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  • Uh huh.

  • No no check this uh medium action uh uh privacy.

  • Uh Okay.

  • Uh uh uh uh The critical primacy you want to take their uh uh uh to grow and you want to get on this uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh design.

  • Uh huh.

  • Uh huh.

  • Uh huh.

  • I had to.

  • Uh huh Mahmassani.

  • So your uh private, public private or the public speaker.

  • You don't know the scale of the more most of china and the U.

  • S.

  • Army futures in private.

  • She is and I think that uh comma Julian to hispanic tragic.

  • Okay keep us on on data privacy.

  • So just go to technical school stated can only work in a currently has about a photo.

  • No chosen data privacy.

  • So tunnel to go now committee of Sudan to say that's not.

  • Yeah that's another in uh history are so conscious you know I mean But that's a legalism Agenzia Torino activity against also renewed.

  • I don't know.

  • Mm Somebody dear.

  • Now what does she got the Arizona what does your controls?

  • You could talk you know cause I got the design.

  • So you want to go.

  • He's only going to or not.

  • Goddio.

  • She uh started high started uh guys that I did.

  • Uh Yeah so I don't do it.

  • No industry I don't think uh uh uh my engines ranging from the start to step the moment he started singing to you.

  • Sorry.

  • Uh No no no no no no you're going to you they started saying reputation.

  • Okay.

  • Most then it's something you're going to school to be searching technology he says also so phony my simulation cook mustn't mirror or the courts christian again, it's not cause you to uh, you know, sure enough that you know, the industry on the carnegies concept of uh, you know, this is the stuff that we talked to that that's a very scared to stay at the start.

  • Uh, digital thing.

  • Uh you know.

  • Uh huh Next to the stage like that camera over there.

  • You don't know about that.

  • So, you know, Socialist secretary furnishing secretary too, you know, But you also quit thinking I'm going to uh, you know, also with the kids and just get off.

  • So I was taking out the code.

  • I know because I know you want to uh, you know, it's better than that.

  • Uh shoot you take any, you know, coyotes to uh psychiatrist, several teams.

  • But the Mark Kotsay to Google is 10 seconds just recorded there.

  • You are a terrible scare data.

  • Huh?

  • Also in case you're gonna bury.

  • No, that's necessary to you got to star gonna pass out in your world.

  • Well june a tiny no, it is scared to Cometo my you know, flagship, which is good.

  • They must.

  • So you said you're gonna he was showing came out in the project statistic that my uncle €00.

  • Yeah.

  • Then you have to look younger and the skin talk about young super stinks the vaccine.

  • Uh, they start saying because you know there is that they take and they are you can so you don't know uh choosing to stay to get there.

  • It's a colonial causing understand uh quick start the nose and candy not showing you gonna go to the home of Kano.

  • Yeah.

  • Uh You know they start saying your skull to his own.

  • So it uh speed up there.

  • He's always gonna candy care.

  • God that's gotta no data.

  • Perhaps you uh sent me you know uh don't cut your hand.

  • Uh So uh you know don't forget to take your secret to their uh yoga.

  • Okay.

  • You know the colonial you know about uh you know uh that guy there.

  • Uh huh.

  • Hi Kiyo nose and Schoening contract.

  • All your uh you can actually then you may know is going to know uh you know whatever it was.

  • Um Sweet how durable Quetta uh uh uh uh uh I think uh who killed Kennedy xto?

  • Uh you know but in the demo gonna I'll tell you what market That's correct.

  • According to data privacy.

  • You are your your nose.

  • Uh uh Not uh I don't know.

  • Uh Thank you.

  • Coco the guilty huh.

  • Project on his own.

  • Hello sir.

  • Dot oh come on.

  • Uh Somebody privacy.

  • There's anger to their uh Loretta causing started taking it even though that uh wants to kill you so causing the home she wants to know she talked to no smoking uh you must come uh Okay.

  • Some platform to their personality started saying they're the personality started saying to me uh did it sell their own, I own the hand.

  • And I know them all personally said senior just say that the money, you know uh irish nelson can you point to take good to you go now?

  • Nobody will come.

  • I saw the standoff anyway, he's always very honest and I got there so no no no said uh huh.

  • Was your grandma got G.

  • D.

  • P.

  • R.

  • To you?

  • Who it's a background services?

  • Uh I think I come on okay.

  • Got to control the car instead.

  • So they start saying okay, I don't know.

  • He's only okay.

  • Takano said to those any uh sometime and I know how to do sort of said they got the okay to go toe to toe.

  • Uh huh.

  • But you to stay around to create a more personal came originally uh essential time uh question about europe.

  • And so she's like that she said that to you again because I was so uh some commuters caring because you standard so this now so you got to California.

  • So more people to know, you know privacy who say there's much to see you, you to California to marry me there to see it uh goes there uh go high social uh sugar.

  • No you know focus can also so see me can you know interface there, my memory poking at the casino.

  • He's only Hauritz to Montecito.

  • He's already got a group there.

  • Uh huh zone, you know whatever, there's a skeleton as I to those corny and uh I got a taker I don't see how it's cut out.

  • They wanna tennis.

  • You got night you gave me that you know Uh given the green light to you know, you know 10 more his own uh Germany not associate judy go nice yes right there mono.

  • You don't maybe they were looking out over there.

  • Uh if they're looking at baku my phone number.

  • Also the when you stick to you like I can promise you can uh uh couldn't fix his answer and mosinee underneath.

  • Sorry no more and are designed to atocha massacre.

  • You know uh you know more and uh circles are shut down to uh the three programs nothing the event committee share to development of the community.

  • That community soldier's name.

  • Hello thomas hardy you know kind of conical don't know.

  • He's launched a good cake.

  • Ordinary got dance.

  • So you go to his title cause you know they're not so scary sister Again.

  • Okay because you got that out of a sort of seconding you one of my service.

  • So so it's again almost Karamo avocado salad dr up.

  • Okay.

  • Time to go to you know, can you go any jews across state the whole God and no master you can get out there.

  • So I mean there was no career uh social Christianity took any I promise you know that a car and because can I got a terrible time anymore at all?

  • Yeah.

  • You keep that up forever.

  • She designed to know no matter be too even though no man uncle, he's killed his name.

  • I know With the Hussein at one time ahead of them as a T.

  • V.

  • There, you know, you could never understand.

  • And the grass is uh the privacy because I don't know if it's the right there and he told me that.

  • Uh huh.

  • And why are you not that I care about?

  • Uh uh uh uh uh uh.

Uh huh.

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