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  • [door whirs]

  • [dramatic rock music playing]

  • We're close.

  • The scent of the enemy.

  • Of absence.

  • Darkness.

  • Death.

  • Where are we, Alfred?

  • [Alfred over radio] Stryker's Island.

  • You should be directly under

  • the venting tower for the tunnel.

  • Now look to your left,

  • you'll see a staircase to the machine room.

  • Thermal scan shows a cluster of people there.

  • [Batman] That's it.

  • Let's go.

  • [dramatic rock music resumes]

  • [The Flash] Right. Is there... Is there a plan?

  • Either of you?

  • [Wonder Woman] Don't engage alone.

  • We do this together.

  • I heard about you.

  • Didn't think you were real.

  • I'm real when it's useful.

  • [Steppenwolf] I grow tired of your silence.

  • Now tell me, where is the Mother Box?

  • [parademons chittering]

  • [hostages whimpering]

  • Please. We have families.

  • Then you have weakness.

  • Steppenwolf.

  • Okay, I'm guessing that's the bad guy.

  • Good guess.

  • I'm really, really missing Superman right now.

  • Circle to the other side.

  • We'll surround them and surprise him.

  • [shuddering]

  • You have been near a Mother Box.

  • The scent is on you.

  • I don't know what you're talking about.

  • -Where is it? -[Silas] Leave him alone!

  • He... He doesn't know.

  • [hostages exclaim]

  • [man] Wait, please, please!

  • [hostages whimpering]

  • [Silas grunting]

  • [Steppenwolf] You carry the scent, too. But stronger.

  • I will die before I tell you.

  • You'll die if you don't.

  • No!

  • [all exclaim]

  • Victor.

  • [Steppenwolf] Kill them both.

  • [weapon whirs]

  • [Wonder Woman grunts]

  • Ah, Amazon.

  • But not like your sisters.

  • Stronger.

  • [grunts]

  • [ancient lamentation music playing]

  • [Steppenwolf sighing]

  • [Wonder Woman grunts]

  • [growls]

  • [grunts]

  • [grunting]

  • Amazon. [grunts]

  • Hold!

  • This one will be mine.

  • I belong to no one.

  • [both grunting]

  • [Batman grunting]

  • Guys, this is not together.

  • Help get those people out of here.

  • I'll make sure these things follow me. [grunts]

  • [groans]

  • [grunts]

  • [Cyborg] Everybody, move!

  • A little quicker.

  • -Are you good? -Yeah.

  • I've got this. Keep moving.

  • [The Flash] This way.

  • [growls]

[door whirs]

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