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  • Hello, everybody welcome back to Tokyo, Creative play army host Anna And today I'm here with Sarah and Alex.

  • Who is behind the camera.

  • Hello Alex, we've rented an Airbnb in Asakusa and we're gonna be spending the evening here doing a little girls night and in snacks, triggered some heavies and doing some games, doing some games.

  • I'm not great at drinking games, I lose control.

  • Oh God Festival, let's give you guys the two of them because it's super cute.

  • All right after you come in through the front door, you can come in here to the bathroom, the toilet is separate.

  • Isn't it cute?

  • Like you got a little plant wall, which I'm a little confused about because it goes behind the shower and you can't really see it.

  • But yeah, there's a big, nice modern shower in here and I like how high the ceilings are because I don't, I don't get to do this anymore.

  • You're dances where dance party is, Boom, boom boom boom, boom, boom boom.

  • Also if you're thinking, wow, you guys are so loud.

  • There's a party happening downstairs with a bunch of japanese girls, they're screaming, they're going off so we're going to do anything.

  • Oh, show us your favorite place in the world.

  • The toilet, nice and small.

  • It fits one body Alex.

  • Let me film you showing us the actual cool stuff.

  • Oh, here we go.

  • Yeah, yeah.

  • And right here we have a sleeping Emma, what is this?

  • They're protected my legs from the internet by covering me in towels.

  • We have to bump heads up here, one for me, one for me.

  • Tell me what you see, I see you're the fortune teller.

  • That's right.

  • I need love advice, just don't.

  • Okay, alright, alright, moving on with the tool, it's pretty nice.

  • I'll show you how big it is.

  • You look very company and if you come down with me there is a nice little sexy sofa.

  • If you come over here you see are a snack table snap and then here we have another couch.

  • This is another bet spot if you want.

  • There's a fancy sink here.

  • It's very japanese.

  • Let's see the water running, wow, it is really japanese tap water and then right here next to you, we have the food inch T.

  • V.

  • I don't know how many inches above the average MX Head is six inches, 123, 4.5 ahead.

  • Welcome to the kitchen lads.

  • It's pretty nice.

  • Is this kind of matte black?

  • Look at this, look at it.

  • Come up, look how stuffed it is with matching cutlery and matching bowls and stuff.

  • There's a little light here if you want it and once again we have that delicious, wonderful japanese water.

  • Fresh from Mount fuji, awesome.

  • Now we can do anything.

  • We want girls girls, so what do you think the girls sleepover should be snacks?

  • The whole stocking it out.

  • Hello life.

  • Oh my God.

  • Oh God!

  • Sarah Sarah's so violent with pillow fights.

  • It's time to open beverages get ready already, crack open that can Champagne.

  • Seriously good.

  • She is everybody years.

  • I haven't had one for a while and I'm, I'm feeling it one step one.

  • I'm feeling it.

  • That is true.

  • Maybe we got today.

  • So cute.

  • What shape it is.

  • Yeah, we all got different flavors to play.

  • My flavor is manga nickel for me.

  • I got the shuttle nickel, which I guess is just sugar.

  • I guess the sweet one, I got the soy sauce one.

  • So another savory one minus gingery.

  • This one is like equally sugary and salty.

  • That's not, yeah, we found a shot at Asakusa while we were filming earlier and this shop just has a lot of different sand bass, definitely good for like a souvenir.

  • But anyway, the reason we're here, No, it's to do some fun drinking game.

  • The first one I like to do with you is called the Yama, not their game.

  • So it's a really popular game for like young japanese people And I've heard all generations have played like even people who are 50 now used to play it.

  • So it's a classic drinking games.

  • You kind of go around in a circle and you have to say the original one, it's like the Yemen on the line, you say each station we have a beat.

  • Yeah, right.

  • But it doesn't have to just be the Yemenite line after you finish that.

  • You can go into other train lines if you want or you can go into something completely different like fruits or country names.

  • Come on names, country names, anything, anything you want.

  • But if you mess up you have to drink.

  • All right, I'm gonna start it ready, shinjuku, it can look at all Shinagawa how to take it.

  • Who are not make it off?

  • Akihabara Tabata Tokyo.

  • What did you talk to, baba baba?

  • But you didn't come out to, wow, you guys went strong.

  • Thank you.

  • I got Oh wow, can you listen?

  • Okay, wait, wait, wait, okay.

  • How bout to see Gamo call Margo moo shin Otsuka, Ikebukuro Megiddo to katana baba, sonoco, Yoyogi shibuya Ebisu after that it gets is, it may grow, grow your tongue from this point.

  • May grow paul, zaki condos in Tokyo.

  • Well let's drink.

  • So no, I need more wine.

  • That was fun.

  • So what the next we can do it protection.

  • Okay, sometimes I get cities and prefectures mixed up.

  • Really?

  • Yeah, true.

  • Hiroshima, Kanagawa Saitama.

  • Oh okay.

  • Oh no, you didn't think of anything I don't know like I was thinking.

  • Okay, alright then Wakayama, I'm having such a big mind plain bread like oh Danny go back me chickie.

  • Okay, now 30 every time you say that.

  • What I'm gonna say, let's do another game fun by the way.

  • We're wearing matching South, guess where it's from, It could be anywhere from a store.

  • Oh, there's so many crumbs Alex, you're a classic crumb er actually coming is a dance style.

  • Really Krumping krumping, sorry.

  • Oh, cut it out, Keep it in.

  • We're not getting rid of that.

  • We have another another game to do with.

  • It's a me Mario super Mario Alex.

  • Only learned it today, so let's go easy.

  • All right, so this is the real thing.

  • If we screw up we drink.

  • Okay, alright, you start super Mario super Mario, it's only a little one because this might be quite a few times.

  • Okay, Pop Mario super Mario, super Mario super Mario super Mario.

  • It's rough.

  • I don't like this game.

  • Super Mario.

  • Thank you.

  • Thank you two.

  • Oh yeah, the best we've ever done right, We got to break that record now.

  • No se sarah misters.

  • I figured out singing every second word to a song is really hard.

  • That's hard.

  • But it's so fun.

  • Can you do that with the alphabet beep?

  • Deep eh?

  • G H J L.

  • Oh you're eating more.

  • I yeah, I wanted to have a fun conversation.

  • Girls talks it What?

  • I'm sweating Morning Bill thing.

  • I didn't have a topic in mind but I want to talk about something with you guys.

  • What are your biggest your life into pieces?

  • What's your biggest video?

  • Oh rejection.

  • Actually really scared of being eaten by a shock is terrifying.

  • Just swimming at the beach.

  • I'm always like shock.

  • Do you see them with?

  • No, if the song coming out with the song on the beach and I, they legally have to have a stereo attached to that.

  • Like there's no warning.

  • It's not, it's not, that's not cool.

  • Yeah.

  • Do you have a fear caterpillars really hate caterpillars or anything that wiggles?

  • I just don't like the tension they have on your body potentially.

  • Hey, how did you feel about the very hungry caterpillar?

  • Wasn't it wasn't a horror novel.

  • I only knew about that book when I came to Japan to teach english and those kids have those books.

  • Everyone had that kit.

  • I didn't like it.

  • You like, hey kids today, Hey, hey, what do you guys have just got a little something, something we're gonna put on a face to face mask.

  • It's gonna be very cool.

  • I e coli and also good for our skin.

  • This is actually something Alex recommended.

  • Hmm.

  • So it's my, what is it?

  • Sanrio character minds my melody.

  • You've got, I've got good on me.

  • I'm gonna go look in the mirror.

  • I'm just going to wing it.

  • I'm just gonna wing it.

  • Okay, all right, here we go.

  • Team.

  • That's actually cute.

  • Ready?

  • It actually looks pretty creepy.

  • Let us know down in the comments below how creepy from 1 to 2 times.

  • Yeah, these weren't cheap either.

  • They were like four bucks.

  • Age.

  • They better, they better give me like a beauty makeover.

  • Like they're mainly in it for the Hawaii factor, which in itself is not that, do I look cool?

  • I do we look, I don't want to go outside like this and be like, hello, how long do we leave Mawson usually 20 minutes.

  • Oh my God, wait, let me show you the packing.

  • So you guys know what I'm putting this.

  • It looks the same, right?

  • I've got my nose and then I guess this is the ear, this is me.

  • I'm a little little lamb and I'm like lamb.

  • Oh, that's funny.

  • Melodies are funny.

  • But then she buys a lamb outfit.

  • Sometimes this is Sarah's.

  • I think you always like the most accurate, terrible.

  • Just terrifying.

  • I think we all look a little bit scary.

  • We should take this selfie together.

  • Okay.

  • Yeah, it smells good.

  • Yeah, this is how terrifying.

  • So We just, we just leave this on for 10 minutes and then see how lush and I'm ready to, I'm ready to take it.

  • What if we take it off and it's like imprinted on our face now.

  • You just fell on my, are you taking yourself now?

  • I think it's time are we beautiful?

  • Yeah.

  • Dot thank you so much for coming a joy for our girls night.

  • We've just been hanging out having a good time and I'm glad you guys could be there with us too.

  • But now it's time for bed.

  • Thanks.

  • Yeah, organized.

  • Yeah, no worries.

  • This has been great.

  • It's such a nice B and B a really nice area and just super fun.

  • You guys are ever in a sock so definitely check out Airbnb is because there's a lot cute ones too then, and they're really like reasonably priced.

  • Let us know in the comments down below which face mask will haunt your nightmares.

  • C C c c c c c C.

  • Yeah.

  • See you.

  • See you.

  • See you.

  • Bye.

  • I'm the light was back.

  • Thanks.

  • Very useful.

  • They are helpful for fresh balls, gifts you, vitamin C.

  • I'm having grape juice.

  • Yeah.

Hello, everybody welcome back to Tokyo, Creative play army host Anna And today I'm here with Sarah and Alex.

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