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  • fine Patrick store and I live with my parents.

  • This is my dad.

  • This is my mom.

  • This is my sister shy.

  • This is my grandpa.

  • This is my Rome.

  • This, this is my show.

  • Right and meeting people.

  • Oh, way out of bed is an urchin on your head.

  • Oh, who's the best virgin in the world?

  • You are ouchy.

  • Give us a kiss.

  • Ouch.

  • Love hurts.

  • Well off you go little man.

  • Of course you have to remember to brush every morning.

  • Mm hmm.

  • Yeah.

  • Keeping my eyes minty fresh.

  • Mm hmm.

  • Come on grows.

  • Oh, it's almost time for my show.

  • We better get square Dina.

  • Oops wrong Doer.

  • Now where was that door?

  • There?

  • It is.

  • Way dead grow.

  • And now it's the Patrick show with your host, Patrick Fun.

  • Okay.

  • All right.

  • Mm hmm.

  • Okay.

  • Oh, can't do anything because I know nothing black of experience.

  • Never stop.

  • I got to change each other.

  • Don't just blow things.

  • Make believe you're watching and I know you'll agree the better show was on my imagination because my head is at the villa with jeans ice cream with syrup and marvel's first.

  • There's one thing I can't find that.

  • That is my cheese.

  • Hey Patrick, what's today show gonna be about?

  • I don't know, I'm hungry.

  • We'll be right back with Patrick Star and I'm hungry.

  • Right after these words, it's personal.

  • You can spread it on toast.

  • It also keeps you warm on frosty winter nights cozy.

  • The smell keeps out the cold here at the chum bucket chum comes in three delicious varieties, moist, soggy and pumpkin spice what that reminds me breakfast in this family.

  • You gotta be faster.

  • The food's all gone.

  • Let's go backstage.

  • Dora.

  • Did you get that morning?

  • Mom?

  • Good morning dad.

  • Mom Dad who's this guy?

  • I have no idea to you caesar so you can see him to bunny.

  • Oh I thought I was the only one.

  • I'm your grandfather friend.

  • Must we do this every morning?

  • Just play along.

  • It could be dangerous.

  • Uh Hey sis what's up too?

  • Well right now I'm trying to book an imaginary app for your imaginary tv show how's it going?

  • They said they're imaginary people are going to call my imaginary people as they say in France blown apple feet.

  • Mm all done.

  • Uh huh Darn looks like I'll be on time for work again.

  • Oh I'm sorry dear What?

  • Oh hey, what about my breakfast?

  • Well I guess I'll just have to break my own fast.

  • Oh I think the milk went bad.

  • Mhm It's the tech fish family.

  • Good morning Patrick.

  • Would you like to join us for our sad and meager breakfast?

  • Well I, no, I guess not.

  • All right then.

  • Well we got a dart.

  • Thank you.

  • Oh Oh it's got a vacuum under there more often.

  • Food.

  • Yeah.

  • Hey what are you doing in my room?

  • Dog looking for food storing food.

  • You kids are pretty easy these days.

  • Back in my day we were food.

  • What flavor hush noodle brain.

  • It was way back in the petrol.

  • Issyk period of Irma.

  • Cave stars, automobiles hadn't been invented yet so there was no way to get to a supermarket.

  • We had to do all our shopping and the wild where the dinosaurs were shopping for us.

  • It was just a matter of luck as to who would be who I guess things can't get any worse.

  • Uh huh.

  • Mhm.

  • This cave stars provided nutrition to the dinosaurs and that's why dinosaurs are still with us today reminds me I'm hungry.

  • I know I'll do a cooking segment on my show and I'll make myself something to eat.

  • I don't know.

  • Welcome back to the show.

  • Now we're going to make a casserole.

  • Oh let's see.

  • We got socks, 30 sneakers, dried leaves, old paperbacks and use napkins.

  • Mm You gotta work with what you got.

  • Mhm.

  • Cook at 1000° for 1/2.

  • It's ready.

  • Oh trying to wrap it up.

  • The story, characters and names were trading this production or suspicious.

  • Especially mine.

  • No person associated with the show received anything of value.

  • Especially me.

  • No one was harmed in the making of the show except me.

  • Thanks for watching.

  • That was amazing.

  • The Treasury.

  • So the whole number with the kids.

  • I don't want to be normal.

  • I don't know how you do it.

  • Oh, I don't know what I'd do it.

  • I bet you worked up an appetite.

  • Food.

  • I missed food again.

  • What?

  • Hello Patrick.

  • We're just having dinner.

  • One piece of crumb for each of us.

  • Here you go, teensy tom now you won't starve.

  • Oh, Ooh, no matter who we are, it's card a trash role.

  • I learned it from a show.

  • I thought today I think I must have cooked mine too long blown apple feet delicious.

  • Mom get them.

  • I just booked a sponge with square pants.

  • Who does a bubble left?

  • And the best part is I did it on my toy.

  • Goodnight squid tina.

  • Goodnight Big Brother.

  • Goodnight, ouchy.

  • Ouch.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • Would you just look at him, mother?

  • The little angel?

  • You sure?

  • Rios?

  • Who is he again?

  • I have no idea.

  • Mhm Uh huh, mm hmm.

  • Mhm Join Patrick in the Patrick Star Show.

  • That's the brand new series, Friday nights at seven, only on Nickelodeon.

fine Patrick store and I live with my parents.

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