all his questions.

  • A moment comes when there are no questions left,

  • and that is the moment

  • when you attain to wisdom -- not to answers but to wisdom.

  • Wisdom is not an answer;

  • it is the unfolding of your consciousness.

  • Not that you come to know something,

  • but you start experiencing life in its totality.

  • It is not an answer, it is an experience,

  • and the experience goes on unfolding.

  • So it is not experience, it is more experiencing.

  • It is a process, not an event.

  • Copyright© OSHO International Foundation


  • copyright OSHO is a registered Trademark of OSHO International Foundation

Silence shared in words

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